module RCAP module Alert XMLNS_KEY = "xmlns" YAML_CAP_VERSION_KEY = "CAP Version" JSON_CAP_VERSION_KEY = "cap_version" CAP_NAMESPACES = [ RCAP::CAP_1_0::Alert::XMLNS, RCAP::CAP_1_1::Alert::XMLNS, RCAP::CAP_1_2::Alert::XMLNS ] # Initialise a RCAP Alert from a XML document. The namespace of the # document is inspected and a CAP_1_0::Alert, CAP_1_1::Alert # or CAP_1_2::Alert is instantiated. # # The namespace key ('cap' if the CAP document is stored under 'xmlns:cap') # can be specified explicitly by passing it in as a second parameter. def self.from_xml( xml, namespace_key = nil ) xml_document = xml ) document_namespaces = xml_document.root.namespaces.invert namespace = namespace_key || CAP_NAMESPACES.find{ |namepsace| document_namespaces[ namepsace ]} case namespace when CAP_1_0::Alert::XMLNS CAP_1_0::Alert.from_xml_document( xml_document ) when CAP_1_1::Alert::XMLNS CAP_1_1::Alert.from_xml_document( xml_document ) else CAP_1_2::Alert.from_xml_document( xml_document ) end end # Initialise a RCAP Alert from a YAML document produced by # CAP_1_2::Alert#to_yaml. The version of the document is inspected and a # CAP_1_0::Alert, CAP_1_1::Alert or CAP_1_2::Alert is instantiated. def self.from_yaml( yaml ) yaml_data = YAML.load( yaml ) case yaml_data[ YAML_CAP_VERSION_KEY ] when CAP_1_0::Alert::CAP_VERSION CAP_1_0::Alert.from_yaml_data( yaml_data ) when CAP_1_1::Alert::CAP_VERSION CAP_1_1::Alert.from_yaml_data( yaml_data ) else CAP_1_2::Alert.from_yaml_data( yaml_data ) end end # Initialise a RCAP Alert from a JSON document produced by # CAP_1_2::Alert#to_json. The version of the document is inspected and a # CAP_1_0::Alert, CAP_1_1::Alert or CAP_1_2::Alert is instantiated. def self.from_json( json_string ) json_hash = JSON.parse( json_string ) self.from_h( json_hash ) end def self.from_h( hash ) # :nodoc: case hash[ JSON_CAP_VERSION_KEY ] when CAP_1_0::Alert::CAP_VERSION CAP_1_0::Alert.from_h( hash ) when CAP_1_1::Alert::CAP_VERSION CAP_1_1::Alert.from_h( hash ) else CAP_1_2::Alert.from_h( hash ) end end end end