/* vector_complex.c Ruby/GSL: Ruby extension library for GSL (GNU Scientific Library) (C) Copyright 2001-2006 by Yoshiki Tsunesada Ruby/GSL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include "rb_gsl_config.h" #include "rb_gsl_array.h" #include "rb_gsl_complex.h" EXTERN VALUE cgsl_complex; static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_inner_product(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj); static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_product_to_m(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj); // From vector_source.c void get_range_beg_en_n(VALUE range, double *beg, double *en, size_t *n, int *step); // // From vector_source.c void parse_subvector_args(int argc, VALUE *argv, size_t size, size_t *offset, size_t *stride, size_t *n); // From complex.c gsl_complex rb_gsl_obj_to_gsl_complex(VALUE obj, gsl_complex *z); static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_new(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { VALUE tmp; gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL; gsl_vector *x, *y; gsl_complex z, *z2 = NULL; size_t n, i; switch (argc) { case 1: switch (TYPE(argv[0])) { case T_FIXNUM: n = FIX2INT(argv[0]); v = gsl_vector_complex_calloc(n); if (v == NULL) rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "gsl_vector_complex_alloc failed"); break; case T_ARRAY: n = RARRAY_LEN(argv[0]); v = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(n); if (v == NULL) rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "gsl_vector_complex_alloc failed"); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { z2 = &z; tmp = rb_ary_entry(argv[0], i); if (TYPE(tmp) == T_ARRAY) { GSL_SET_REAL(z2, NUM2DBL(rb_ary_entry(tmp, 0))); GSL_SET_IMAG(z2, NUM2DBL(rb_ary_entry(tmp, 1))); } else if (COMPLEX_P(tmp)) { Data_Get_Struct(tmp, gsl_complex, z2); } else { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong argument type %s (Array or Complex expected)", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(tmp))); } gsl_vector_complex_set(v, i, *z2); } break; default: rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong argument type %s", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(argv[0]))); break; } break; default: if (argc == 2 && (VECTOR_P(argv[0]) && VECTOR_P(argv[1]))) { Data_Get_Struct(argv[0], gsl_vector, x); Data_Get_Struct(argv[1], gsl_vector, y); n = GSL_MIN_INT(x->size, y->size); v = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { z.dat[0] = gsl_vector_get(x, i); z.dat[1] = gsl_vector_get(y, i); gsl_vector_complex_set(v, i, z); } break; } n = argc; v = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(n); if (v == NULL) rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "gsl_vector_complex_alloc failed"); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (TYPE(argv[i]) == T_ARRAY) { GSL_SET_REAL(&z, NUM2DBL(rb_ary_entry(argv[i], 0))); GSL_SET_IMAG(&z, NUM2DBL(rb_ary_entry(argv[i], 1))); z2 = &z; } else if (COMPLEX_P(argv[i])) { Data_Get_Struct(argv[i], gsl_complex, z2); } else { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong argument type %s (Array or Complex expected)", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(argv[i]))); } gsl_vector_complex_set(v, i, *z2); } break; } return Data_Wrap_Struct(klass, 0, gsl_vector_complex_free, v); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_row_new(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_new(argc, argv, klass); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_calloc(VALUE klass, VALUE nn) { gsl_vector_complex *vc = NULL; CHECK_FIXNUM(nn); vc = gsl_vector_complex_calloc(FIX2INT(nn)); if (vc == NULL) rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "gsl_vector_complex_alloc failed"); return Data_Wrap_Struct(klass, 0, gsl_vector_complex_free, vc); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_size(VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); return INT2FIX(v->size); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_stride(VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); return INT2FIX(v->stride); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_owner(VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); return INT2FIX(v->owner); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_ptr(VALUE obj, VALUE i) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_complex, 0, NULL, gsl_vector_complex_ptr(v, FIX2INT(i))); } // TODO return Data_Wrap_Struct(VECTOR_COMPLEX_ROW_COL(obj),..." where appropriate static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_subvector(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj); static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_get(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj) { VALUE retval = Qnil; gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL, *vnew; gsl_complex *c = NULL; gsl_index *p; int i, k; size_t index, j; // If argc is not 1 or argv[0] is a Range if( argc != 1 || rb_obj_is_kind_of(argv[0], rb_cRange)) { // Treat as call to subvector retval = rb_gsl_vector_complex_subvector(argc, argv, obj); } else { Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); switch (TYPE(argv[0])) { case T_FIXNUM: CHECK_FIXNUM(argv[0]); i = FIX2INT(argv[0]); if (i < 0) index = (size_t) (v->size + i); else index = (size_t) i; c = ALLOC(gsl_complex); *c = gsl_vector_complex_get(v, index); retval = Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_complex, 0, free, c); break; case T_ARRAY: vnew = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(RARRAY_LEN(argv[0])); for (j = 0; j < vnew->size; j++) { i = FIX2INT(rb_ary_entry(argv[0], j)); if (i < 0) i = v->size + i; gsl_vector_complex_set(vnew, j, gsl_vector_complex_get(v, i)); } retval = Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_vector_complex, 0, gsl_vector_complex_free, vnew); break; default: if (PERMUTATION_P(argv[0])) { Data_Get_Struct(argv[0], gsl_index, p); vnew = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(p->size); for (j = 0; j < p->size; j++) { k = p->data[j]; if (k < 0) k = p->size + j; gsl_vector_complex_set(vnew, j, gsl_vector_complex_get(v, k)); } retval = Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_vector_complex, 0, gsl_vector_complex_free, vnew); } else { // TODO Support Vector::Int (and even Vector?) rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong argument type %s (Array, Range, GSL::Permutation, or Fixnum expected)", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(argv[0]))); } break; } } return retval; } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_set_all(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL; gsl_complex tmp; if (argc < 1) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments"); Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); switch (argc) { case 1: tmp = rb_gsl_obj_to_gsl_complex(argv[0], NULL); break; case 2: GSL_SET_COMPLEX(&tmp, NUM2DBL(argv[0]), NUM2DBL(argv[1])); break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments"); break; } gsl_vector_complex_set_all(v, tmp); return obj; } void rb_gsl_vector_complex_set_subvector(int argc, VALUE *argv, gsl_vector_complex *v, VALUE other) { gsl_vector_complex *vother; gsl_vector_complex_view vv; gsl_complex tmp; int step; size_t i, offset, stride, n, nother; double beg, end; // assignment to v.subvector(...) parse_subvector_args(argc, argv, v->size, &offset, &stride, &n); vv = gsl_vector_complex_subvector_with_stride(v, offset, stride, n); if(rb_obj_is_kind_of(other, cgsl_vector_complex)) { Data_Get_Struct(other, gsl_vector_complex, vother); if(n != vother->size) { rb_raise(rb_eRangeError, "lengths do not match (%d != %d)", (int) n, (int) vother->size); } // TODO Change to gsl_vector_complex_memmove if/when GSL has such a // function because gsl_vector_memcpy does not handle overlapping regions // (e.g. Views) well. gsl_vector_complex_memcpy(&vv.vector, vother); } else if(rb_obj_is_kind_of(other, rb_cArray)) { // TODO Support other forms of Array contents as well if(n != RARRAY_LEN(other)) { rb_raise(rb_eRangeError, "lengths do not match (%d != %d)", (int) n, (int) RARRAY_LEN(other)); } for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { tmp = rb_gsl_obj_to_gsl_complex(rb_ary_entry(other, i), NULL); gsl_vector_complex_set(&vv.vector, i, tmp); } } else if(rb_obj_is_kind_of(other, rb_cRange)) { get_range_beg_en_n(other, &beg, &end, ¬her, &step); if(n != nother) { rb_raise(rb_eRangeError, "lengths do not match (%d != %d)", (int) n, (int) nother); } GSL_SET_IMAG(&tmp, 0.0); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { GSL_SET_REAL(&tmp, beg); gsl_vector_complex_set(&vv.vector, i, tmp); beg += step; } } else { tmp = rb_gsl_obj_to_gsl_complex(argv[1], NULL); gsl_vector_complex_set_all(&vv.vector, tmp); } } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_set(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL; gsl_complex tmp; VALUE other; int ii; if(argc < 1 || argc > 4) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments (%d for 1-4)", argc); } Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); other = argv[argc-1]; if(argc == 1) { // // If assigning from another vector if(VECTOR_P(other) || VECTOR_COMPLEX_P(other)) { // treat as assignment to v.subvector(...) rb_gsl_vector_complex_set_subvector(argc-1, argv, v, other); } else { // treat as set_all rb_gsl_vector_complex_set_all(argc, argv, obj); } } else if(argc == 2 && TYPE(argv[0]) == T_FIXNUM) { // v[i] = x ii = FIX2INT(argv[0]); if(ii < 0) ii += v->size; // Get/make GSL::Complex from second arg tmp = gsl_vector_complex_get(v, ii); rb_gsl_obj_to_gsl_complex(argv[1], &tmp); gsl_vector_complex_set(v, (size_t)ii, tmp); } else { // assignment to v.subvector(...) rb_gsl_vector_complex_set_subvector(argc-1, argv, v, other); } return obj; } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_each(VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL; VALUE