Class Class
In: lib/mack-facets/extensions/class.rb
Parent: Object


Public Class methods

Returns a new Object instance of the class name specified.


  Class.new_instance_of("Orange") => #<Orange:0x376c0c>
  Class.new_instance_of("Animals::Dog") => #<Animals::Dog:0x376a2c>


    # File lib/mack-facets/extensions/class.rb, line 8
 8:   def self.new_instance_of(klass_name)
10:   end

Public Instance methods

This will through the ancestor tree of object and tell you if that object is of the specified type.


    # File lib/mack-facets/extensions/class.rb, line 14
14:   def class_is_a?(klass_name)
15:     self.ancestors.each do |an|
16:       if an == klass_name
17:         return true
18:       end
19:     end
20:     return false
21:   end

Returns an array of the classes parent classes.


  Orange.parents # => [Citrus, Fruit, Object]
  Citrus.parents # => [Fruit, Object]
  Fruit.parents # => [Object]


    # File lib/mack-facets/extensions/class.rb, line 29
29:   def parents
30:     ans = [self.superclass]
31:     until ans.last.superclass.nil?
32:       ans << ans.last.superclass
33:     end
34:     ans
35:   end
