require 'httparty' module Spree class CoinbaseController < StoreController include HTTParty ssl_ca_file File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'ca-coinbase.crt')) skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token def redirect order = current_order || raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) if order.state != "payment" redirect_to root_url() # Order is not ready for payment / has already been paid return end # Create Coinbase button code secret_token = SecureRandom.base64(30) button_params = { :button => { :name => "Order #%s" % order.number, :price_string =>, :price_currency_iso => order.currency, :custom =>, :custom_secure => true, :callback_url => spree_coinbase_callback_url(:payment_method_id => params[:payment_method_id], :secret_token => secret_token), :cancel_url => spree_coinbase_cancel_url(:payment_method_id => params[:payment_method_id]), :success_url => spree_coinbase_success_url(:payment_method_id => params[:payment_method_id], :order_num => order.number), :info_url => root_url(), } } result = make_coinbase_request :post, "/buttons", button_params code = result["button"]["code"] if code # Add a "processing" payment that is used to verify the callback transaction = transaction.button_id = code transaction.secret_token = secret_token payment = order.payments.create({:amount =>, :source => transaction, :payment_method => payment_method }) payment.started_processing! use_off_site = payment_method.preferred_use_off_site_payment_page redirect_to "$s/%2$s" % [use_off_site ? "checkouts" : "inline_payments", code] else redirect_to edit_order_checkout_url(order, :state => 'payment'), :notice => Spree.t(:spree_coinbase_checkout_error) end end def callback # Download order information from Coinbase (do not trust sent order information) cb_order_id = params["order"]["id"] cb_order = make_coinbase_request :get, "/orders/%s" % cb_order_id, {} if cb_order.nil? render text: "Invalid order ID", status: 400 return end cb_order = cb_order["order"] if cb_order["status"] != "completed" render text: "Invalid order status", status: 400 return end # Fetch Spree order information, find relevant payment, and verify button_id order_id = cb_order["custom"] order = Spree::Order.find(order_id) button_id = cb_order["button"]["id"] payments = order.payments.where(:state => "processing", :payment_method_id => payment_method) payment = nil payments.each do |p| if p.source.button_id == button_id payment = p end end if payment.nil? render text: "No matching payment for order", status: 400 return end # Verify secret_token if payment.source.secret_token != params[:secret_token] render text: "Invalid secret token", status: 400 return end # Now that this callback has been verified, process the payment! transaction = payment.source transaction.order_id = cb_order_id # Make payment pending -> make order complete -> make payment complete -> update order payment.pend! if !order.complete? render text: "Could not transition order: %s" % order.errors return end payment.complete! order.update! # Successful payment! render text: "Callback successful" end def cancel order = current_order || raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) # Void the 'pending' payment created in redirect # If doing an on-site checkout params will be nil, so just # cancel all Coinbase payments (it is unlikely there will be more than one) button_id = params["order"]["button"]["id"] rescue nil payments = order.payments.where(:state => "pending", :payment_method_id => payment_method) payments.each do |payment| if payment.source.button_id == button_id || button_id.nil? payment.void! end end redirect_to edit_order_checkout_url(order, :state => 'payment'), :notice => Spree.t(:spree_coinbase_checkout_cancelled) end def success order = Spree::Order.find_by_number(params[:order_num]) || raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) if order.complete? session[:order_id] = nil # Reset cart redirect_to spree.order_path(order), :notice => Spree.t(:order_processed_successfully) end # If order not complete, wait for callback to come in... (page will automatically refresh, see view) end private def payment_method m = Spree::PaymentMethod.find(params[:payment_method_id]) if !(m.is_a? Spree::PaymentMethod::Coinbase) raise "Invalid payment_method_id" end m end # the coinbase-ruby gem is not used because of its dependence on incompatible versions of the money gem def make_coinbase_request verb, path, options key = payment_method.preferred_api_key secret = payment_method.preferred_api_secret if key.nil? || secret.nil? raise "Please enter an API key and secret in Spree payment method settings" end base_uri = "" nonce = ( * 1e6).to_i message = nonce.to_s + base_uri + path + options.to_json signature = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest('sha256'), secret, message) headers = { 'ACCESS_KEY' => key, 'ACCESS_SIGNATURE' => signature, 'ACCESS_NONCE' => nonce.to_s, "Content-Type" => "application/json", } r = self.class.send(verb, base_uri + path, {headers: headers, body: options.to_json}) JSON.parse(r.body) end end end