module Clearance module Shoulda # STATE OF AUTHENTICATION def should_be_signed_in_as(&block) should "be signed in as #{block.bind(self).call}" do user = block.bind(self).call assert_not_nil user, "please pass a User. try: should_be_signed_in_as { @user }" assert_equal, session[:user_id], "session[:user_id] is not set to User's id" end end def should_be_signed_in_and_email_confirmed_as(&block) warn "[DEPRECATION] should_be_signed_in_and_email_confirmed_as: questionable usefulness" should_be_signed_in_as &block should "have confirmed email" do user = block.bind(self).call assert_not_nil user assert_equal user, assigns(:user) assert assigns(:user).email_confirmed? end end def should_not_be_signed_in should "not be signed in" do assert_nil session[:user_id] end end def should_deny_access_on(http_method, action, opts = {}) warn "[DEPRECATION] should_deny_access_on: use a setup & should_deny_access(:flash => ?)" flash_message = opts.delete(:flash) context "on #{http_method} to #{action}" do setup do send(http_method, action, opts) end should_deny_access(:flash => flash_message) end end def should_deny_access(opts = {}) if opts[:flash] should_set_the_flash_to opts[:flash] else should_not_set_the_flash end should_redirect_to('new_session_url') { new_session_url } end # HTTP FLUENCY def should_forbid(description, &block) should "forbid #{description}" do assert_raises ActionController::Forbidden do instance_eval(&block) end end end # CONTEXTS def signed_in_user_context(&blk) warn "[DEPRECATION] signed_in_user_context: creates a Mystery Guest, causes Obscure Test" context "A signed in user" do setup do @user = Factory(:user) @user.confirm_email! sign_in_as @user end merge_block(&blk) end end def public_context(&blk) warn "[DEPRECATION] public_context: common case is no-op. call sign_out otherwise" context "The public" do setup { sign_out } merge_block(&blk) end end # CREATING USERS def should_create_user_successfully warn "[DEPRECATION] should_create_user_successfully: not meant to be public, no longer used internally" should_assign_to :user should_change 'User.count', :by => 1 should "send the confirmation email" do assert_sent_email do |email| email.subject =~ /account confirmation/i end end should_set_the_flash_to /confirm/i should_redirect_to_url_after_create end # RENDERING def should_render_nothing should "render nothing" do assert @response.body.blank? end end # REDIRECTS def should_redirect_to_url_after_create should_redirect_to("the post-create url") do @controller.send(:url_after_create) end end def should_redirect_to_url_after_update should_redirect_to("the post-update url") do @controller.send(:url_after_update) end end def should_redirect_to_url_after_destroy should_redirect_to("the post-destroy url") do @controller.send(:url_after_destroy) end end # VALIDATIONS def should_validate_confirmation_of(attribute, opts = {}) warn "[DEPRECATION] should_validate_confirmation_of: not meant to be public, no longer used internally" raise ArgumentError if opts[:factory].nil? context "on save" do should_validate_confirmation_is_not_blank opts[:factory], attribute should_validate_confirmation_is_not_bad opts[:factory], attribute end end def should_validate_confirmation_is_not_blank(factory, attribute, opts = {}) warn "[DEPRECATION] should_validate_confirmation_is_not_blank: not meant to be public, no longer used internally" should "validate #{attribute}_confirmation is not blank" do model =, blank_confirmation_options(attribute)) assert_confirmation_error(model, attribute, "#{attribute}_confirmation cannot be blank") end end def should_validate_confirmation_is_not_bad(factory, attribute, opts = {}) warn "[DEPRECATION] should_validate_confirmation_is_not_bad: not meant to be public, no longer used internally" should "validate #{attribute}_confirmation is different than #{attribute}" do model =, bad_confirmation_options(attribute)) assert_confirmation_error(model, attribute, "#{attribute}_confirmation cannot be different than #{attribute}") end end # FORMS def should_display_a_password_update_form warn "[DEPRECATION] should_display_a_password_update_form: not meant to be public, no longer used internally" should "have a form for the user's token, password, and password confirm" do update_path = ERB::Util.h( user_password_path(@user, :token => @user.token) ) assert_select 'form[action=?]', update_path do assert_select 'input[name=_method][value=?]', 'put' assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'user[password]' assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'user[password_confirmation]' end end end def should_display_a_sign_up_form warn "[DEPRECATION] should_display_a_sign_up_form: not meant to be public, no longer used internally" should "display a form to sign up" do assert_select "form[action=#{users_path}][method=post]", true, "There must be a form to sign up" do assert_select "input[type=text][name=?]", "user[email]", true, "There must be an email field" assert_select "input[type=password][name=?]", "user[password]", true, "There must be a password field" assert_select "input[type=password][name=?]", "user[password_confirmation]", true, "There must be a password confirmation field" assert_select "input[type=submit]", true, "There must be a submit button" end end end def should_display_a_sign_in_form warn "[DEPRECATION] should_display_a_sign_in_form: not meant to be public, no longer used internally" should 'display a "sign in" form' do assert_select "form[action=#{session_path}][method=post]", true, "There must be a form to sign in" do assert_select "input[type=text][name=?]", "session[email]", true, "There must be an email field" assert_select "input[type=password][name=?]", "session[password]", true, "There must be a password field" assert_select "input[type=checkbox][name=?]", "session[remember_me]", true, "There must be a 'remember me' check box" assert_select "input[type=submit]", true, "There must be a submit button" end end end end end module Clearance module Shoulda module Helpers def sign_in_as(user) @controller.class_eval { attr_accessor :current_user } @controller.current_user = user return user end def sign_in sign_in_as Factory(:email_confirmed_user) end def sign_out @controller.class_eval { attr_accessor :current_user } @controller.current_user = nil end def blank_confirmation_options(attribute) warn "[DEPRECATION] blank_confirmation_options: not meant to be public, no longer used internally" opts = { attribute => attribute.to_s } opts.merge("#{attribute}_confirmation".to_sym => "") end def bad_confirmation_options(attribute) warn "[DEPRECATION] bad_confirmation_options: not meant to be public, no longer used internally" opts = { attribute => attribute.to_s } opts.merge("#{attribute}_confirmation".to_sym => "not_#{attribute}") end def assert_confirmation_error(model, attribute, message = "confirmation error") warn "[DEPRECATION] assert_confirmation_error: not meant to be public, no longer used internally" assert model.errors.on(attribute).include?("doesn't match confirmation"), message end end end end class Test::Unit::TestCase include Clearance::Shoulda::Helpers end Test::Unit::TestCase.extend(Clearance::Shoulda)