def run_card_migration core_or_deck prepare_migration verbose = ENV["VERBOSE"] ? ENV["VERBOSE"] == "true" : true Cardio::Schema.migrate core_or_deck, version, verbose end def prepare_migration Card::Cache.reset_all ENV["SCHEMA"] ||= "#{Cardio.gem_root}/db/schema.rb" Card::Cache.reset_all Card.config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries = false Card.reset_column_information # this is needed in production mode to insure core db Card::Reference.reset_column_information # structures are loaded before schema_mode is set end # @param mod [Boolean] if true reset column information for models defined in # in mods in the deck def reset_column_information mod=false Rails.application.eager_load! load_mod_lib if mod && !ENV["NO_CARD_LOAD"] Cardio::Record.descendants.each(&:reset_column_information) end # FIXME: too general # intent is to find Record classes; this gets a lot more. def load_mod_lib Dir.glob(Cardio.root.join("mod/*/lib/*.rb")).sort.each { |x| require x } end def without_dumping ActiveRecord::Base.dump_schema_after_migration = false yield end namespace :card do desc "migrate structure and cards" task migrate: :environment do ENV["NO_RAILS_CACHE"] = "true" ENV["SCHEMA"] ||= "#{Cardio.gem_root}/db/schema.rb" stamp = ENV["STAMP_MIGRATIONS"] puts "migrating structure" Rake::Task["card:migrate:structure"].invoke Rake::Task["card:migrate:stamp"].invoke :structure if stamp puts "migrating deck structure" Rake::Task["card:migrate:deck_structure"].execute if stamp Rake::Task["card:migrate:stamp"].reenable Rake::Task["card:migrate:stamp"].invoke :core_cards end puts "migrating core cards" Card::Cache.reset_all # not invoke because we don't want to reload environment Rake::Task["card:migrate:core_cards"].execute if stamp Rake::Task["card:migrate:stamp"].reenable Rake::Task["card:migrate:stamp"].invoke :core_cards end puts "migrating deck cards" # not invoke because we don't want to reload environment Rake::Task["card:migrate:deck_cards"].execute if stamp Rake::Task["card:migrate:stamp"].reenable Rake::Task["card:migrate:stamp"].invoke :deck_cards end Card::Cache.reset_all end namespace :migrate do desc "migrate cards" task cards: %i[core_cards deck_cards] desc "migrate structure" task structure: :environment do ENV["SCHEMA"] ||= "#{Cardio.gem_root}/db/schema.rb" without_dumping do Cardio::Schema.migrate :structure, version end end desc "migrate core cards" task core_cards: :environment do without_dumping do require "cardio/migration/core" run_card_migration :core_cards end end desc "migrate deck structure" task deck_structure: :environment do migrate_deck_structure reset_column_information end def migrate_deck_structure require "cardio/migration/deck_structure" set_schema_path Cardio::Schema.migrate :deck, version Rake::Task["db:_dump"].invoke # write schema.rb reset_column_information true end def set_schema_path schema_dir = "#{Cardio.root}/db" Dir.mkdir schema_dir unless Dir.exist? schema_dir ENV["SCHEMA"] = "#{schema_dir}/schema.rb" end desc "migrate deck cards" task deck_cards: :environment do require "cardio/migration" run_card_migration :deck_cards end desc "Redo the deck cards migration given by VERSION." task redo: :environment do version = ENV["VERSION"] ? ENV["VERSION"].to_i : nil verbose = ENV["VERBOSE"] ? ENV["VERBOSE"] == "true" : true raise "VERSION is required" unless version ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = verbose ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration.where(version: version.to_s).delete_all Cardio::Schema.migrate :deck_cards, version end # maybe we should move this to a method? desc "write the version to a file (not usually called directly)" task :stamp, [:type] => [:environment] do |_t, args| ENV["SCHEMA"] ||= "#{Cardio.gem_root}/db/schema.rb" Cardio.config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries = false stamp_file = Cardio::Schema.stamp_path args[:type] Cardio::Schema.mode args[:type] do version = ActiveRecord::Migrator.current_version if version.to_i.positive? && (file =, "w")) puts ">> writing version: #{version} to #{stamp_file}" file.puts version end end end end end