vz; gsl_complex * zp; size_t i; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); for (i = 0; i < v->size; i++) { vz = Data_Make_Struct(cgsl_complex, gsl_complex, 0, free, zp); *zp = gsl_vector_complex_get(v, i); rb_yield(vz); } return obj; } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_reverse_each(VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL; VALUE vz; gsl_complex * zp; size_t i; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); for (i = v->size-1; i >= 0; i--) { vz = Data_Make_Struct(cgsl_complex, gsl_complex, 0, free, zp); *zp = gsl_vector_complex_get(v, i); rb_yield(vz); } return obj; } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_each_index(VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL; size_t i; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); for (i = 0; i < v->size; i++) rb_yield(INT2FIX(i)); return obj; } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_reverse_each_index(VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL; size_t i; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); for (i = v->size-1; i >= 0; i--) { rb_yield(INT2FIX(i)); if (i == 0) break; } return obj; } static void rb_gsl_vector_complex_collect_native(gsl_vector_complex *src, gsl_vector_complex *dst) { VALUE vz; gsl_complex * zp; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < src->size; i++) { vz = Data_Make_Struct(cgsl_complex, gsl_complex, 0, free, zp); *zp = gsl_vector_complex_get(src, i); vz = rb_yield(vz); CHECK_COMPLEX(vz); Data_Get_Struct(vz, gsl_complex, zp); gsl_vector_complex_set(dst, i, *zp); } } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_collect(VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL, *vnew; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); vnew = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(v->size); rb_gsl_vector_complex_collect_native(v, vnew); return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_vector_complex, 0, gsl_vector_complex_free, vnew); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_collect_bang(VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); rb_gsl_vector_complex_collect_native(v, v); return obj; } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_set_zero(VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); gsl_vector_complex_set_zero(v); return obj; } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_set_basis(VALUE obj, VALUE ii) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL; CHECK_FIXNUM(ii); Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); gsl_vector_complex_set_basis(v, FIX2INT(ii)); return obj; } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_to_s(VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL; char buf[64]; size_t i; VALUE str; gsl_complex * z; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); if (v->size == 0) return rb_str_new2("[ ]"); str = rb_str_new2("[ "); if (VECTOR_COMPLEX_COL_P(obj)) { for (i = 0; i < v->size; i++) { if (i != 0) { rb_str_cat(str, " ", 2); } z = GSL_COMPLEX_AT(v, i); sprintf(buf, "[%4.3e %4.3e]", GSL_REAL(*z), GSL_IMAG(*z)); if (i != v->size-1) strcat(buf, "\n"); rb_str_cat(str, buf, strlen(buf)); if (i >= 10 && i != v->size-1) { rb_str_cat(str, " ...", 5); break; } } } else { z = GSL_COMPLEX_AT(v, 0); sprintf(buf, "[%4.3e %4.3e]", GSL_REAL(*z), GSL_IMAG(*z)); rb_str_cat(str, buf, strlen(buf)); for (i = 1; i < v->size; i++) { z = GSL_COMPLEX_AT(v, i); sprintf(buf, " [%4.3e %4.3e]", GSL_REAL(*z), GSL_IMAG(*z)); rb_str_cat(str, buf, strlen(buf)); if (i >= 10 && i != v->size-1) { rb_str_cat(str, " ...", 4); break; } } } rb_str_cat(str, " ]", 2); return str; } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_inspect(VALUE obj) { VALUE str; char buf[128]; gsl_vector_complex *v; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); sprintf(buf, "#<%s[%lu]:%#lx>\n", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(obj)), v->size, NUM2ULONG(rb_obj_id(obj))); str = rb_str_new2(buf); return rb_str_concat(str, rb_gsl_vector_complex_to_s(obj)); } /*static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_fprintf(VALUE obj, VALUE io, VALUE format)*/ static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_fprintf(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *h = NULL; FILE *fp = NULL; int status, flag = 0; if (argc != 1 && argc != 2) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments (%d for 1 or 2)", argc); } Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, h); fp = rb_gsl_open_writefile(argv[0], &flag); if (argc == 2) { Check_Type(argv[1], T_STRING); status = gsl_vector_complex_fprintf(fp, h, STR2CSTR(argv[1])); } else { status = gsl_vector_complex_fprintf(fp, h, "%4.3e"); } if (flag == 1) fclose(fp); return INT2FIX(status); } /*static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_printf(VALUE obj, VALUE format)*/ static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_printf(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *h = NULL; int status; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, h); if (argc == 1) { Check_Type(argv[0], T_STRING); status = gsl_vector_complex_fprintf(stdout, h, STR2CSTR(argv[0])); } else { status = gsl_vector_complex_fprintf(stdout, h, "%4.3e"); } return INT2FIX(status); } /* static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_print(VALUE obj); static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_inspect(VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *h = NULL; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, h); printf("%s\n", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(obj))); rb_gsl_vector_complex_print(obj); return Qtrue; } */ static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_print(VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *h = NULL; gsl_complex *z = NULL; size_t i; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, h); printf("[ "); if (VECTOR_COMPLEX_COL_P(obj)) { printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < h->size; i++) { z = GSL_COMPLEX_AT(h, i); printf(" [%4.3e %4.3e]\n", GSL_REAL(*z), GSL_IMAG(*z)); } } else { for (i = 0; i < h->size; i++) { z = GSL_COMPLEX_AT(h, i); printf("[%4.3e %4.3e] ", GSL_REAL(*z), GSL_IMAG(*z)); } } printf("]\n"); return obj; } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_fwrite(VALUE obj, VALUE io) { gsl_vector_complex *h = NULL; FILE *fp = NULL; int status, flag = 0; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, h); fp = rb_gsl_open_writefile(io, &flag); status = gsl_vector_complex_fwrite(fp, h); if (flag == 1) fclose(fp); return INT2FIX(status); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_fread(VALUE obj, VALUE io) { gsl_vector_complex *h = NULL; FILE *f = NULL; int status, flag = 0; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, h); f = rb_gsl_open_writefile(io, &flag); status = gsl_vector_complex_fread(f, h); if (flag == 1) fclose(f); return INT2FIX(status); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_fscanf(VALUE obj, VALUE io) { gsl_vector_complex *h = NULL; FILE *f = NULL; int status, flag = 0; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, h); f = rb_gsl_open_writefile(io, &flag); status = gsl_vector_complex_fscanf(f, h); if (flag == 1) fclose(f); return INT2FIX(status); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_real(VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *c = NULL; gsl_vector_view *vv = NULL; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, c); vv = gsl_vector_view_alloc(); *vv = gsl_vector_complex_real(c); if (VECTOR_COMPLEX_ROW_P(obj)) return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_vector_view, 0, gsl_vector_view_free, vv); else return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_vector_col_view, 0, gsl_vector_view_free, vv); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_imag(VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *c = NULL; gsl_vector_view *vv = NULL; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, c); vv = gsl_vector_view_alloc(); *vv = gsl_vector_complex_imag(c); if (VECTOR_COMPLEX_ROW_P(obj)) return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_vector_view, 0, gsl_vector_view_free, vv); else return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_vector_col_view, 0, gsl_vector_view_free, vv); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_set_real(VALUE obj, VALUE val) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL; gsl_vector_view vv; double d = NUM2DBL(val); Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); vv = gsl_vector_complex_real(v); gsl_vector_set_all(&vv.vector, d); return obj; } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_set_imag(VALUE obj, VALUE val) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL; gsl_vector_view vv; double d = NUM2DBL(val); Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); vv = gsl_vector_complex_imag(v); gsl_vector_set_all(&vv.vector, d); return obj; } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_conj(VALUE obj) { size_t i; gsl_vector_complex *vin = NULL; gsl_vector_complex *vout = NULL; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, vin); vout = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(vin->size); for(i=0; isize; i++) { gsl_vector_complex_set(vout, i, gsl_complex_conjugate( gsl_vector_complex_get(vin, i))); } return Data_Wrap_Struct(VECTOR_COMPLEX_ROW_COL(obj), 0, gsl_vector_complex_free, vout); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_conj_bang(VALUE obj) { size_t i; gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); for(i=0; isize; i++) { gsl_vector_complex_set(v, i, gsl_complex_conjugate( gsl_vector_complex_get(v, i))); } return obj; } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_to_a(VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *c = NULL; gsl_complex *z = NULL; size_t i, j; VALUE ary; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, c); ary = rb_ary_new2(c->size*2); for (i = 0, j = 0; i < c->size; i++, j+=2) { z = GSL_COMPLEX_AT(c, i); rb_ary_store(ary, j, rb_float_new(GSL_REAL(*z))); rb_ary_store(ary, j+1, rb_float_new(GSL_IMAG(*z))); } return ary; } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_to_a2(VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *c = NULL; gsl_complex *znew = NULL, *z = NULL; size_t i; VALUE ary, vz; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, c); ary = rb_ary_new2(c->size); for (i = 0; i < c->size; i++) { z = GSL_COMPLEX_AT(c, i); znew = make_complex(z->dat[0], z->dat[1]); vz = Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_complex, 0, free, znew); rb_ary_store(ary, i, vz); } return ary; } gsl_vector_complex_view* gsl_vector_complex_view_alloc() { gsl_vector_complex_view *vv = NULL; vv = ALLOC(gsl_vector_complex_view); if (vv == NULL) rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "malloc failed"); return vv; } void gsl_vector_complex_view_free(gsl_vector_view * vv) { free((gsl_vector_complex_view *) vv); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_subvector(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL; gsl_vector_complex_view *vv = NULL; size_t offset, stride, n; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); parse_subvector_args(argc, argv, v->size, &offset, &stride, &n); vv = gsl_vector_complex_view_alloc(); *vv = gsl_vector_complex_subvector_with_stride(v, offset, stride, n); if (VECTOR_COMPLEX_ROW_P(obj)) return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_vector_complex_view, 0, gsl_vector_complex_view_free, vv); else return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_vector_complex_col_view, 0, gsl_vector_complex_view_free, vv); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_subvector_with_stride(VALUE obj, VALUE o, VALUE s, VALUE nn) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL; gsl_vector_complex_view *vv = NULL; int offset; CHECK_FIXNUM(o); CHECK_FIXNUM(nn); CHECK_FIXNUM(s); offset = NUM2INT(o); Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); if(offset < 0) { offset += v->size; } vv = gsl_vector_complex_view_alloc(); *vv = gsl_vector_complex_subvector_with_stride(v, (size_t)offset, FIX2INT(s), FIX2INT(nn)); if (VECTOR_COMPLEX_ROW_P(obj)) return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_vector_complex_view, 0, gsl_vector_complex_view_free, vv); else return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_vector_complex_col_view, 0, gsl_vector_complex_view_free, vv); } /* singleton */ static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_memcpy(VALUE obj, VALUE dst, VALUE src) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL, *dest = NULL; CHECK_VECTOR_COMPLEX(dst); CHECK_VECTOR_COMPLEX(src); Data_Get_Struct(dst, gsl_vector_complex, dest); Data_Get_Struct(src, gsl_vector_complex, v); gsl_vector_complex_memcpy(dest, v); return dst; } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_clone(VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL, *vnew = NULL; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); vnew = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(v->size); if (vnew == NULL) rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "gsl_vector_complex_alloc failed"); gsl_vector_complex_memcpy(vnew, v); if (VECTOR_COMPLEX_ROW_P(obj)) return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_vector_complex, 0, gsl_vector_complex_free, vnew); else return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_vector_complex_col, 0, gsl_vector_complex_free, vnew); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_reverse(VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); gsl_vector_complex_reverse(v); return obj; } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_reverse2(VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL, *vnew = NULL; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); vnew = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(v->size); gsl_vector_complex_memcpy(vnew, v); gsl_vector_complex_reverse(vnew); if (VECTOR_COMPLEX_ROW_P(obj)) return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_vector_complex, 0, gsl_vector_complex_free, vnew); else return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_vector_complex_col, 0, gsl_vector_complex_free, vnew); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_swap_elements(VALUE obj, VALUE i, VALUE j) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL; CHECK_FIXNUM(i); CHECK_FIXNUM(j); Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); gsl_vector_complex_swap_elements(v, FIX2INT(i), FIX2INT(j)); return obj; } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_fftshift_bang(VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL; gsl_complex tmp; size_t i, n; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); n = v->size; if(n & 1) { // length is odd tmp = gsl_vector_complex_get(v,0); for(i = 0; i < n/2; i++) { gsl_vector_complex_set(v, i, gsl_vector_complex_get(v, i+n/2+1)); gsl_vector_complex_set(v, i+n/2+1, gsl_vector_complex_get(v, i+1)); } gsl_vector_complex_set(v, n/2, tmp); } else { // length is even for(i = 0; i < n/2; i++) { gsl_vector_complex_swap_elements(v, i, i+n/2); } } return obj; } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_fftshift(VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *v, *vnew; gsl_vector_complex_view vv, vvnew; size_t n; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); n = v->size; vnew = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(n); // Copy low to high vv = gsl_vector_complex_subvector(v, 0, (n+1)/2); vvnew = gsl_vector_complex_subvector(vnew, n/2, (n+1)/2); gsl_vector_complex_memcpy(&vvnew.vector, &vv.vector); // Copy high to low vv = gsl_vector_complex_subvector(v, (n+1)/2, n/2); vvnew = gsl_vector_complex_subvector(vnew, 0, n/2); gsl_vector_complex_memcpy(&vvnew.vector, &vv.vector); return Data_Wrap_Struct(VECTOR_COMPLEX_ROW_COL(obj), 0, gsl_vector_complex_free, vnew); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_ifftshift_bang(VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL; gsl_complex tmp; size_t i, n; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); n = v->size; if(n & 1) { // length is odd tmp = gsl_vector_complex_get(v,n/2); for(i = n/2; i > 0; i--) { gsl_vector_complex_set(v, i, gsl_vector_complex_get(v, i+n/2)); gsl_vector_complex_set(v, i+n/2, gsl_vector_complex_get(v, i-1)); } gsl_vector_complex_set(v, 0, tmp); } else { // length is even for(i = 0; i < n/2; i++) { gsl_vector_complex_swap_elements(v, i, i+n/2); } } return obj; } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_ifftshift(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_ifftshift_bang(rb_gsl_vector_complex_clone(obj)); gsl_vector_complex *v, *vnew; gsl_vector_complex_view vv, vvnew; size_t n; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); n = v->size; vnew = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(n); // Copy high to low vv = gsl_vector_complex_subvector(vnew, n/2, (n+1)/2); vvnew = gsl_vector_complex_subvector(v, 0, (n+1)/2); gsl_vector_complex_memcpy(&vvnew.vector, &vv.vector); // Copy low to high vv = gsl_vector_complex_subvector(vnew, 0, n/2); vvnew = gsl_vector_complex_subvector(v, (n+1)/2, n/2); gsl_vector_complex_memcpy(&vvnew.vector, &vv.vector); return Data_Wrap_Struct(VECTOR_COMPLEX_ROW_COL(obj), 0, gsl_vector_complex_free, vnew); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_isnull(VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); if (gsl_vector_complex_isnull(v)) return Qtrue; else return Qfalse; } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_matrix_view(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL; gsl_matrix_complex_view *mv = NULL; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); switch (argc) { case 2: mv = gsl_matrix_complex_view_alloc(); *mv = gsl_matrix_complex_view_vector(v, FIX2INT(argv[0]), FIX2INT(argv[1])); break; case 3: mv = gsl_matrix_complex_view_alloc(); *mv = gsl_matrix_complex_view_vector_with_tda(v, FIX2INT(argv[0]), FIX2INT(argv[1]), FIX2INT(argv[2])); break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments (%d for 2 or 3)", argc); break; } return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_matrix_complex_view, 0, gsl_matrix_complex_view_free, mv); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_matrix_view_with_tda(VALUE obj, VALUE nn1, VALUE nn2, VALUE tda) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL; gsl_matrix_complex_view *mv = NULL; CHECK_FIXNUM(nn1); CHECK_FIXNUM(nn2); CHECK_FIXNUM(tda); Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); mv = gsl_matrix_complex_view_alloc(); if (mv == NULL) rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "gsl_matrix_complex_alloc failed"); *mv = gsl_matrix_complex_view_vector_with_tda(v, FIX2INT(nn1), FIX2INT(nn2), FIX2INT(tda)); return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_matrix_complex_view, 0, gsl_matrix_complex_view_free, mv); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_trans(VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL, *vnew = NULL; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); vnew = make_vector_complex_clone(v); if (VECTOR_COMPLEX_ROW_P(obj)) return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_vector_complex_col, 0, gsl_vector_complex_free, vnew); else if (VECTOR_COMPLEX_COL_P(obj)) return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_vector_complex, 0, gsl_vector_complex_free, vnew); else { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong type"); } } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_trans2(VALUE obj) { if (CLASS_OF(obj) == cgsl_vector_complex) RBASIC(obj)->klass = cgsl_vector_complex_col; else if (CLASS_OF(obj) == cgsl_vector_complex_col) RBASIC(obj)->klass = cgsl_vector_complex; else { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "method