module Pay # Adds Pay methods to ActiveRecord models module Attributes extend ActiveSupport::Concern module CustomerExtension extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do cattr_accessor :pay_default_payment_processor cattr_accessor :pay_stripe_customer_attributes cattr_accessor :pay_braintree_customer_attributes has_many :pay_customers, class_name: "Pay::Customer", as: :owner, inverse_of: :owner has_many :charges, through: :pay_customers, class_name: "Pay::Charge" has_many :subscriptions, through: :pay_customers, class_name: "Pay::Subscription" has_one :payment_processor, -> { where(default: true, deleted_at: nil) }, class_name: "Pay::Customer", as: :owner, inverse_of: :owner after_commit :cancel_active_pay_subscriptions!, on: [:destroy] Pay::Stripe.model_names << name if Pay::Stripe.enabled? end # Changes a user's payment processor # # This has several effects: # - Finds or creates a Pay::Customer for the process and marks it as default # - Removes the default flag from all other Pay::Customers # - Removes the default flag from all Pay::PaymentMethods def set_payment_processor(processor_name, allow_fake: false, **attributes) raise Pay::Error, "Processor `#{processor_name}` is not allowed" if processor_name.to_s == "fake_processor" && !allow_fake # Safety check to make sure this is a valid Pay processor klass = "Pay::#{processor_name.to_s.classify}::Customer".constantize raise ArgumentError, "not a valid payment processor" if klass.ancestors.exclude?(Pay::Customer) ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do pay_customers.update_all(default: false) pay_customer = processor_name, type: pay_customer.update!(attributes.merge(default: true)) end # Return new payment processor reload_payment_processor end def add_payment_processor(processor_name, allow_fake: false, **attributes) raise Pay::Error, "Processor `#{processor_name}` is not allowed" if processor_name.to_s == "fake_processor" && !allow_fake # Safety check to make sure this is a valid Pay processor klass = "Pay::#{processor_name.to_s.classify}::Customer".constantize raise ArgumentError, "not a valid payment processor" if klass.ancestors.exclude?(Pay::Customer) pay_customer = processor_name, type: pay_customer.update!(attributes) pay_customer end def payment_processor current_processor = super if current_processor.blank? && self.class.pay_default_payment_processor.present? set_payment_processor(self.class.pay_default_payment_processor, allow_fake: true) else current_processor end end def cancel_active_pay_subscriptions!!) end end module MerchantExtension extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do has_many :pay_merchants, class_name: "Pay::Merchant", as: :owner, inverse_of: :owner has_one :merchant_processor, -> { where(default: true) }, class_name: "Pay::Merchant", as: :owner, inverse_of: :owner end def set_merchant_processor(processor_name, **attributes) ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do pay_merchants.update_all(default: false) pay_merchant = pay_merchants.where(processor: processor_name, type: "Pay::#{processor_name.to_s.classify}::Merchant").first_or_initialize pay_merchant.update!(attributes.merge(default: true)) end # Return new payment processor reload_merchant_processor end end class_methods do def pay_customer(options = {}) include Billable::SyncCustomer include CustomerExtension self.pay_default_payment_processor = options[:default_payment_processor] self.pay_stripe_customer_attributes = options[:stripe_attributes] self.pay_braintree_customer_attributes = options[:braintree_attributes] end def pay_merchant(options = {}) include MerchantExtension end end end end