require 'jsonpath' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/slice' require 'opsworks/resource' require 'opsworks/app' require 'opsworks/instance' require 'opsworks/permission' require 'opsworks/layer' module OpsWorks # rubocop:disable ClassLength class Stack < Resource attr_accessor :id, :name, :custom_json AVAILABLE_CHEF_VERSIONS = %w(0.9 11.4 11.10) def self.all[:stacks].map do |hash| new( id: hash[:stack_id], name: hash[:name], custom_json: JSON.parse(hash.fetch(:custom_json, '{}')) ) end end def end def self.find_by_name(name) all.find { |stack| == name } end def self.latest_chef_version AVAILABLE_CHEF_VERSIONS.last end def apps @apps ||= initialize_apps end def permissions @permissions ||= initialize_permissions end def find_permission_by_user(name) permissions.find { |permission| permission.user == name } end def find_app_by_name(name) apps.find { |app| == name } end def instances @instances ||= initialize_instances end def layers @layers ||= initialize_layers end def upgrade_chef(version, options = {}) self.class.client.update_stack( stack_id: id, configuration_manager: { name: 'Chef', version: version }, chef_configuration: { manage_berkshelf: options[:manage_berkshelf] } ) end def update_custom_cookbooks create_deployment(command: { name: 'update_custom_cookbooks' }) end def execute_recipe(recipe) create_deployment( command: { name: 'execute_recipes', args: { 'recipes' => [recipe] } } ) end def deploy_app(app) fail 'App not found' unless app && create_deployment(app_id:, command: { name: 'deploy' }) end def active? instances.any?(&:online?) end def custom_json_at(key) end def set_custom_json_at(key, value) self.custom_json = replace_hash_at_path(custom_json, key, value) self.class.client.update_stack( stack_id: id, custom_json: custom_json.to_json ) end def create_app(name, options = {}) options = options.slice(:type, :shortname) options.merge!(stack_id: id, name: name) self.class.client.create_app(options) end private def initialize_apps return [] unless id response = self.class.client.describe_apps(stack_id: id) App.from_collection_response(response) end # rubocop:disable Eval # rubocop:disable MethodLength def replace_hash_at_path(hash, key, value) path = if value # REVIEW: Is there a better way to parse the JSON Path and ensure # a value at the location? (0...(path.length - 1)).each do |i| eval("hash#{path[0..i].join('')} ||= {}") end eval("hash#{path.join('')} = #{value.inspect}") elsif > 0 # Path value is present, but we need to unset it leaf_key = eval(path[-1]).first eval("hash#{path[0...-1].join('')}.delete(#{leaf_key.inspect})") end hash end # rubocop:enable MethodLength # rubocop:enable Eval def initialize_permissions return [] unless id response = self.class.client.describe_permissions(stack_id: id) Permission.from_collection_response(response) end def initialize_instances return [] unless id response = self.class.client.describe_instances(stack_id: id) Instance.from_collection_response(response) end def initialize_layers return [] unless id response = self.class.client.describe_layers(stack_id: id) Layer.from_collection_response(response) end def create_deployment(options = {}) response = self.class.client.create_deployment( options.merge(stack_id: id) ) Deployment.from_response(response) end end # rubocop:enable ClassLength end