trans! for %s is forbidden", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(obj))); } return obj; } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_to_real(VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *cv = NULL; gsl_vector *v = NULL; gsl_complex z; size_t i; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, cv); v = gsl_vector_alloc(cv->size); if (v == NULL) rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "gsl_vector_alloc failed"); for (i = 0; i < cv->size; i++) { z = gsl_vector_complex_get(cv, i); gsl_vector_set(v, i, GSL_REAL(z)); } if (VECTOR_COMPLEX_ROW_P(obj)) return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_vector, 0, gsl_vector_free, v); else return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_vector_col, 0, gsl_vector_free, v); } enum { GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_ADD, GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_SUB, GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_MUL, GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_DIV, GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_ADD_BANG, GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_SUB_BANG, GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_MUL_BANG, GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_DIV_BANG, }; static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_arithmetics(int flag, VALUE obj, VALUE bb); static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_arithmetics(int flag, VALUE obj, VALUE bb) { gsl_vector *b = NULL; gsl_vector_complex *cv = NULL, *cvnew = NULL, *cb = NULL; gsl_complex *c = NULL, z; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, cv); switch (flag) { case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_ADD: case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_SUB: case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_MUL: case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_DIV: cvnew = make_vector_complex_clone(cv); obj = Data_Wrap_Struct(VECTOR_COMPLEX_ROW_COL(obj), 0, gsl_vector_complex_free, cvnew); break; case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_ADD_BANG: case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_SUB_BANG: case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_MUL_BANG: case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_DIV_BANG: cvnew = cv; break; default: rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "unknown operation"); break; } switch (TYPE(bb)) { case T_FLOAT: case T_FIXNUM: case T_BIGNUM: z = gsl_complex_rect(NUM2DBL(bb), 0.0); switch (flag) { case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_ADD: case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_ADD_BANG: gsl_vector_complex_add_constant(cvnew, z); break; case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_SUB: case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_SUB_BANG: gsl_vector_complex_add_constant(cvnew, gsl_complex_negative(z)); break; case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_MUL: case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_MUL_BANG: gsl_vector_complex_scale(cvnew, z); break; case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_DIV: case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_DIV_BANG: gsl_vector_complex_scale(cvnew, gsl_complex_inverse(z)); break; } break; default: if (VECTOR_P(bb)) { Data_Get_Struct(bb, gsl_vector, b); cb = vector_to_complex(b); switch (flag) { case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_ADD: case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_ADD_BANG: gsl_vector_complex_add(cvnew, cb); break; case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_SUB: case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_SUB_BANG: gsl_vector_complex_sub(cvnew, cb); break; case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_MUL: case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_MUL_BANG: gsl_vector_complex_mul(cvnew, cb); break; case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_DIV: case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_DIV_BANG: gsl_vector_complex_div(cvnew, cb); break; } gsl_vector_complex_free(cb); } else if (VECTOR_COMPLEX_P(bb)) { Data_Get_Struct(bb, gsl_vector_complex, cb); switch (flag) { case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_ADD: case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_ADD_BANG: gsl_vector_complex_add(cvnew, cb); break; case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_SUB: case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_SUB_BANG: gsl_vector_complex_sub(cvnew, cb); break; case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_MUL: case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_MUL_BANG: gsl_vector_complex_mul(cvnew, cb); break; case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_DIV: case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_DIV_BANG: gsl_vector_complex_div(cvnew, cb); break; } } else if (COMPLEX_P(bb)) { Data_Get_Struct(bb, gsl_complex, c); switch (flag) { case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_ADD: case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_ADD_BANG: gsl_vector_complex_add_constant(cvnew, *c); break; case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_SUB: case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_SUB_BANG: gsl_vector_complex_add_constant(cvnew, gsl_complex_negative(*c)); break; case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_MUL: case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_MUL_BANG: gsl_vector_complex_scale(cvnew, *c); break; case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_DIV: case GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_DIV_BANG: gsl_vector_complex_scale(cvnew, gsl_complex_inverse(*c)); break; } } else { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong type argument %s", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(bb))); } break; } return obj; } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_add(VALUE obj, VALUE bb) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_arithmetics(GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_ADD, obj, bb); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_sub(VALUE obj, VALUE bb) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_arithmetics(GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_SUB, obj, bb); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_mul(VALUE obj, VALUE bb) { VALUE argv[2]; if (VECTOR_COMPLEX_ROW_P(obj) && VECTOR_COMPLEX_COL_P(bb)) { argv[0] = obj; argv[1] = bb; return rb_gsl_vector_complex_inner_product(2, argv, CLASS_OF(obj)); } if (VECTOR_COMPLEX_COL_P(obj) && VECTOR_COMPLEX_ROW_P(bb)) { argv[0] = obj; argv[1] = bb; return rb_gsl_vector_complex_product_to_m(2, argv, CLASS_OF(obj)); } return rb_gsl_vector_complex_arithmetics(GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_MUL, obj, bb); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_div(VALUE obj, VALUE bb) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_arithmetics(GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_DIV, obj, bb); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_add_bang(VALUE obj, VALUE bb) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_arithmetics(GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_ADD_BANG, obj, bb); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_sub_bang(VALUE obj, VALUE bb) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_arithmetics(GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_SUB_BANG, obj, bb); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_mul_bang(VALUE obj, VALUE bb) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_arithmetics(GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_MUL_BANG, obj, bb); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_div_bang(VALUE obj, VALUE bb) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_arithmetics(GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX_DIV_BANG, obj, bb); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_coerce(VALUE obj, VALUE other) { gsl_vector_complex *cv = NULL, *cb = NULL; gsl_complex z; VALUE vv; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, cv); switch (TYPE(other)) { case T_FLOAT: case T_FIXNUM: case T_BIGNUM: z = gsl_complex_rect(NUM2DBL(other), 0.0); cb = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(cv->size); if (cb == NULL) rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "gsl_vector_complex_alloc failed"); gsl_vector_complex_set_all(cb, z); vv = Data_Wrap_Struct(VECTOR_COMPLEX_ROW_COL(obj), 0, gsl_vector_complex_free, cb); return rb_ary_new3(2, vv, obj); break; default: rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "GSL::Vector::Complex, operation not defined"); break; } } /* 2.Aug.2004 */ static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_inner_product(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL, *v2 = NULL; gsl_complex prod, a, b, *z = NULL; size_t i; switch (TYPE(obj)) { case T_MODULE: case T_CLASS: case T_OBJECT: if (argc != 2) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments (%d for 2)", argc); if (!VECTOR_COMPLEX_ROW_P(argv[0])) rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong argument type %s (GSL::Vector::Complex expected)", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(argv[0]))); if (!VECTOR_COMPLEX_COL_P(argv[1])) rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong argument type %s (GSL::Vector::Complex::Col expected)", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(argv[1]))); Data_Get_Struct(argv[0], gsl_vector_complex, v); Data_Get_Struct(argv[1], gsl_vector_complex, v2); break; default: if (argc != 1) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments (%d for 1)", argc); if (!VECTOR_COMPLEX_COL_P(argv[0])) rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong