# WickedPDF Global Configuration # # Use this to set up shared configuration options for your entire application. # Any of the configuration options shown here can also be applied to single # models by passing arguments to the `render :pdf` call. # # To learn more, check out the README: # # https://github.com/mileszs/wicked_pdf/blob/master/README.md WickedPdf.config = { # Path to the wkhtmltopdf executable: This usually isn't needed if using # one of the wkhtmltopdf-binary family of gems. # exe_path: '/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf', # or # exe_path: Gem.bin_path('wkhtmltopdf-binary', 'wkhtmltopdf') # Layout file to be used for all PDFs # (but can be overridden in `render :pdf` calls) # layout: 'pdf.html', }