module AutomateEm class Modules @@modules = {} # modules (dependency_id => module class) @@load_lock = @@loading = nil def self.[] (dep_id) @@load_lock.mon_synchronize { @@modules[dep_id] } end def self.load_module(dep) @@load_lock.mon_synchronize { begin found = false file = "#{dep.classname.underscore}.rb" Rails.configuration.automate.module_paths.each do |path| if File.exists?("#{path}/#{file}") load "#{path}/#{file}" found = true break end end if not found raise "File not found! (#{file})" end @@modules[] = dep.classname.constantize rescue => e AutomateEm.print_error(System.logger, e, { :message => "device module #{dep.actual_name} error whilst loading", :level => Logger::ERROR }) end } end end # # TODO:: Consider allowing different dependancies use the same connection # Means only the first will call received - others must use recieve blocks # class DeviceModule @@instances = {} # db id => @instance @@dbentry = {} # db id => db instance @@devices = {} # ip:port:udp => @instance @@lookup = {} # @instance => db id array @@lookup_lock = def initialize(system, controllerDevice) @@lookup_lock.synchronize { if @@instances[].nil? @system = system @device = @@dbentry[] = controllerDevice end } instantiate_module(controllerDevice) end def unload # should never be called on the reactor thread so no need to defer @instance.base.shutdown(@system) @@lookup_lock.synchronize { db = @@lookup[@instance].delete(@device) @@instances.delete(db) db = @@dbentry.delete(db) dev = "#{db.ip}:#{db.port}:#{db.udp}" if @@lookup[@instance].empty? @@lookup.delete(@instance) if db.udp $datagramServer.remove_device(db) end @@devices.delete(dev) end } end def self.lookup(instance) @@lookup_lock.synchronize { return @@dbentry[@@lookup[instance][0]] } end def self.instance_of(db_id) @@lookup_lock.synchronize { return @@instances[db_id] } end attr_reader :instance protected def instantiate_module(controllerDevice) if Modules[controllerDevice.dependency_id].nil? Modules.load_module(controllerDevice.dependency) # This is the re-load code function (live bug fixing - removing functions does not work) end baselookup = "#{controllerDevice.ip}:#{controllerDevice.port}:#{controllerDevice.udp}" @@lookup_lock.lock if @@devices[baselookup].nil? # # Instance of a user module # begin @instance = Modules[controllerDevice.dependency_id].new(controllerDevice.tls, controllerDevice.makebreak) @instance.join_system(@system) @@instances[@device] = @instance @@devices[baselookup] = @instance @@lookup[@instance] = [@device] ensure @@lookup_lock.unlock #UNLOCK!! so we can lookup settings in on_load end devBase = nil loaded = { EM.defer do if @instance.respond_to?(:on_load) begin @instance.on_load rescue => e AutomateEm.print_error(System.logger, e, { :message => "device module #{@instance.class} error whilst calling: on_load", :level => Logger::ERROR }) ensure ActiveRecord::Base.clear_active_connections! end end if controllerDevice.udp devBase.call_connected # UDP is stateless (always connected) end end } if !controllerDevice.udp res = res.callback {|ip| EM.connect ip, controllerDevice.port, Device::Base, @instance } res.errback {|error| EM.defer do error.message + " connecting to #{controllerDevice.dependency.actual_name} @ #{controllerDevice.ip} in #{}" end EM.connect "", 10, Device::Base, @instance # Connect to a nothing port until the device name is found or updated } else # # Load UDP device here # Create UDP base # Add device to server # => TODO::test!! # Call connected # devBase = $datagramServer.add_device(controllerDevice, devBase) end #@@devices[baselookup] = Modules.loading # set in device_connection (see todo above) else # # add parent may lock at this point! # begin @instance = @@devices[baselookup] @@lookup[@instance] << @device @@instances[@device] = @instance EM.defer do @instance.join_system(@system) end ensure @@lookup_lock.unlock #UNLOCK!! end end end end class ServiceModule @@instances = {} # db id => @instance @@dbentry = {} # db id => db instance @@services = {} # uri => @instance @@lookup = {} # @instance => db id array @@lookup_lock = def initialize(system, controllerService) @@lookup_lock.synchronize { if @@instances[].nil? @system = system @service = @@dbentry[] = controllerService end } instantiate_module(controllerService) end def unload # should never be called on the reactor thread so no need to defer @instance.base.shutdown(@system) @@lookup_lock.synchronize { db = @@lookup[@instance].delete(@service) @@instances.delete(db) db = @@dbentry.delete(db) if @@lookup[@instance].empty? @@lookup.delete(@instance) @@services.delete(db.uri) end } end def self.lookup(instance) @@lookup_lock.synchronize { return @@dbentry[@@lookup[instance][0]] } end def self.instance_of(db_id) @@lookup_lock.synchronize { return @@instances[db_id] } end attr_reader :instance protected def instantiate_module(controllerService) if Modules[controllerService.dependency_id].nil? Modules.load_module(controllerService.dependency) # This is the re-load code function (live bug fixing - removing functions does not work) end @@lookup_lock.lock if @@services[controllerService.uri].nil? # # Instance of a user module # @instance = Modules[controllerService.dependency_id].new @instance.join_system(@system) @@instances[@service] = @instance @@services[controllerService.uri] = @instance @@lookup[@instance] = [@service] @@lookup_lock.unlock #UNLOCK, controllerService) if @instance.respond_to?(:on_load) begin @instance.on_load rescue => e AutomateEm.print_error(System.logger, e, { :message => "service module #{@instance.class} error whilst calling: on_load", :level => Logger::ERROR }) ensure ActiveRecord::Base.clear_active_connections! end end else # # add parent may lock at this point! # @instance = @@services[controllerService.uri] @@lookup[@instance] << @service @@instances[@service] = @instance EM.defer do @instance.join_system(@system) end @@lookup_lock.unlock #UNLOCK end end end class LogicModule @@instances = {} # id => @instance @@lookup = {} # @instance => DB Record @@lookup_lock = def initialize(system, controllerLogic) @@lookup_lock.synchronize { if @@instances[].nil? instantiate_module(controllerLogic, system) end } if @instance.respond_to?(:on_load) begin @instance.on_load rescue => e AutomateEm.print_error(System.logger, e, { :message => "logic module #{@instance.class} error whilst calling: on_load", :level => Logger::ERROR }) ensure ActiveRecord::Base.clear_active_connections! end end end def unload if @instance.respond_to?(:on_unload) begin @instance.on_unload rescue => e AutomateEm.print_error(System.logger, e, { :message => "logic module #{@instance.class} error whilst calling: on_unload", :level => Logger::ERROR }) ensure ActiveRecord::Base.clear_active_connections! end end @instance.clear_active_timers @@lookup_lock.synchronize { db = @@lookup.delete(@instance) @@instances.delete( } end def self.lookup(instance) @@lookup_lock.synchronize { return @@lookup[instance] } end def self.instance_of(db_id) @@lookup_lock.synchronize { return @@instances[db_id] } end attr_reader :instance protected def instantiate_module(controllerLogic, system) if Modules[controllerLogic.dependency_id].nil? Modules.load_module(controllerLogic.dependency) # This is the re-load code function (live bug fixing - removing functions does not work) end @instance = Modules[controllerLogic.dependency_id].new(system) @@instances[] = @instance @@lookup[@instance] = controllerLogic end end end