7.1.3 (Jul 31, 2020)
- Updated rake development dependency to ~> 12.3.3

7.1.2 (Jun 15, 2020)
- Fixed uninitialized constant LocalhostSplitStore::YAML for console apps.
- Updated default_streaming_enabled to true.

7.1.1 (May 19, 2020)
- Updated streaming domain.

7.1.0 (Apr 30, 2020)
- Added support for the new Split streaming architecture. When enabled, the SDK will not poll for updates but instead receive notifications every time there's a change in your environments, allowing to process those much quicker. If disabled (default) or in the event of an issue, the SDK will fallback to the known polling mechanism to provide a seamless experience.

7.0.3 (Jan 20, 2020)
- Added integration tests.
- Fixed impressions labels.

7.0.2 (Nov 11, 2019)
- Fixed an issue about empty logs.
- Fixed an issue about reducing scan commands in redis.

7.0.1 (Oct 31, 2019)
- Updated localhost mode so that parsing of test files results in JSON data for splits analogous to that returned by the Split backend.
- Updated localhost mode to parse the mock data into Split objects to keep differences in operation to a minimum.
- Removed specific spare code dealing with localhost operations.
- Removed the disable_impressions configuration param.
- Fixed an issue about Event properties were not sent to be.
- Added ip_addresses_enabled to enable/disable sending MachineName and MachineIP headers when data is posted to Split Servers.
- Fixed an issue about attributes in matchers.
- Fixed an issue about trying to access a nil property when sending telemetry metrics.

7.0.0 (Aug 23, 2019)
- BREAKING CHANGE: block_until_ready is now a method in both split_client and split_manager that needs to be explicitly called. The block_until_ready parameter is now ignored if passed in the configuration, and defaults to 15s unless passed as a parameter of the block_until_ready method.
- Added warning to track calls when traffic type does not belong to an existing split (only issued in the online client and when SDK is ready).
- Added warning to the get_treatment's method family when split does not exist in the current environment (only issued by online client and when SDK is ready).
- Added warning to the split_manager's split method when split does not exist in the current environment (only issued by online client and when SDK is ready).
- Added ability to create multiple split_factory instances. Added factory counts and warnings.
- Added SDK not ready impressions label.
- Changed the splits method implementation in the splits_repository to make use of get_splits, which outperforms the current implementation.

6.4.1 (Jul 26, 2019)
- Fixed an issue in the latency metrics format preventing the synchronizer from correctly picking them up (consumer mode only). Old keys will be deleted on SDK startup.

6.4.0 (Jul 05, 2019)
- Added properties to track method.

6.3.0 (Apr 30, 2019)
- Added Dynamic Configurations support through two new methods that mimick the regular ones, changing the type of what is returned.
  - get_treatment_with_config: Same as get_treatment but returning the treatment with it's config.
  - get_treatments_with_config: Same as get_treatments, but instead of a map of string it returns a map of treatments with config.
- Added configs to SplitViews returned by the manager module.
- Updated localhost mode. Now besides supporting the old text files with `.split` extension (to be deprecated soon), we support YAML (.yaml/.yml) files where you can
  define configurations for your treatments and also whitelisted keys. Read more in our docs!

6.2.0 (Mar 7th, 2019)
- Reworked SplitClient#destroy to ensure events, impressions and metrics are sent to Split backend when called.
- Ensured destroy is called when keyboard interrupts are sent to the application
- Changed SDK blocker (and block_until_ready) to have no effect in consumer mode
- Added support for applications tied to Faraday < 0.13 and net-http-persistent 3 using a patched Faraday adapter
- Added documentation for input validation in detailed readme
- Changed SplitConfig#default_features_refresh_rate value to 5 seconds

6.1.0 (Feb 8th, 2019)
- Review input validation for client API methods. Better control and logging over nil, empty, numeric, and NaN parameters
- Added logging when block_until_ready is not set or api key is not provided
- Reviewed client API methods to log an error and return nil / empty when called after client was destroyed
- Update track regex and fix an error causing a partial match to pass as a valid event_type
- Add logging to #match? in matcher subclasses
- Fix simplecov configuration issue causing errors in coverage calculation
- Improve code coverage and decrease rubocop violation count
- Fix for issue causing redis_url parameter to be ignored and Redis to always default to REDIS_ENV environment variable

6.0.1 (Jan 7th, 2019)
- Fix an issue in events and impressions API calls log messages caused by a wrong variable name introduced in 6.0.0

6.0.0 (December 17th, 2018)
- BREAKING CHANGE: Change format used to store impressions in repositories to reduce the number of Redis operations. It requires an update of the Split Synchronizer to >2.0.0 if you're using Redis mode.
- Change `sender` and `store` classes to reuse Faraday connections, preventing issues with net-http-persistent 3.0
- Remove producer mode and make `memory + standalone` and `Redis + consumer` the only valid SDK modes. This is a breaking change
- Fix `evaluator` bucket calculation when traffic allocation is set to 1%
- Add cache wrapper to `segments_repository` and `splits_repository` to reduce the number of Redis operations
- Add `cache_ttl` and `max_cache_size` options to setup the memory cache wrapper when using redis

5.1.2 (October 26th, 2018)
- Add input validation for client API methods

5.1.1 (October 4th, 2018)
- Change get_treatments so that it sends a single latency metric
- Removed unused call to Redis#scan when adding latencies
- Removed Redis calls on initialization when SDK is set to consumer mode
- Change split_config approach so that every property has an accessor
- Removed @config parameter on most initializers

5.1.0 (September 10th, 2018)
- Change `get_api` to return only a Faraday response.
- Add `SplitLogger` to clean up logging code and reduce the complexity in several methods.

