module Origen module Specs autoload :Spec, 'origen/specs/spec' autoload :Note, 'origen/specs/note' autoload :Exhibit, 'origen/specs/exhibit' autoload :Doc_Resource, 'origen/specs/doc_resource.rb' autoload :Override, 'origen/specs/override.rb' autoload :Power_Supply, 'origen/specs/power_supply.rb' autoload :Mode_Select, 'origen/specs/mode_select.rb' autoload :Version_History, 'origen/specs/version_history.rb' autoload :Creation_Info, 'origen/specs/creation_info.rb' require_relative 'specs/checkers' attr_accessor :_specs, :_notes, :_exhibits, :_doc_resources, :_overrides, :_power_supplies, :_mode_selects, :_version_history, :_creation_info SPEC_TYPES = [:dc, :ac, :temperature, :supply] NOTE_TYPES = [:spec, :doc, :mode, :feature, :sighting] SpecTableAttr =, :show, :padding) # Returns a hash of hash containing all specs/modes # If no spec is specified then all specs are returned via inspect # If a spec is specified, a spec object will be returned if found # in the current mode. If a mode option is passed and no spec # is passed it will filter the specs inspect display by the mode # and visa-versa def specs(s = nil, options = {}) options = { type: nil, sub_type: nil, mode: current_mode.nil? ? nil :, spec: nil, verbose: false, creating_spec: false }.update(options) _specs if s.nil? return show_specs(options) elsif s.is_a? Hash # no spec was passed but some option was passed options.update(s) return show_specs(options) else # a spec was passed options[:spec] = s return show_specs(options) end end # Define and instantiate a Spec object def spec(name, type, mode = nil, &block) _specs name = name_audit(name) fail 'Specification names must be of SPEC_TYPES Symbol or String and cannot start with a number' if name.nil? fail "Spec type must be one of #{SPEC_TYPES.join(', ')}" unless SPEC_TYPES.include? type type = type mode = get_mode if mode.nil? owner_name = '' if self.respond_to?(:name) && send(:name) owner_name = elsif self == Origen.top_level owner_name = self.class.to_s.split('::').last.downcase.to_sym else owner_name = self.class.to_s.split('::').last.downcase.to_sym end spec_placeholder = Spec .new(name, type, mode, owner_name, &block) # Check if the spec already exists if has_spec?(name, type: type, mode: mode, sub_type: spec_placeholder.sub_type, creating_spec: true) fail "Spec already exists for name: #{name}, type: #{type}, mode: #{mode} for object #{self}" end @_specs[name][mode][type][spec_placeholder.sub_type] = spec_placeholder end # Returns Boolean based on whether the calling object has any defined specs # If the mode option is selected then the search is narrowed def has_specs?(options = {}) _specs options = { type: nil, sub_type: nil, mode: current_mode.nil? ? nil :, spec: nil, verbose: false, creating_spec: false }.update(options) if @_specs.nil? || @_specs == {} return false else return !!show_specs(options) end end def get_modes @_modes end # Check if the current IP has a spec def has_spec?(s, options = {}) _specs options = { type: nil, sub_type: nil, mode: current_mode.nil? ? nil :, spec: nil, verbose: false, creating_spec: false }.update(options) options[:spec] = s !!show_specs(options) end # Define and instantiate a Note object def note(id, type, options = {}) _notes @_notes[id][type] =, type, options) end def exhibit(id, type, options = {}) _exhibits @_exhibits[id][type] =, type, options) end def doc_resource(selector = {}, table_title = {}, text = {}, options = {}) _doc_resources mode = selector[:mode] type = selector[:type] sub_type = selector[:sub_type] audience = selector[:audience] @_doc_resources[mode][type][sub_type][audience] =, table_title, text, options) end def version_history(date, author, changes) _version_history tmp_ver_history =, author, changes) @_version_history[date][author] = tmp_ver_history end def override(block_options = {}, find_spec = {}, values = {}, options = {}) _overrides block = block_options[:block] spec_ref = find_spec[:spec_id] mode_ref = find_spec[:mode_ref] sub_type = find_spec[:sub_type] audience = find_spec[:audience] @_overrides[block][spec_ref][mode_ref][sub_type][audience] =, find_spec, values, options) end def power_supply(gen, act) _power_supplies @_power_supplies[gen][act] =, act) end def mode_select(blk, use, mode_ref, support, loc) _mode_selects if use @_mode_selects[blk][mode_ref] =, use, mode_ref, support, loc) end end def creation_info(author, date, src_info = {}, tool_info = {}) @_creation_info =, date, src_info, tool_info) end # Returns a Note object from the notes hash def