argument type %s (GSL::Vector::Complex::Col expected)", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(argv[0]))); Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); Data_Get_Struct(argv[0], gsl_vector_complex, v2); break; } if (v->size != v2->size) rb_raise(rb_eRangeError, "vector lengths are different."); prod = gsl_complex_rect(0.0, 0.0); for (i = 0; i < v->size; i++) { a = gsl_vector_complex_get(v, i); b = gsl_vector_complex_get(v2, i); prod = gsl_complex_add(prod, gsl_complex_mul(a, b)); } z = ALLOC(gsl_complex); *z = prod; return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_complex, 0, free, z); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_product_to_m(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL, *v2 = NULL; gsl_matrix_complex *m = NULL; gsl_complex a, b; size_t i, j; switch (TYPE(obj)) { case T_MODULE: case T_CLASS: case T_OBJECT: if (argc != 2) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments (%d for 2)", argc); if (!VECTOR_COMPLEX_COL_P(argv[0])) rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong argument type %s (GSL::Vector::Complex::Col expected)", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(argv[0]))); if (!VECTOR_COMPLEX_ROW_P(argv[1])) rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong argument type %s (GSL::Vector::Complex expected)", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(argv[1]))); Data_Get_Struct(argv[0], gsl_vector_complex, v); Data_Get_Struct(argv[1], gsl_vector_complex, v2); break; default: if (argc != 1) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments (%d for 1)", argc); if (!VECTOR_COMPLEX_ROW_P(argv[0])) rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong argument type %s (GSL::Vector::Complex expected)", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(argv[0]))); Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); Data_Get_Struct(argv[0], gsl_vector_complex, v2); break; } m = gsl_matrix_complex_alloc(v->size, v2->size); for (i = 0; i < v->size; i++) { for (j = 0; j < v2->size; j++) { a = gsl_vector_complex_get(v, i); b = gsl_vector_complex_get(v2, j); gsl_matrix_complex_set(m, i, j, gsl_complex_mul(a, b)); } } return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_matrix_complex, 0, gsl_matrix_complex_free, m); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_uplus(VALUE obj) { return obj; } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_uminus(VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL, *vnew; size_t i; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); vnew = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(v->size); for (i = 0; i < v->size; i++) { gsl_vector_complex_set(vnew, i, gsl_complex_negative(gsl_vector_complex_get(v, i))); } return Data_Wrap_Struct(VECTOR_COMPLEX_ROW_COL(obj), 0, gsl_vector_complex_free, vnew); } /*****/ static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXX(VALUE obj, double (*f)(gsl_complex)) { gsl_vector_complex *m; gsl_vector *v; gsl_complex c; size_t i; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, m); v = gsl_vector_alloc(m->size); for (i = 0; i < m->size; i++) { c = gsl_vector_complex_get(m, i); gsl_vector_set(v, i, (*f)(c)); } return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_vector, 0, gsl_vector_free, v); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz(VALUE obj, gsl_complex (*f)(gsl_complex)) { gsl_vector_complex *m, *v; gsl_complex c; size_t i; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, m); v = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(m->size); for (i = 0; i < m->size; i++) { c = gsl_vector_complex_get(m, i); gsl_vector_complex_set(v, i, (*f)(c)); } return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_vector_complex, 0, gsl_vector_complex_free, v); } /* In-place version of rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz */ static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz_bang(VALUE obj, gsl_complex (*f)(gsl_complex)) { gsl_vector_complex *v; gsl_complex c; size_t i; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); for (i = 0; i < v->size; i++) { c = gsl_vector_complex_get(v, i); gsl_vector_complex_set(v, i, (*f)(c)); } return obj; } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz2(VALUE obj, VALUE a, gsl_complex (*f)(gsl_complex, gsl_complex)) { gsl_vector_complex *m, *v; gsl_complex c, *z; size_t i; CHECK_COMPLEX(a); Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, m); Data_Get_Struct(a, gsl_complex, z); v = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(m->size); for (i = 0; i < m->size; i++) { c = gsl_vector_complex_get(m, i); gsl_vector_complex_set(v, i, (*f)(c, *z)); } return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_vector_complex, 0, gsl_vector_complex_free, v); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz2_bang(VALUE obj, VALUE a, gsl_complex (*f)(gsl_complex, gsl_complex)) { gsl_vector_complex *v; gsl_complex c, *z; size_t i; CHECK_COMPLEX(a); Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); Data_Get_Struct(a, gsl_complex, z); for (i = 0; i < v->size; i++) { c = gsl_vector_complex_get(v, i); gsl_vector_complex_set(v, i, (*f)(c, *z)); } return obj; } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_abs2(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXX(obj, gsl_complex_abs2); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_abs(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXX(obj, gsl_complex_abs); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_logabs(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXX(obj, gsl_complex_logabs); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_arg(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXX(obj, gsl_complex_arg); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_sqrt(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz(obj, gsl_complex_sqrt); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_sqrt_bang(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz_bang(obj, gsl_complex_sqrt); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_exp(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz(obj, gsl_complex_exp); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_exp_bang(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz_bang(obj, gsl_complex_exp); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_pow(VALUE obj, VALUE a) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz2(obj, a, gsl_complex_pow); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_pow_bang(VALUE obj, VALUE a) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz2_bang(obj, a, gsl_complex_pow); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_log(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz(obj, gsl_complex_log); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_log_bang(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz_bang(obj, gsl_complex_log); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_log10(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz(obj, gsl_complex_log10); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_log10_bang(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz_bang(obj, gsl_complex_log10); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_log_b(VALUE obj, VALUE a) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz2(obj, a, gsl_complex_log_b); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_log_b_bang(VALUE obj, VALUE a) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz2_bang(obj, a, gsl_complex_log_b); } /* gsl_vector_complex_sum */ static gsl_complex rb_gsl_vector_complex_sum_gsl(gsl_vector_complex * v) { size_t i; gsl_complex z = gsl_complex_rect(0.0,0.0); for(i=0; isize; i++) { z = gsl_complex_add(z, gsl_vector_complex_get(v,i)); } return z; } /* gsl_vector_complex_mean */ static gsl_complex rb_gsl_vector_complex_mean_gsl(gsl_vector_complex * v) { gsl_complex z = rb_gsl_vector_complex_sum_gsl(v); return gsl_complex_div_real(z, (double)v->size); } /* gsl_vector_complex_tss_m */ static double rb_gsl_vector_complex_tss_m_gsl(gsl_vector_complex * v, gsl_complex mean) { size_t i; double tss = 0.0; for(i=0; isize; i++) { tss += gsl_complex_abs2(gsl_complex_sub(gsl_vector_complex_get(v,i), mean)); } return tss; } /* gsl_vector_complex_variance_m */ static double rb_gsl_vector_complex_variance_m_gsl(gsl_vector_complex * v, gsl_complex mean) { double tss = rb_gsl_vector_complex_tss_m_gsl(v, mean); return tss / (double)(v->size - 1); } /* gsl_vector_complex_variance_with_fixed_mean */ static double rb_gsl_vector_complex_variance_fm_gsl(gsl_vector_complex * v, gsl_complex mean) { double tss = rb_gsl_vector_complex_tss_m_gsl(v, mean); return tss / (double)(v->size); } /* gsl_vector_complex_sd_m */ static double rb_gsl_vector_complex_sd_m_gsl(gsl_vector_complex * v, gsl_complex mean) { double var = rb_gsl_vector_complex_variance_m_gsl(v, mean); return sqrt(var); } /* gsl_vector_complex_sd_with_fixed_mean */ static double rb_gsl_vector_complex_sd_fm_gsl(gsl_vector_complex * v, gsl_complex mean) { double var = rb_gsl_vector_complex_variance_fm_gsl(v, mean); return sqrt(var); } /* gsl_vector_complex_tss */ static double rb_gsl_vector_complex_tss_gsl(gsl_vector_complex * v) { gsl_complex mean = rb_gsl_vector_complex_mean_gsl(v); return rb_gsl_vector_complex_tss_m_gsl(v, mean); } /* gsl_vector_complex_variance */ static double rb_gsl_vector_complex_variance_gsl(gsl_vector_complex * v) { double tss = rb_gsl_vector_complex_tss_gsl(v); return tss / (double)(v->size - 1); } /* gsl_vector_complex_sd */ static double rb_gsl_vector_complex_sd_gsl(gsl_vector_complex * v) { double var = rb_gsl_vector_complex_variance_gsl(v); return sqrt(var); } /* Wrapper around stats funcs with prototype like * "gsl_complex func(gsl_vector_complex *v)" * (e.g. sum and mean) */ static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_z_stats_v(VALUE