5.0.3 (August 13th, 2018)
- Add `impressions_bulk_size` option to set the max number of impressions to be sent to the Split backend on each post.

5.0.2 (July 31st, 2018)
- Prevents the impression thread from being started if a listener is not in place

5.0.1 (July 19th, 2018)
- Adds stop! method to the factory for gracefully stopping the SDK.

5.0.0 (May 18th, 2018)
- Fix bug where the sdk picked the wrong hashing algo. This is a breaking change.

4.5.2 (May 16th, 2018)
- do not return control when a split has custom attr and I don't pass attributes to get_treatment

4.5.1 (Mar 23rd, 2018)
- Fix Forwardable load issue
- Fix native extension path issue
- Add .jar executable to the gem

4.5.0 (Mar 2nd, 2018)

- Move MurmurHash3 implementation inside the gem
- Add native Java MurmurHash3 implementation -> now support JRuby

4.4.0 (Feb 5th, 2018)
- Add track API

4.3.3 (Feb 22th, 2018)
- Allow usage of Redis >= 3.2, not only ~> 3.2

4.3.2 (Dec 19th, 2017)

4.3.1 (Nov 10th, 2017)
- Do not throw exception when storing impressions on reids and it is not available. Returns CONTROL instead.

4.3.0 (Oct 13th, 2017)
- Add impression listener
- Add support for client shutdown (destroy())
- Add "time" to the routed impressions
- Add support to apply attribute matcher to the traffic type
- Add support for string matchers to match on matching keys

4.2.3 (August 4, 2017)
- Use ENV vars in producer

4.2.2 (July 28, 2017)
- Fix treatments array in SplitManager

4.2.1 (July 20, 2017)
- Coerce string to regexp for Regexp matcher

4.2.0 (July 18, 2017)
- Add new boolean/regexp matchers
- Add support for split dependency on other splits
- Pass bucketing_key to `match?` method
- Fix IP address fetching
- Remove unneeded dependencies (faraday_middleware, faraday-http-cache)

4.1.0 (April 16, 2017)
- Add new string/set matchers
- Use Rails logger if available. Now we do not pollute STDOUT by default

- Add support for murmur3 algo
- Optimize memory usage

- Add support for traffic allocation

- Fix Faraday compability issue (now compatible with Faraday 0.8.9)
- Provide an interface to run SplitAdapter(start and resume), can be used to resurrect threads in Unicorn and Passenger servers
- Allow passing non-string values to get_treatment/get_treatments
- Better logging when returning CONTROL and label:Exception as well as when restarting threads
- Add exception logging when failed to clear impressions keys or fetch impressions keys
- Fix Redis naming issues (key_name -> keyName)
- Fix negation matcher. Negation had not effect and was ignored.

- Fix Redis namespace issue to align with the spec
- Allocate less memory by not creating Split model to check if Split is archived

- Fix issue when segment_store was never invoked

- Add impression labeling

- Refactor SplitFactory - split it into separate mangers and client classes
- Refactor Utilities to comply style guide
- Allow to store block until ready flag in Redis
- rescue exception when posting impressions threads failed to prevent it to die

- Fix issue with complex key where get_treatment and get_treatments return different values.

- Fix variable not found when posting impression
- Fix infinite loop when posting impression if there is a network glitch

- Add RedisAdapter
- adds manager.split_names()
- add impressions_queue_size to prevent memory leak when Threads pauses due to 'smart' fork.
- do not report latencies for get_treatment is array is all zeros
- Fix deduplication problem when posting impressions
- Change in how factory is construct.
- Detach implementation for local factory and regular one.

- Fix nil ref in manager

- add ability to provide different bucketing/matching keys

- fix segments not deleting from the cache

- add new caching interface
- add replaceable adapters to store cache in
- add first cache adapter: MemoryAdapter
- refactoring

- Supress warnings cause by Net::HTTP when it already exists.

- Add Factory for creation of Client and Manager interface.

- added support for AND combiner on conditions
- added events_uri as config param which defines the metrics post url
- updated metrics post default endpoint to be

- fixed refresh rate intervals issue
- fixed datetime bug for split definitions created directly from api

- created between_matcher, equal_to_matcher, greater_than_or_equal_to_matcher, less_than_or_equal_to_matcher to support attributes
- refactored whitelist_matcher to support attributes
- tweaked to drop analytics data if the POST get an error response
- added condition to return CONTROL on the deleted features

- .splits to .split for local env
- isTreatment was removed from the API.

- Support multivariate treatment