/* Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license */ (function() { function guardDomWalkerNonEmptyTextNode( node ) { return ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && node.getLength() > 0 ); } /** * Elements which break characters been considered as sequence. */ function checkCharactersBoundary ( node ) { var dtd = CKEDITOR.dtd; return node.isBlockBoundary( CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, dtd.$empty, dtd.$nonEditable ) ); } /** * Get the cursor object which represent both current character and it's dom * position thing. */ var cursorStep = function() { return { textNode : this.textNode, offset : this.offset, character : this.textNode ? this.textNode.getText().charAt( this.offset ) : null, hitMatchBoundary : this._.matchBoundary }; }; var pages = [ 'find', 'replace' ], fieldsMapping = [ [ 'txtFindFind', 'txtFindReplace' ], [ 'txtFindCaseChk', 'txtReplaceCaseChk' ], [ 'txtFindWordChk', 'txtReplaceWordChk' ], [ 'txtFindCyclic', 'txtReplaceCyclic' ] ]; /** * Synchronize corresponding filed values between 'replace' and 'find' pages. * @param {String} currentPageId The page id which receive values. */ function syncFieldsBetweenTabs( currentPageId ) { var sourceIndex, targetIndex, sourceField, targetField; sourceIndex = currentPageId === 'find' ? 1 : 0; targetIndex = 1 - sourceIndex; var i, l = fieldsMapping.length; for ( i = 0 ; i < l ; i++ ) { sourceField = this.getContentElement( pages[ sourceIndex ], fieldsMapping[ i ][ sourceIndex ] ); targetField = this.getContentElement( pages[ targetIndex ], fieldsMapping[ i ][ targetIndex ] ); targetField.setValue( sourceField.getValue() ); } } var findDialog = function( editor, startupPage ) { // Style object for highlights. var highlightStyle = new CKEDITOR.style( editor.config.find_highlight ); /** * Iterator which walk through the specified range char by char. By * default the walking will not stop at the character boundaries, until * the end of the range is encountered. * @param { CKEDITOR.dom.range } range * @param {Boolean} matchWord Whether the walking will stop at character boundary. */ var characterWalker = function( range , matchWord ) { var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range ); walker[ matchWord ? 'guard' : 'evaluator' ] = guardDomWalkerNonEmptyTextNode; walker.breakOnFalse = true; this._ = { matchWord : matchWord, walker : walker, matchBoundary : false }; }; characterWalker.prototype = { next : function() { return this.move(); }, back : function() { return this.move( true ); }, move : function( rtl ) { var currentTextNode = this.textNode; // Already at the end of document, no more character available. if ( currentTextNode === null ) return cursorStep.call( this ); this._.matchBoundary = false; // There are more characters in the text node, step forward. if ( currentTextNode && rtl && this.offset > 0 ) { this.offset--; return cursorStep.call( this ); } else if ( currentTextNode && this.offset < currentTextNode.getLength() - 1 ) { this.offset++; return cursorStep.call( this ); } else { currentTextNode = null; // At the end of the text node, walking foward for the next. while ( !currentTextNode ) { currentTextNode = this._.walker[ rtl ? 'previous' : 'next' ].call( this._.walker ); // Stop searching if we're need full word match OR // already reach document end. if ( this._.matchWord && !currentTextNode ||this._.walker._.end ) break; // Marking as match character boundaries. if ( !currentTextNode && checkCharactersBoundary( this._.walker.current ) ) this._.matchBoundary = true; } // Found a fresh text node. this.textNode = currentTextNode; if ( currentTextNode ) this.offset = rtl ? currentTextNode.getLength() - 1 : 0; else this.offset = 0; } return cursorStep.call( this ); } }; /** * A range of cursors which represent a trunk of characters which try to * match, it has the same length as the pattern string. */ var characterRange = function( characterWalker, rangeLength ) { this._ = { walker : characterWalker, cursors : [], rangeLength : rangeLength, highlightRange : null, isMatched : false }; }; characterRange.prototype = { /** * Translate this range to {@link CKEDITOR.dom.range} */ toDomRange : function() { var cursors = this._.cursors; if ( cursors.length < 1 ) return null; var first = cursors[0], last = cursors[ cursors.length - 1 ], range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( editor.document ); range.setStart( first.textNode, first.offset ); range.setEnd( last.textNode, last.offset + 1 ); return range; }, /** * Reflect the latest changes from dom range. */ updateFromDomRange : function( domRange ) { var cursor, walker = new characterWalker( domRange ); this._.cursors = []; do { cursor = walker.next(); if ( cursor.character ) this._.cursors.push( cursor ); } while ( cursor.character ); this._.rangeLength = this._.cursors.length; }, setMatched : function() { this._.isMatched = true; }, clearMatched : function() { this._.isMatched = false; }, isMatched : function() { return this._.isMatched; }, /** * Hightlight the current matched chunk of text. */ highlight : function() { // Do not apply if nothing is found. if ( this._.cursors.length < 1 ) return; // Remove the previous highlight if there's one. if ( this._.highlightRange ) this.removeHighlight(); // Apply the highlight. var range = this.toDomRange(); highlightStyle.applyToRange( range ); this._.highlightRange = range; // Scroll the editor to the highlighted area. var element = range.startContainer; if ( element.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) element = element.getParent(); element.scrollIntoView(); // Update the character cursors. this.updateFromDomRange( range ); }, /** * Remove highlighted find result. */ removeHighlight : function() { if ( !this._.highlightRange ) return; highlightStyle.removeFromRange( this._.highlightRange ); this.updateFromDomRange( this._.highlightRange ); this._.highlightRange = null; }, moveBack : function() { var retval = this._.walker.back(), cursors = this._.cursors; if ( retval.hitMatchBoundary ) this._.cursors = cursors = []; cursors.unshift( retval ); if ( cursors.length > this._.rangeLength ) cursors.pop(); return retval; }, moveNext : function() { var retval = this._.walker.next(), cursors = this._.cursors; // Clear the cursors queue if we've crossed a match boundary. if ( retval.hitMatchBoundary ) this._.cursors = cursors = []; cursors.push( retval ); if ( cursors.length > this._.rangeLength ) cursors.shift(); return retval; }, getEndCharacter : function() { var cursors = this._.cursors; if ( cursors.length < 1 ) return null; return cursors[ cursors.length - 1 ].character; }, getNextCharacterRange : function( maxLength ) { var lastCursor, nextRangeWalker, cursors = this._.cursors; if ( ( lastCursor = cursors[ cursors.length - 1 ] ) ) nextRangeWalker = new characterWalker( getRangeAfterCursor( lastCursor ) ); // In case it's an empty range (no cursors), figure out next range from walker (#4951). else nextRangeWalker = this._.walker; return new characterRange( nextRangeWalker, maxLength ); }, getCursors : function() { return this._.cursors; } }; // The remaining document range after the character cursor. function getRangeAfterCursor( cursor , inclusive ) { var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range(); range.setStart( cursor.textNode, ( inclusive ? cursor.offset : cursor.offset + 1 ) ); range.setEndAt( editor.document.getBody(), CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END ); return range; } // The document range before the character cursor. function getRangeBeforeCursor( cursor ) { var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range(); range.setStartAt( editor.document.getBody(), CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START ); range.setEnd( cursor.textNode, cursor.offset ); return range; } var KMP_NOMATCH = 0, KMP_ADVANCED = 1, KMP_MATCHED = 2; /** * Examination the occurrence of a word which implement KMP algorithm. */ var kmpMatcher = function( pattern, ignoreCase ) { var overlap = [ -1 ]; if ( ignoreCase ) pattern = pattern.toLowerCase(); for ( var i = 0 ; i < pattern.length ; i++ ) { overlap.push( overlap[i] + 1 ); while ( overlap[ i + 1 ] > 0 && pattern.charAt( i ) != pattern .charAt( overlap[ i + 1 ] - 1 ) ) overlap[ i + 1 ] = overlap[ overlap[ i + 1 ] - 1 ] + 1; } this._ = { overlap : overlap, state : 0, ignoreCase : !!ignoreCase, pattern : pattern }; }; kmpMatcher.prototype = { feedCharacter : function( c ) { if ( this._.ignoreCase ) c = c.toLowerCase(); while ( true ) { if ( c == this._.pattern.charAt( this._.state ) ) { this._.state++; if ( this._.state == this._.pattern.length ) { this._.state = 0; return KMP_MATCHED; } return KMP_ADVANCED; } else if ( !this._.state ) return KMP_NOMATCH; else this._.state = this._.overlap[ this._.state ]; } return null; }, reset : function() { this._.state = 0; } }; var wordSeparatorRegex = /[.,"'?!;: \u0085\u00a0\u1680\u280e\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000]/; var isWordSeparator = function( c ) { if ( !c ) return true; var code = c.charCodeAt( 0 ); return ( code >= 9 && code <= 0xd ) || ( code >= 0x2000 && code <= 0x200a ) || wordSeparatorRegex.test( c ); }; var finder = { searchRange : null, matchRange : null, find : function( pattern, matchCase, matchWord, matchCyclic, highlightMatched, cyclicRerun ) { if ( !this.matchRange ) this.matchRange = new characterRange( new characterWalker( this.searchRange ), pattern.length ); else { this.matchRange.removeHighlight(); this.matchRange = this.matchRange.getNextCharacterRange( pattern.length ); } var matcher = new kmpMatcher( pattern, !matchCase ), matchState = KMP_NOMATCH, character = '%'; while ( character !