class ProjectSearch class WordSearch java_import org.apache.lucene.util.Version java_import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer java_import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.QueryParser attr_reader :query_string, :context_size, :project def initialize(project, query_string, match_case, context_size) @project = project @query_string = query_string @match_case = !!match_case @context_size = context_size end def match_case? @match_case end def context? @context_size > 0 end def matching_line?(line) line =~ regex end def regex @regex ||= begin regexp_text = Regexp.escape(@query_string) # Replace Lucene wildcards with non-greedy Ruby regex equivalents # TODO: determine best (expected?) way of handling phrases regexp_text = regexp_text.gsub(/\\\s+or\\\s+/i,"|").gsub('\\*','.*?').gsub('\\?','.').gsub(/\\\s+/,".*?") # Match to the next word boundary if the last char is '*' regexp_text += "\\b" if regexp_text =~ /\.\*\?$/ match_case? ? /#{regexp_text}/ : /#{regexp_text}/i end end def on_file_results(&block) @on_file_results_block = block end def generate_results hits = [] doc_ids.each do |doc_id| next unless File.exist?(doc_id) contents =\n|\r/) pre_context = [] hits_needing_post_context = [] remove_hits = [] file_hits = [] contents.each_with_index do |line, line_num| hits_needing_post_context.each do |hit| hit.post_context << line if hit.post_context.length == context_size remove_hits << hit end end hits_needing_post_context -= remove_hits if matching_line?(line) hit =, line_num, line, regex, pre_context.dup, []) hits << hit file_hits << hit if context_size > 0 hits_needing_post_context << hit end end pre_context << line if pre_context.length > context_size pre_context.shift end end send_file_results(file_hits) end hits end def send_file_results(hits) if @on_file_results_block end end def results @results ||= generate_results end def formatted_query parser = Version::LUCENE_29, "contents", ) begin text = query_string.gsub(/^\W+/,"").gsub(/\(|\)/," ").strip unless text.empty? query = parser.parse(text) return query.to_s.gsub("_*","*").gsub(/_|\./," ").strip end rescue => e p e.message p e.backtrace end return "" end def doc_ids @doc_ids ||= begin index = ProjectSearch.indexes[project.path].lucene_index doc_ids = nil if text = formatted_query and not text.empty? doc_ids = index.find(text).map {|doc|}.uniq doc_ids.reject {|doc_id| Redcar::Project::FileList.hide_file_path?(doc_id) } else [] end end end def ignore_regexes self.class.shared_storage['ignored_file_patterns'] end def ignore_file?(filename) if['ignore_file_patterns'] ignore_regexes.any? {|re| re =~ filename } end end def inspect if @results "" else "" end end end end