notes(options = {}) options = { id: nil, type: nil }.update(options) notes_found = do |h, k| h[k] = {} end _notes.filter(options[:id]).each do |id, hash| hash.filter(options[:type]).each do |type, note| notes_found[id][type] = note end end if notes_found.empty? return nil elsif notes_found.size == 1 notes_found.values.first.values.first else return notes_found end end def exhibits(options = {}) options = { id: nil, type: nil }.update(options) exhibits_found = do|h, k| h[k] = {} end _exhibits.filter(options[:id]).each do |id, hash| hash.filter(options[:type]).each do |type, exhibit| exhibits_found[id][type] = exhibit end end if exhibits_found.empty? return nil elsif exhibits_found.size == 1 return exhibits_found.values.first.values.first else return exhibits_found end end def doc_resources(options = {}) options = { mode: nil, type: nil, sub_type: nil, audience: nil, doc_resources_to_be_shown: [] }.update(options) doc_resources_to_be_shown = options[:doc_resources_to_be_shown] filter_hash(_doc_resources, options[:mode]).each do |_doc_resource, hash| filter_hash(hash, options[:type]).each do |_type, hash_| filter_hash(hash_, options[:sub_type]).each do |_sub_type, hash__| filter_hash(hash__, options[:audience]).each do |_audience, spec| doc_resources_to_be_shown << spec end end end end end def overrides(options = {}) options = { block: nil, spec_ref: nil, mode_ref: nil, sub_type: nil, audience: nil, overrides: [] }.update(options) overrides = options[:overrides] filter_hash(_overrides, options[:block]).each do |_override, hash| filter_hash(hash, options[:spec_ref]).each do |_spec_ref, hash_| filter_hash(hash_, options[:mode_ref]).each do |_mode_ref, hash__| filter_hash(hash__, options[:sub_type]).each do |_sub_type, hash___| filter_hash(hash___, options[:audience]).each do |_audience, override| overrides << override end end end end end end def mode_selects(options = {}) options = { block: nil, mode: nil }.update(options) modes_found = do|h, k| h[k] = {} end _mode_selects.filter(options[:block]).each do |block, hash| hash.filter(options[:mode]).each do |mode, sel| modes_found[block][mode] = sel end end if modes_found.empty? return nil elsif modes_found.size == 1 return modes_found.values.first.values.first else return modes_found end end def power_supplies(options = {}) options = { gen: nil, act: nil }.update(options) ps_found = do|h, k| h[k] = {} end _power_supplies.filter(options[:gen]).each do |gen, hash| hash.filter(options[:act]).each do |act, sel| ps_found[gen][act] = sel end end if ps_found.empty? return nil elsif ps_found.size == 1 return ps_found.values.first.values.first else return ps_found end end def versions @_version_history end def info @_creation_info end # Delete all specs def delete_all_specs @_specs = nil end # Delete all notes def delete_all_notes @_notes = nil end # Delete all exhibits def delete_all_exhibits @_exhibits = nil end def delete_all_doc_resources @_doc_resources = nil end def delete_all_overrides @_overrides = nil end def delete_all_power_supplies @_power_supplies = nil end def delete_all_version_history @_version_history = nil end def delete_all_mode_selects @_mode_selects = nil end def delete_creation_info @_creation_info = nil end private def _specs # 4D hash with name, type, mode, and sub_type as keys @_specs ||= do |h, k| h[k] = do |hh, kk| hh[kk] = do |hhh, kkk| hhh[kkk] = {} end end end end # Two-dimensional hash with note id and type as the keys def _notes @_notes ||= do |h, k| h[k] = {} end end def _exhibits @_exhibits ||= do |h, k| h[k] = {} end end def _doc_resources @_doc_resources ||= do |h, k| h[k] = do |hh, kk| hh[kk] = do |hhh, kkk| hhh[kkk] = {} end end end end def _overrides @_overrides ||= do |h, k| h[k] = do |hh, kk| hh[kk] = do |hhh, kkk| hhh[kkk] = do |hhhh, kkkk| hhhh[kkkk] = {} end end end end end def _power_supplies @_power_supplies ||= do |h, k| h[k] = {} end end def _mode_selects @_mode_selects ||= do |h, k| h[k] = {} end end def _version_history @_version_history ||= do |h, k| h[k] = {} end end def _creation_info @_creation_info = nil end # Return a hash based on the filter provided def filter_hash(hash, filter) fail 'Hash argument is not a Hash!' unless hash.is_a? Hash filtered_hash = {} select_logic = case filter when String then 'k[]' when (Fixnum || Integer || Float || Numeric) then "k['#{filter}')]" when Regexp then 'k[filter]' when Symbol then 'k == filter' when NilClass then true # Return all specs if a filter is set to nil (i.e. user doesn't care about this filter) else true end # rubocop:disable UnusedBlockArgument filtered_hash = do |k, v| [TrueClass, FalseClass].include?