<%= @parent.nil? ? 'Content Tree' : "Content under '#{@parent.title}'" %>

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<%= sortable_table_header :name => "Title", :sort => "admin_title", :class => 'sort' %> <%= sortable_table_header :name => "Type", :sort => "_type", :class => 'sort' %> <%# Change 'position' header if we are sorting by position %> <% if(params[:sort] && params[:sort] != "position" || params[:order] == "descending") %> <%= sortable_table_header :name => "Position", :sort => "position", :class => 'sort' %> <% else %> <%= sortable_table_header :name => "Position", :sort => "position", :class => 'sort', :colspan => 2 %> <% end %> <%= sortable_table_header :name => "Updated", :sort => "updated_at", :class => 'sort' %> <% @nodes.each do |node| %> <%# Change 'position' content if we are sorting by position %> <% if(params[:sort] && params[:sort] != "position" || params[:order] == "descending") %> <% else %> <% end %> <% end %> <%= sortable_table_header :name => "Title", :sort => "admin_title", :class => 'sort' %> <%= sortable_table_header :name => "Type", :sort => "_type", :class => 'sort' %> <%# Change 'position' header if we are sorting by position %> <% if(params[:sort] && params[:sort] != "position" || params[:order] == "descending") %> <%= sortable_table_header :name => "Position", :sort => "position", :class => 'sort' %> <% else %> <%= sortable_table_header :name => "Position", :sort => "position", :class => 'sort', :colspan => 2 %> <% end %> <%= sortable_table_header :name => "Updated", :sort => "updated_at", :class => 'sort' %>
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<%= link_to h(node.admin_title), noodall_admin_node_path(node), :class => 'edit', :title => "Edit #{node.title}" %> <%= node.class.name.titleize %><%= node.position %><%= link_to 'up', move_up_noodall_admin_node_path(node), { :class => "page_up", :title => 'Move this content higher in the navigation' } unless node.first? %> <%= link_to 'down', move_down_noodall_admin_node_path(node), { :class => 'page_down', :title => 'Move this content lower in the navigation' } unless node.last? %> <% unless node.class.template_classes.blank? -%> <%= link_to pluralize(node.children.size, "Child"), noodall_admin_node_nodes_path(node), :title => "View content under #{h(node.title)}", :class => 'child-no' %> <%= link_to('Add', new_noodall_admin_node_node_path(node), :title => "Add content under #{h(node.title)}", :class => 'child') if node.class.template_names.any? %> <% end -%> <%=h node.updated_at.to_formatted_s(:short_ordinal) %> <%= link_to 'Show', node_path(node), :class => 'show', :title => 'View this content' if node.published? %> "><%= (node.published? ? 'Published' : 'Draft').html_safe %> <%= link_to 'Delete', noodall_admin_node_path(node), :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete, :class => 'delete', :title => 'Delete this content' unless node.in_site_map? %>
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