module Vedeu

  # Provides methods to be used by {Vedeu::ApplicationController}.
  module Controller

    # When included, provide these methods as class methods.
    module ClassMethods

      attr_writer :controller_name

      # Specifying the controller name in your controller provides
      # Vedeu with the means to route requests to different parts of
      # your application.
      # @example
      #   class YourController
      #     controller :your_controller
      #     # or...
      #     controller_name :your_controller
      #     # ... some code
      #   end
      # @param controller_name [Symbol] The name of the controller.
      # @return
      #   [Hash<Symbol => Hash<Symbol => String, Array<Symbol>>>]
      def controller(controller_name = nil)
        @controller_name = controller_name

      alias_method :controller_name, :controller

      # Specifying the action names in your controller provides Vedeu
      # with the means to route requests to different parts of your
      # application.
      # @example
      #   class YourController
      #     controller :your_controller
      #     action :show
      #     # or...
      #     actions :show, :list
      #     # or...
      #     action_name :show
      #     # ... some code
      #   end
      #   Vedeu.trigger(:_goto_,
      #                 :your_controller,
      #                 :show,
      #                 { some: :args })
      # @param action_names [Array<Symbol>, Symbol] A collection of
      #   action names or the name of the action.
      # @return [Array<Symbol>]
      def action(*action_names)
        action_names.each do |action_name|
          Vedeu::Runtime::Router.add_action(@controller_name, action_name)
      alias_method :action_name, :action
      alias_method :actions, :action

    end # ClassMethods

    # When this module is included in a class, provide ClassMethods as
    # class methods for the class.
    # @param klass [Class]
    # @return [void]
    def self.included(klass)

  end # Controller

end # Vedeu