begin require 'lunar' rescue LoadError raise "You have to install Lunar in order to use Ohm::LunarMacros." end module Ohm module LunarMacros def self.included(base) base.send :include, Ohm::Callbacks base.after :save, :update_lunar_index base.after :delete, :delete_lunar_index base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def fuzzy(*atts) lunar_fields(:fuzzy, *atts) end def text(*atts) lunar_fields(:text, *atts) end def number(*atts) lunar_fields(:number, *atts) end def sortable(*atts) lunar_fields(:sortable, *atts) end def lunar_fields(type, *atts) @lunar_fields ||= { |h, k| h[k] = [] } atts.each { |att| @lunar_fields[type] << att unless @lunar_fields[type].include?(att) } @lunar_fields[type] end end def update_lunar_index Lunar.index self.class do |i| id [:fuzzy, :text, :number, :sortable].each do |type| self.class.lunar_fields(type).each do |field| value = send(field) if type == :text and value.kind_of?(Enumerable) i.text field, value.join(' ') unless value.empty? else i.send type, field, value unless value.to_s.empty? end end end end end protected def delete_lunar_index Lunar.delete self.class, id end end end