obj, gsl_complex (*func)(gsl_vector_complex*)) { gsl_vector_complex * v; gsl_complex * zp; VALUE zv; CHECK_VECTOR_COMPLEX(obj); Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); zv = Data_Make_Struct(cgsl_complex, gsl_complex, 0, free, zp); *zp = func(v); return zv; } /* Wrapper around stats funcs with prototype like * "double func(gsl_vector_complex *v)" * (e.g. tss, variance, sd) */ static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_d_stats_v(VALUE obj, double (*func)(gsl_vector_complex*)) { gsl_vector_complex * v; double d; CHECK_VECTOR_COMPLEX(obj); Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); d = func(v); return rb_float_new(d); } /* Wrapper around stats funcs with prototype like * "double func(gsl_vector_complex *v, gsl_complex z)" * (e.g. tss_m, variance_m, sd_m, variance_fm, sd_fm) */ static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_d_stats_v_z(VALUE obj, VALUE arg, double (*func)(gsl_vector_complex*, gsl_complex)) { gsl_vector_complex * v; gsl_complex z; gsl_complex * zp; double d; CHECK_VECTOR_COMPLEX(obj); Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); switch (TYPE(arg)) { case T_FLOAT: case T_FIXNUM: case T_BIGNUM: z = gsl_complex_rect(NUM2DBL(arg), 0.0); zp = &z; break; default: CHECK_COMPLEX(arg); Data_Get_Struct(arg, gsl_complex, zp); break; } d = func(v,*zp); return rb_float_new(d); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_sum(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_z_stats_v(obj, rb_gsl_vector_complex_sum_gsl); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_mean(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_z_stats_v(obj, rb_gsl_vector_complex_mean_gsl); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_tss_m(VALUE obj, VALUE arg) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_d_stats_v_z(obj, arg, rb_gsl_vector_complex_tss_m_gsl); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_variance_m(VALUE obj, VALUE arg) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_d_stats_v_z(obj, arg, rb_gsl_vector_complex_variance_m_gsl); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_variance_fm(VALUE obj, VALUE arg) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_d_stats_v_z(obj, arg, rb_gsl_vector_complex_variance_fm_gsl); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_sd_m(VALUE obj, VALUE arg) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_d_stats_v_z(obj, arg, rb_gsl_vector_complex_sd_m_gsl); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_sd_fm(VALUE obj, VALUE arg) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_d_stats_v_z(obj, arg, rb_gsl_vector_complex_sd_fm_gsl); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_tss(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_d_stats_v(obj, rb_gsl_vector_complex_tss_gsl); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_variance(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_d_stats_v(obj, rb_gsl_vector_complex_variance_gsl); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_sd(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_d_stats_v(obj, rb_gsl_vector_complex_sd_gsl); } /*****/ static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_sin(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz(obj, gsl_complex_sin); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_cos(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz(obj, gsl_complex_cos); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_tan(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz(obj, gsl_complex_tan); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_sec(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz(obj, gsl_complex_sec); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_csc(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz(obj, gsl_complex_csc); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_cot(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz(obj, gsl_complex_cot); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_arcsin(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz(obj, gsl_complex_arcsin); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_arccos(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz(obj, gsl_complex_arccos); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_arctan(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz(obj, gsl_complex_arctan); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_arcsec(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz(obj, gsl_complex_arcsec); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_arccsc(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz(obj, gsl_complex_arccsc); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_arccot(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz(obj, gsl_complex_arccot); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_sinh(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz(obj, gsl_complex_sinh); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_cosh(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz(obj, gsl_complex_cosh); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_tanh(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz(obj, gsl_complex_tanh); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_sech(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz(obj, gsl_complex_sech); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_csch(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz(obj, gsl_complex_csch); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_coth(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz(obj, gsl_complex_coth); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_arcsinh(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz(obj, gsl_complex_arcsinh); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_arccosh(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz(obj, gsl_complex_arccosh); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_arctanh(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz(obj, gsl_complex_arctanh); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_arcsech(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz(obj, gsl_complex_arcsech); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_arccsch(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz(obj, gsl_complex_arccsch); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_arccoth(VALUE obj) { return rb_gsl_vector_complex_XXXz(obj, gsl_complex_arccoth); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_concat(VALUE obj, VALUE other) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL, *v2 = NULL, *vnew = NULL; gsl_vector_complex_view vv; gsl_complex tmp; VALUE x; double beg, end; int step; size_t i, size2; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); switch(TYPE(other)) { case T_FIXNUM: case T_BIGNUM: case T_FLOAT: vnew = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(v->size + 1); vv = gsl_vector_complex_subvector(vnew, 0, v->size); gsl_vector_complex_memcpy(&vv.vector, v); gsl_vector_complex_set(vnew, v->size, rb_gsl_obj_to_gsl_complex(other, NULL)); break; case T_ARRAY: size2 = RARRAY_LEN(other); vnew = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(v->size + size2); vv = gsl_vector_complex_subvector(vnew, 0, v->size); gsl_vector_complex_memcpy(&vv.vector, v); for (i = 0; i < size2; i++) { x = rb_ary_entry(other, i); gsl_vector_complex_set(vnew, v->size + i, rb_gsl_obj_to_gsl_complex(x, NULL)); } break; default: if(rb_obj_is_kind_of(other, cgsl_complex)) { vnew = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(v->size + 1); vv = gsl_vector_complex_subvector(vnew, 0, v->size); gsl_vector_complex_memcpy(&vv.vector, v); gsl_vector_complex_set(vnew, v->size, rb_gsl_obj_to_gsl_complex(other, NULL)); } else if(rb_obj_is_kind_of(other, rb_cRange)) { get_range_beg_en_n(other, &beg, &end, &size2, &step); vnew = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(v->size + size2); vv = gsl_vector_complex_subvector(vnew, 0, v->size); gsl_vector_complex_memcpy(&vv.vector, v); GSL_SET_COMPLEX(&tmp, beg, 0.0); for (i = 0; i < size2; i++) { gsl_vector_complex_set(vnew, v->size + i, tmp); GSL_SET_REAL(&tmp, GSL_REAL(tmp) + step); } } else if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(other, cgsl_vector_complex)) { Data_Get_Struct(other, gsl_vector_complex, v2); size2 = v2->size; vnew = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(v->size + size2); vv = gsl_vector_complex_subvector(vnew, 0, v->size); gsl_vector_complex_memcpy(&vv.vector, v); vv = gsl_vector_complex_subvector(vnew, v->size, size2); gsl_vector_complex_memcpy(&vv.vector, v2); } else { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong argument type %s (Array, Numeric, Range, GSL::Complex, or %s expected)", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(other)), rb_class2name(cgsl_vector_complex)); } break; } return Data_Wrap_Struct(VECTOR_COMPLEX_ROW_COL(obj), 0, gsl_vector_complex_free, vnew); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_block(VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL; Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_block_complex, 0, NULL, v->block); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_indgen_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv[], VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL; double start = 0.0, step = 1.0, x; size_t i; switch (argc) { case 0: break; case 1: start = NUM2DBL(argv[0]); break; case 2: start = NUM2DBL(argv[0]); step = NUM2DBL(argv[1]); break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Wrong number of arguments (%d for 0-2)", argc); } Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); for (i = 0, x = start; i < v->size; i++, x += step) { gsl_vector_complex_set(v, i, gsl_complex_rect(x,0)); } return obj; } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_indgen(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *v = NULL, *vnew; double start = 0, step = 1, x; size_t i; switch (argc) { case 0: break; case 1: start = NUM2DBL(argv[0]); break; case 2: start = NUM2DBL(argv[0]); step = NUM2DBL(argv[1]); break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Wrong number of arguments (%d for 0-2)", argc); } Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v); vnew = gsl_vector_complex_calloc(v->size); for (i = 0, x = start; i < vnew->size; i++, x += step) { gsl_vector_complex_set(vnew, i, gsl_complex_rect(x,0)); } return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_vector_complex, 0, gsl_vector_complex_free, vnew); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_indgen_singleton(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *vnew; double start = 0, step = 1, x; size_t n, i; switch (argc) { case 1: n = (size_t) FIX2INT(argv[0]); break; case 2: n = (size_t) FIX2INT(argv[0]); start = NUM2DBL(argv[1]); break; case 3: n = (size_t) FIX2INT(argv[0]); start = NUM2DBL(argv[1]); step = NUM2DBL(argv[2]); break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Wrong number of arguments (%d for 0-3)",argc); } vnew = gsl_vector_complex_calloc(n); for (i = 0, x = start; i < vnew->size; i++, x += step) { gsl_vector_complex_set(vnew, i, gsl_complex_rect(x,0)); } return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_vector_complex, 0, gsl_vector_complex_free, vnew); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_phasor_singleton(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *vnew; double start, step, theta; size_t n, i; switch (argc) { case 1: n = (size_t) FIX2INT(argv[0]); start = 0; step = 2 * M_PI / n; break; case 2: n = (size_t) FIX2INT(argv[0]); start = NUM2DBL(argv[1]); step = 2 * M_PI / n; break; case 3: n = (size_t) FIX2INT(argv[0]); start = NUM2DBL(argv[1]); step = NUM2DBL(argv[2]); break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Wrong number of arguments (%d for 0-3)",argc); } vnew = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(n); for (i = 0, theta = start; i < vnew->size; i++, theta += step) { gsl_vector_complex_set(vnew, i, gsl_complex_polar(1.0,theta)); } return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_vector_complex, 0, gsl_vector_complex_free, vnew); } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_zip(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *v0, **vp, *vnew; VALUE ary; size_t i, j; int argc2; VALUE *argv2; gsl_complex zzero = gsl_complex_rect(0, 0); if (VECTOR_COMPLEX_P(obj)) { Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v0); argc2 = argc; argv2 = argv; } else { if (argc < 1) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Too few arguments."); Data_Get_Struct(argv[0], gsl_vector_complex, v0); argc2 = argc - 1; argv2 = argv + 1; } for (i = 0; i < argc2; i++) { CHECK_VECTOR_COMPLEX(argv2[i]); } vp = (gsl_vector_complex**) malloc(sizeof(gsl_vector_complex**)); for (i = 0; i < argc2; i++) { Data_Get_Struct(argv2[i], gsl_vector_complex, vp[i]); } ary = rb_ary_new2(v0->size); for (i = 0; i < v0->size; i++) { vnew = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(argc2 + 1); gsl_vector_complex_set(vnew, 0, gsl_vector_complex_get(v0, i)); for (j = 0; j < argc2; j++) { if (i < vp[j]->size) { gsl_vector_complex_set(vnew, j+1, gsl_vector_complex_get(vp[j], i)); } else { gsl_vector_complex_set(vnew, j+1, zzero); } } rb_ary_store(ary, i, Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_vector_complex, 0, gsl_vector_complex_free, vnew)); } free((gsl_vector_complex**) vp); return ary; } static int gsl_vector_complex_equal(const gsl_vector_complex *v1, const gsl_vector_complex *v2, double eps) { gsl_complex z1, z2; size_t i; if (v1->size != v2->size) return 0; for (i = 0; i < v1->size; i++) { z1 = gsl_vector_complex_get(v1, i); z2 = gsl_vector_complex_get(v2, i); if (!rbgsl_complex_equal(&z1, &z2, eps)) return 0; } return 1; } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_equal(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj) { gsl_vector_complex *v1, *v2; double eps = 1e-8; int ret; switch (argc) { case 1: eps = 1e-8; break; case 2: eps = NUM2DBL(argv[1]); break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Wrong number of arguments (%d for 1 or 2)\n", argc); } Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector_complex, v1); CHECK_VECTOR_COMPLEX(argv[0]); Data_Get_Struct(argv[0], gsl_vector_complex, v2); ret = gsl_vector_complex_equal(v1, v2, eps); if (ret == 1) return Qtrue; else return Qfalse; } static VALUE rb_gsl_vector_complex_not_equal(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj) { VALUE ret; ret = rb_gsl_vector_complex_equal(argc, argv, obj); if (ret == Qtrue) return Qfalse; else return Qtrue; } void Init_gsl_vector_complex(VALUE module) { rb_define_singleton_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "new", rb_gsl_vector_complex_new, -1); rb_define_singleton_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "[]", rb_gsl_vector_complex_new, -1); rb_define_singleton_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "alloc", rb_gsl_vector_complex_new, -1); rb_define_singleton_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "calloc", rb_gsl_vector_complex_calloc, 1); rb_define_singleton_method(cgsl_vector_complex_col, "new", rb_gsl_vector_complex_row_new, -1); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "size", rb_gsl_vector_complex_size, 0); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "len", "size"); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "length", "size"); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "stride", rb_gsl_vector_complex_stride, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "owner", rb_gsl_vector_complex_owner, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "get", rb_gsl_vector_complex_get, -1); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "[]", "get"); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "ptr", rb_gsl_vector_complex_ptr, 1); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "set", rb_gsl_vector_complex_set, -1); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "[]=", "set"); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "set_all", rb_gsl_vector_complex_set_all, -1); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "each", rb_gsl_vector_complex_each, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "reverse_each", rb_gsl_vector_complex_reverse_each, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "each_index", rb_gsl_vector_complex_each_index, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "reverse_each_index", rb_gsl_vector_complex_reverse_each_index, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "collect", rb_gsl_vector_complex_collect, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "collect!", rb_gsl_vector_complex_collect_bang, 0); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "map", "collect"); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "map!", "collect!"); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "set_zero", rb_gsl_vector_complex_set_zero, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "set_basis", rb_gsl_vector_complex_set_basis, 1); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "to_s", rb_gsl_vector_complex_to_s, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "fprintf", rb_gsl_vector_complex_fprintf, -1); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "printf", rb_gsl_vector_complex_printf, -1); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "print", rb_gsl_vector_complex_print, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "inspect", rb_gsl_vector_complex_inspect, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "fwrite", rb_gsl_vector_complex_fwrite, 1); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "fread", rb_gsl_vector_complex_fread, 1); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "fscanf", rb_gsl_vector_complex_fscanf, 1); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "real", rb_gsl_vector_complex_real, 0); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "re", "real"); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "imag", rb_gsl_vector_complex_imag, 0); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "im", "imag"); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "set_real", rb_gsl_vector_complex_set_real, 1); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "real=", "set_real"); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "re=", "set_real"); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "set_imag", rb_gsl_vector_complex_set_imag, 1); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "imag=", "set_imag"); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "im=", "set_imag"); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "conj", rb_gsl_vector_complex_conj, 0); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "conjugate", "conj"); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "conj!", rb_gsl_vector_complex_conj_bang, 0); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "conjugate!", "conj!"); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "to_a", rb_gsl_vector_complex_to_a, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "to_a2", rb_gsl_vector_complex_to_a2, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "subvector", rb_gsl_vector_complex_subvector, -1); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "view", "subvector"); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "subvector_with_stride", rb_gsl_vector_complex_subvector_with_stride, 3); rb_define_singleton_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "memcpy", rb_gsl_vector_complex_memcpy, 2); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "clone", rb_gsl_vector_complex_clone, 0); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "duplicate", "clone"); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "dup", "clone"); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "reverse!", rb_gsl_vector_complex_reverse, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "reverse", rb_gsl_vector_complex_reverse2, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "swap_elements", rb_gsl_vector_complex_swap_elements, 2); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "fftshift!", rb_gsl_vector_complex_fftshift_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "fftshift", rb_gsl_vector_complex_fftshift, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "ifftshift!", rb_gsl_vector_complex_ifftshift_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "ifftshift", rb_gsl_vector_complex_ifftshift, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "isnull", rb_gsl_vector_complex_isnull, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "matrix_view", rb_gsl_vector_complex_matrix_view, -1); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "matrix_view_with_tda", rb_gsl_vector_complex_matrix_view_with_tda, -1); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "trans", rb_gsl_vector_complex_trans, 0); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "transpose", "trans"); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "trans!", rb_gsl_vector_complex_trans2, 0); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "transpose!", "trans!"); /*****/ rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "col", "trans"); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "col!", "trans!"); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex_col, "row", "trans"); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex_col, "row!", "trans!"); /*****/ rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "to_real", rb_gsl_vector_complex_to_real, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "add", rb_gsl_vector_complex_add, 1); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "sub", rb_gsl_vector_complex_sub, 1); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "mul", rb_gsl_vector_complex_mul, 1); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "div", rb_gsl_vector_complex_div, 1); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "add!", rb_gsl_vector_complex_add_bang, 1); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "sub!", rb_gsl_vector_complex_sub_bang, 1); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "mul!", rb_gsl_vector_complex_mul_bang, 1); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "div!", rb_gsl_vector_complex_div_bang, 1); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "+", "add"); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "add_constant", "add"); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "add_constant!", "add!"); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "-", "sub"); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "*", "mul"); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "scale", "mul"); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "scale!", "mul!"); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "/", "div"); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "coerce", rb_gsl_vector_complex_coerce, 1); /* 2.Aug.2004 */ rb_define_singleton_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "inner_product", rb_gsl_vector_complex_inner_product, -1); rb_define_singleton_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "dot", rb_gsl_vector_complex_inner_product, -1); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "inner_product", rb_gsl_vector_complex_inner_product, -1); /* rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "dot", "inner_product");*/ /*****/ rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "-@", rb_gsl_vector_complex_uminus, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "+@", rb_gsl_vector_complex_uplus, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "abs2", rb_gsl_vector_complex_abs2, 0); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "square", "abs2"); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "abs", rb_gsl_vector_complex_abs, 0); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "amp", "abs"); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "mag", "abs"); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "arg", rb_gsl_vector_complex_arg, 0); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "angle", "arg"); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "phase", "arg"); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "logabs", rb_gsl_vector_complex_logabs, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "sqrt", rb_gsl_vector_complex_sqrt, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "sqrt!", rb_gsl_vector_complex_sqrt_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "exp", rb_gsl_vector_complex_exp, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "exp!", rb_gsl_vector_complex_exp_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "pow", rb_gsl_vector_complex_pow, 1); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "pow!", rb_gsl_vector_complex_pow_bang, 1); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "log", rb_gsl_vector_complex_log, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "log!", rb_gsl_vector_complex_log_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "log10", rb_gsl_vector_complex_log10, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "log10!", rb_gsl_vector_complex_log10_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "log_b", rb_gsl_vector_complex_log_b, 1); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "log_b!", rb_gsl_vector_complex_log_b_bang, 1); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "sum", rb_gsl_vector_complex_sum, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "mean", rb_gsl_vector_complex_mean, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "tss", rb_gsl_vector_complex_tss, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "tss_m", rb_gsl_vector_complex_tss_m, 1); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "variance", rb_gsl_vector_complex_variance, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "variance_m", rb_gsl_vector_complex_variance_m, 1); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "variance_fm", rb_gsl_vector_complex_variance_fm, 1); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "sd", rb_gsl_vector_complex_sd, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "sd_m", rb_gsl_vector_complex_sd_m, 1); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "sd_fm", rb_gsl_vector_complex_sd_fm, 1); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "sin", rb_gsl_vector_complex_sin, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "cos", rb_gsl_vector_complex_cos, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "tan", rb_gsl_vector_complex_tan, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "sec", rb_gsl_vector_complex_sec, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "csc", rb_gsl_vector_complex_csc, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "cot", rb_gsl_vector_complex_cot, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "arcsin", rb_gsl_vector_complex_arcsin, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "arccos", rb_gsl_vector_complex_arccos, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "arctan", rb_gsl_vector_complex_arctan, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "arcsec", rb_gsl_vector_complex_arcsec, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "arccsc", rb_gsl_vector_complex_arccsc, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "arccot", rb_gsl_vector_complex_arccot, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "sinh", rb_gsl_vector_complex_sinh, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "cosh", rb_gsl_vector_complex_cosh, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "tanh", rb_gsl_vector_complex_tanh, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "sech", rb_gsl_vector_complex_sech, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "csch", rb_gsl_vector_complex_csch, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "coth", rb_gsl_vector_complex_coth, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "arcsinh", rb_gsl_vector_complex_arcsinh, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "arccosh", rb_gsl_vector_complex_arccosh, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "arctanh", rb_gsl_vector_complex_arctanh, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "arcsech", rb_gsl_vector_complex_arcsech, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "arccsch", rb_gsl_vector_complex_arccsch, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "arccoth", rb_gsl_vector_complex_arccoth, 0); /*****/ rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "concat", rb_gsl_vector_complex_concat, 1); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "block", rb_gsl_vector_complex_block, 0); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "indgen", rb_gsl_vector_complex_indgen, -1); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "indgen!", rb_gsl_vector_complex_indgen_bang, -1); rb_define_singleton_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "indgen", rb_gsl_vector_complex_indgen_singleton, -1); rb_define_singleton_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "phasor", rb_gsl_vector_complex_phasor_singleton, -1); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "zip", rb_gsl_vector_complex_zip, -1); rb_define_singleton_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "zip", rb_gsl_vector_complex_zip, -1); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "equal?", rb_gsl_vector_complex_equal, -1); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "==", "equal?"); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex, "not_equal?", rb_gsl_vector_complex_not_equal, -1); rb_define_alias(cgsl_vector_complex, "!=", "not_equal?"); }