This is a list of TODO tests. A centralized place for keeping track of the TODO's. If the TODO is from ticket then put in the comment. # Add test for operational script application checkout. WHen I run SCRIPT Then it should exit successfully on all servers And ?current directory exists with war file? And ?can still query the app_server test? Put these tests back in -# When I run "service haproxy status" on all servers -# Then it should exit successfully on all servers - - When I run "apache2ctl -t" on all servers - Then it should exit successfully on all servers - - When I run "test -e /home/haproxy/haproxy" on all servers - Then it should exit successfully on all servers - - When I run "service haproxy check" on all servers - Then it should exit successfully on all servers # Check that jcollectd data is collected - make sure after reboot - #3251 # Check that SSL certs are installed correctly #3208 # Check apache/ps_count is collected - #3393 # modify tomcat templates to include inputs for Xms Xmx values #3302