(select_logic.class) ? select_logic : eval(select_logic) end filtered_hash end # Filters the 4D hash to find specs for all user visible API def show_specs(options = {}) options = { mode: nil, spec: nil, type: nil, sub_type: nil, verbose: false, specs_to_be_shown: [], owner: nil, creating_spec: false }.update(options) specs_to_be_shown = options[:specs_to_be_shown] filter_hash(_specs, options[:spec]).each do |_spec, hash| filter_hash(hash, options[:mode]).each do |_mode, hash_| filter_hash(hash_, options[:type]).each do |_type, hash__| filter_hash(hash__, options[:sub_type]).each do |_sub_type, spec| specs_to_be_shown << spec end end end end # If no specs were found must check the possibility another search # should be started with mode set to :local or :global if specs_to_be_shown.empty? # Don't want to re-call this method if the callee is trying to create a spec and just wants to know # if there is a spec with the exact same options if options[:creating_spec] == false # Doesn't make sense to recall the method however if the mode is already set to :global or :local unless [:global, :local, nil].include?(options[:mode]) # Need to check if there are :global or :local specs that match the filter(s) as well if self == Origen.top_level options[:mode] = :global else options[:mode] = :local end options[:specs_to_be_shown] = specs_to_be_shown Origen.log.debug "re-calling show_specs with options #{options}" return show_specs(options) end end Origen.log.debug "Returning no specs for options #{options}" return nil elsif specs_to_be_shown.size == 1 print_to_console(specs_to_be_shown) if options[:verbose] == true Origen.log.debug "returning one spec #{}" return specs_to_be_shown.first else Origen.log.debug "returning an array of specs during initial search: #{specs_to_be_shown}" print_to_console(specs_to_be_shown) if options[:verbose] == true return specs_to_be_shown end end # Method to print a spec table to the console def print_to_console(specs_to_be_shown) whitespace_padding = 3 table = [] attrs_to_be_shown = { name:'Name', true, 'Name'.length + whitespace_padding), symbol:'Symbol', false, 'Symbol'.length + whitespace_padding), mode:'Mode', true, 'Mode'.length + whitespace_padding), type:'Type', true, 'Type'.length + whitespace_padding), sub_type:'Sub-Type', false, 'Sub-Type'.length + whitespace_padding), # spec SpecTableAttribute :description is called parameter in the spec table output to match historical docs description:'Parameter', false, 'Parameter'.length + whitespace_padding), min:'Min', false, 'Min'.length + whitespace_padding), typ:'Typ', false, 'Typ'.length + whitespace_padding), max:'Max', false, 'Max'.length + whitespace_padding), unit:'Unit', false, 'Unit'.length + whitespace_padding), audience:'Audience', false, 'Audience'.length + whitespace_padding) # notes:'Notes', false, 'Notes'.length + whitespace_padding) } # Calculate the padding needed in the spec table for the longest attr of all specs specs_to_be_shown.each do |spec| attrs_to_be_shown.each do |attr_name, attr_struct| unless spec.send(attr_name).nil? if spec.send(attr_name).class == Origen::Specs::Spec::Limit next if spec.send(attr_name).value.nil? current_padding = spec.send(attr_name).value.to_s.length + whitespace_padding else current_padding = spec.send(attr_name).to_s.length + whitespace_padding end attr_struct.padding = current_padding if attr_struct.padding < current_padding = true # We found real data for this attr on at least one spec so show it in the spec table end end end # Now that each spec attribute padding construct the spec table header header = '' attrs_to_be_shown.each do |_attr_name, attr_struct| next if == false header += "| #{attr_struct.table_text}".ljust(attr_struct.padding) end header += '|' ip_header = "| IP: #{specs_to_be_shown.first.ip_name} ".ljust(header.length - 1) ip_header += '|' table << '=' * header.length table << ip_header table << '=' * header.length table << header table << '-' * header.length # Create the data lines in the spec table specs_to_be_shown.each do |spec| data = '' attrs_to_be_shown.each do |attr_name, attr_struct| next if == false if spec.send(attr_name).class == Origen::Specs::Spec::Limit data += "| #{spec.send(attr_name).value}".ljust(attr_struct.padding) else data += "| #{spec.send(attr_name)}".ljust(attr_struct.padding) end end table << data += '|' end table << '-' * header.length puts table.flatten.join("\n") end end end