== null ) { this.matchRange.moveNext(); while ( ( character = this.matchRange.getEndCharacter() ) ) { matchState = matcher.feedCharacter( character ); if ( matchState == KMP_MATCHED ) break; if ( this.matchRange.moveNext().hitMatchBoundary ) matcher.reset(); } if ( matchState == KMP_MATCHED ) { if ( matchWord ) { var cursors = this.matchRange.getCursors(), tail = cursors[ cursors.length - 1 ], head = cursors[ 0 ]; var headWalker = new characterWalker( getRangeBeforeCursor( head ), true ), tailWalker = new characterWalker( getRangeAfterCursor( tail ), true ); if ( ! ( isWordSeparator( headWalker.back().character ) && isWordSeparator( tailWalker.next().character ) ) ) continue; } this.matchRange.setMatched(); if ( highlightMatched !== false ) this.matchRange.highlight(); return true; } } this.matchRange.clearMatched(); this.matchRange.removeHighlight(); // Clear current session and restart with the default search // range. // Re-run the finding once for cyclic.(#3517) if ( matchCyclic && !cyclicRerun ) { this.searchRange = getSearchRange( true ); this.matchRange = null; return arguments.callee.apply( this, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments ).concat( [ true ] ) ); } return false; }, /** * Record how much replacement occurred toward one replacing. */ replaceCounter : 0, replace : function( dialog, pattern, newString, matchCase, matchWord, matchCyclic , isReplaceAll ) { // Successiveness of current replace/find. var result = false; // 1. Perform the replace when there's already a match here. // 2. Otherwise perform the find but don't replace it immediately. if ( this.matchRange && this.matchRange.isMatched() && !this.matchRange._.isReplaced ) { // Turn off highlight for a while when saving snapshots. this.matchRange.removeHighlight(); var domRange = this.matchRange.toDomRange(); var text = editor.document.createText( newString ); if ( !isReplaceAll ) { // Save undo snaps before and after the replacement. var selection = editor.getSelection(); selection.selectRanges( [ domRange ] ); editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' ); } domRange.deleteContents(); domRange.insertNode( text ); if ( !isReplaceAll ) { selection.selectRanges( [ domRange ] ); editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' ); } this.matchRange.updateFromDomRange( domRange ); if ( !isReplaceAll ) this.matchRange.highlight(); this.matchRange._.isReplaced = true; this.replaceCounter++; result = true; } else result = this.find( pattern, matchCase, matchWord, matchCyclic, !isReplaceAll ); return result; } }; /** * The range in which find/replace happened, receive from user * selection prior. */ function getSearchRange( isDefault ) { var searchRange, sel = editor.getSelection(), body = editor.document.getBody(); if ( sel && !isDefault ) { searchRange = sel.getRanges()[ 0 ].clone(); searchRange.collapse( true ); } else { searchRange = new CKEDITOR.dom.range(); searchRange.setStartAt( body, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START ); } searchRange.setEndAt( body, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END ); return searchRange; } return { title : editor.lang.findAndReplace.title, resizable : CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_NONE, minWidth : 350, minHeight : 165, buttons : [ CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton ], //Cancel button only. contents : [ { id : 'find', label : editor.lang.findAndReplace.find, title : editor.lang.findAndReplace.find, accessKey : '', elements : [ { type : 'hbox', widths : [ '230px', '90px' ], children : [ { type : 'text', id : 'txtFindFind', label : editor.lang.findAndReplace.findWhat, isChanged : false, labelLayout : 'horizontal', accessKey : 'F' }, { type : 'button', align : 'left', style : 'width:100%', label : editor.lang.findAndReplace.find, onClick : function() { var dialog = this.getDialog(); if ( !finder.find( dialog.getValueOf( 'find', 'txtFindFind' ), dialog.getValueOf( 'find', 'txtFindCaseChk' ), dialog.getValueOf( 'find', 'txtFindWordChk' ), dialog.getValueOf( 'find', 'txtFindCyclic' ) ) ) alert( editor.lang.findAndReplace .notFoundMsg ); } } ] }, { type : 'vbox', padding : 0, children : [ { type : 'checkbox', id : 'txtFindCaseChk', isChanged : false, style : 'margin-top:28px', label : editor.lang.findAndReplace.matchCase }, { type : 'checkbox', id : 'txtFindWordChk', isChanged : false, label : editor.lang.findAndReplace.matchWord }, { type : 'checkbox', id : 'txtFindCyclic', isChanged : false, 'default' : true, label : editor.lang.findAndReplace.matchCyclic } ] } ] }, { id : 'replace', label : editor.lang.findAndReplace.replace, accessKey : 'M', elements : [ { type : 'hbox', widths : [ '230px', '90px' ], children : [ { type : 'text', id : 'txtFindReplace', label : editor.lang.findAndReplace.findWhat, isChanged : false, labelLayout : 'horizontal', accessKey : 'F' }, { type : 'button', align : 'left', style : 'width:100%', label : editor.lang.findAndReplace.replace, onClick : function() { var dialog = this.getDialog(); if ( !finder.replace( dialog, dialog.getValueOf( 'replace', 'txtFindReplace' ), dialog.getValueOf( 'replace', 'txtReplace' ), dialog.getValueOf( 'replace', 'txtReplaceCaseChk' ), dialog.getValueOf( 'replace', 'txtReplaceWordChk' ), dialog.getValueOf( 'replace', 'txtReplaceCyclic' ) ) ) alert( editor.lang.findAndReplace .notFoundMsg ); } } ] }, { type : 'hbox', widths : [ '230px', '90px' ], children : [ { type : 'text', id : 'txtReplace', label : editor.lang.findAndReplace.replaceWith, isChanged : false, labelLayout : 'horizontal', accessKey : 'R' }, { type : 'button', align : 'left', style : 'width:100%', label : editor.lang.findAndReplace.replaceAll, isChanged : false, onClick : function() { var dialog = this.getDialog(); var replaceNums; finder.replaceCounter = 0; // Scope to full document. finder.searchRange = getSearchRange( true ); if ( finder.matchRange ) { finder.matchRange.removeHighlight(); finder.matchRange = null; } editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' ); while ( finder.replace( dialog, dialog.getValueOf( 'replace', 'txtFindReplace' ), dialog.getValueOf( 'replace', 'txtReplace' ), dialog.getValueOf( 'replace', 'txtReplaceCaseChk' ), dialog.getValueOf( 'replace', 'txtReplaceWordChk' ), false, true ) ) { /*jsl:pass*/ } if ( finder.replaceCounter ) { alert( editor.lang.findAndReplace.replaceSuccessMsg.replace( /%1/, finder.replaceCounter ) ); editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' ); } else alert( editor.lang.findAndReplace.notFoundMsg ); } } ] }, { type : 'vbox', padding : 0, children : [ { type : 'checkbox', id : 'txtReplaceCaseChk', isChanged : false, label : editor.lang.findAndReplace .matchCase }, { type : 'checkbox', id : 'txtReplaceWordChk', isChanged : false, label : editor.lang.findAndReplace .matchWord }, { type : 'checkbox', id : 'txtReplaceCyclic', isChanged : false, 'default' : true, label : editor.lang.findAndReplace .matchCyclic } ] } ] } ], onLoad : function() { var dialog = this; //keep track of the current pattern field in use. var patternField, wholeWordChkField; //Ignore initial page select on dialog show var isUserSelect = false; this.on('hide', function() { isUserSelect = false; } ); this.on('show', function() { isUserSelect = true; } ); this.selectPage = CKEDITOR.tools.override( this.selectPage, function( originalFunc ) { return function( pageId ) { originalFunc.call( dialog, pageId ); var currPage = dialog._.tabs[ pageId ]; var patternFieldInput, patternFieldId, wholeWordChkFieldId; patternFieldId = pageId === 'find' ? 'txtFindFind' : 'txtFindReplace'; wholeWordChkFieldId = pageId === 'find' ? 'txtFindWordChk' : 'txtReplaceWordChk'; patternField = dialog.getContentElement( pageId, patternFieldId ); wholeWordChkField = dialog.getContentElement( pageId, wholeWordChkFieldId ); // prepare for check pattern text filed 'keyup' event if ( !currPage.initialized ) { patternFieldInput = CKEDITOR.document .getById( patternField._.inputId ); currPage.initialized = true; } if ( isUserSelect ) // synchronize fields on tab switch. syncFieldsBetweenTabs.call( this, pageId ); }; } ); }, onShow : function() { // Establish initial searching start position. finder.searchRange = getSearchRange(); this.selectPage( startupPage ); }, onHide : function() { if ( finder.matchRange && finder.matchRange.isMatched() ) { finder.matchRange.removeHighlight(); editor.focus(); editor.getSelection().selectRanges( [ finder.matchRange.toDomRange() ] ); } // Clear current session before dialog close delete finder.matchRange; }, onFocus : function() { if ( startupPage == 'replace' ) return this.getContentElement( 'replace', 'txtFindReplace' ); else return this.getContentElement( 'find', 'txtFindFind' ); } }; }; CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'find', function( editor ) { return findDialog( editor, 'find' ); }); CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'replace', function( editor ) { return findDialog( editor, 'replace' ); }); })();