= Rhighlightjs It is the helper for {higlight.js}[http://softwaremaniacs.org/soft/highlight] by Ivan Salagaev (currently v5.4) == Installation gem install romanvbabenko-rhighlightjs config/environment.rb config.gem 'romanvbabenko-rhighlightjs', :lib => 'rhighlightjs', :source => 'http://gems.github.com' ./script/plugin install git://github.com/romanvbabenko/rhighlightjs.git OR git clone git://github.com/romanvbabenko/rhighlightjs.git ./vendor/plugins/ rake rhighlightjs:install == New project with gem "rhighlightjs" rails blog cd blog rhighlightjs This command copy assets files to application public directory. == Example In view: <%= highlighter 'github', :languages => [:ruby] %>
class Person
attr_accessors :last_name, :first_name
def say
puts "Hello world"
== Copyright
Blog: http://romanvbabenko.com
Copyright (c) 2008 Roman V. Babenko, released under the MIT license