module Autoscale class Heroku class << self def workers client.get_app(app).body.fetch("workers", 0).to_i end def workers=(qty) client.put_workers(app, qty) end def job_count QC::Queries.count.to_i end # scale workers based on scale def up unless calculate_required_workers <= workers QC.log(action: :scale, workers: calculate_required_workers) self.workers = calculate_required_workers end end # shutdown if no jobs exist def down if job_count < 1 QC.log(action: :scale, workers: 0) self.workers = 0 end end def calculate_required_workers scale.rindex{|x| x <= job_count} + 1 end def params { api_key: Autoscale.api_key || ENV['HEROKU_API_KEY'], mock: Autoscale.mock || false } end # the app to scale def app end # the scale def scale Autoscale.scale || [1, 15, 30, 40, 50] end # heroku api client def client @@client ||= params ) end end end end