# # Author:: Adam Jacob (<adam@opscode.com>) # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2009 Opscode, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'chef/knife' class Chef class Knife class Ssh < Knife deps do require 'net/ssh' require 'net/ssh/multi' require 'chef/search/query' end attr_writer :password banner "knife ssh QUERY COMMAND (options)" option :concurrency, :short => "-C NUM", :long => "--concurrency NUM", :description => "The number of concurrent connections", :default => nil, :proc => lambda { |o| o.to_i } option :attribute, :short => "-a ATTR", :long => "--attribute ATTR", :description => "The attribute to use for opening the connection - default is fqdn", :default => "fqdn" option :manual, :short => "-m", :long => "--manual-list", :boolean => true, :description => "QUERY is a space separated list of servers", :default => false option :ssh_user, :short => "-x USERNAME", :long => "--ssh-user USERNAME", :description => "The ssh username" option :ssh_password, :short => "-P PASSWORD", :long => "--ssh-password PASSWORD", :description => "The ssh password" option :identity_file, :short => "-i IDENTITY_FILE", :long => "--identity-file IDENTITY_FILE", :description => "The SSH identity file used for authentication" option :no_host_key_verify, :long => "--no-host-key-verify", :description => "Disable host key verification", :boolean => true, :default => false def session ssh_error_handler = Proc.new do |server| if config[:manual] node_name = server.host else @action_nodes.each do |n| node_name = n if format_for_display(n)[config[:attribute]] == server.host end end ui.warn "Failed to connect to #{node_name} -- #{$!.class.name}: #{$!.message}" $!.backtrace.each { |l| Chef::Log.debug(l) } end @session ||= Net::SSH::Multi.start(:concurrent_connections => config[:concurrency], :on_error => ssh_error_handler) end def configure_session list = case config[:manual] when true @name_args[0].split(" ") when false r = Array.new q = Chef::Search::Query.new @action_nodes = q.search(:node, @name_args[0])[0] @action_nodes.each do |item| i = format_for_display(item)[config[:attribute]] r.push(i) unless i.nil? end r end (ui.fatal("No nodes returned from search!"); exit 10) if list.length == 0 session_from_list(list) end def session_from_list(list) list.each do |item| Chef::Log.debug("Adding #{item}") hostspec = config[:ssh_user] ? "#{config[:ssh_user]}@#{item}" : item session_opts = {} session_opts[:keys] = File.expand_path(config[:identity_file]) if config[:identity_file] session_opts[:password] = config[:ssh_password] if config[:ssh_password] session_opts[:logger] = Chef::Log.logger if Chef::Log.level == :debug if config[:no_host_key_verify] session_opts[:paranoid] = false session_opts[:user_known_hosts_file] = "/dev/null" end session.use(hostspec, session_opts) @longest = item.length if item.length > @longest end session end def fixup_sudo(command) command.sub(/^sudo/, 'sudo -p \'knife sudo password: \'') end def print_data(host, data) if data =~ /\n/ data.split(/\n/).each { |d| print_data(host, d) } else padding = @longest - host.length print ui.color(host, :cyan) padding.downto(0) { print " " } puts data end end def ssh_command(command, subsession=nil) subsession ||= session command = fixup_sudo(command) subsession.open_channel do |ch| ch.request_pty ch.exec command do |ch, success| raise ArgumentError, "Cannot execute #{command}" unless success ch.on_data do |ichannel, data| print_data(ichannel[:host], data) if data =~ /^knife sudo password: / ichannel.send_data("#{get_password}\n") end end end end session.loop end def get_password @password ||= ui.ask("Enter your password: ") { |q| q.echo = false } end # Present the prompt and read a single line from the console. It also # detects ^D and returns "exit" in that case. Adds the input to the # history, unless the input is empty. Loops repeatedly until a non-empty # line is input. def read_line loop do command = reader.readline("#{ui.color('knife-ssh>', :bold)} ", true) if command.nil? command = "exit" puts(command) else command.strip! end unless command.empty? return command end end end def reader Readline end def interactive puts "Connected to #{ui.list(session.servers_for.collect { |s| ui.color(s.host, :cyan) }, :inline, " and ")}" puts puts "To run a command on a list of servers, do:" puts " on SERVER1 SERVER2 SERVER3; COMMAND" puts " Example: on latte foamy; echo foobar" puts puts "To exit interactive mode, use 'quit!'" puts while 1 command = read_line case command when 'quit!' puts 'Bye!' break when /^on (.+?); (.+)$/ raw_list = $1.split(" ") server_list = Array.new session.servers.each do |session_server| server_list << session_server if raw_list.include?(session_server.host) end command = $2 ssh_command(command, session.on(*server_list)) else ssh_command(command) end end end def screen tf = Tempfile.new("knife-ssh-screen") if File.exist? "#{ENV["HOME"]}/.screenrc" tf.puts("source #{ENV["HOME"]}/.screenrc") end tf.puts("caption always '%-Lw%{= BW}%50>%n%f* %t%{-}%+Lw%<'") tf.puts("hardstatus alwayslastline 'knife ssh #{@name_args[0]}'") window = 0 session.servers_for.each do |server| tf.print("screen -t \"#{server.host}\" #{window} ssh ") server.user ? tf.puts("#{server.user}@#{server.host}") : tf.puts(server.host) window += 1 end tf.close exec("screen -c #{tf.path}") end def tmux ssh_dest = lambda do |server| prefix = server.user ? "#{server.user}@" : "" "'ssh #{prefix}#{server.host}'" end new_window_cmds = lambda do if session.servers_for.size > 1 [""] + session.servers_for[1..-1].map do |server| "new-window -a -n '#{server.host}' #{ssh_dest.call(server)}" end else [] end.join(" \\; ") end tmux_name = "'knife ssh #{@name_args[0]}'" begin server = session.servers_for.first cmd = ["tmux new-session -d -s #{tmux_name}", "-n '#{server.host}'", ssh_dest.call(server), new_window_cmds.call].join(" ") Chef::Mixin::Command.run_command(:command => cmd) exec("tmux attach-session -t #{tmux_name}") rescue Chef::Exceptions::Exec end end def macterm begin require 'appscript' rescue LoadError STDERR.puts "you need the rb-appscript gem to use knife ssh macterm. `(sudo) gem install rb-appscript` to install" raise end Appscript.app("/Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app").windows.first.activate Appscript.app("System Events").application_processes["Terminal.app"].keystroke("n", :using=>:command_down) term = Appscript.app('Terminal') window = term.windows.first.get (session.servers_for.size - 1).times do |i| window.activate Appscript.app("System Events").application_processes["Terminal.app"].keystroke("t", :using=>:command_down) end session.servers_for.each_with_index do |server, tab_number| cmd = "unset PROMPT_COMMAND; echo -e \"\\033]0;#{server.host}\\007\"; ssh #{server.user ? "#{server.user}@#{server.host}" : server.host}" Appscript.app('Terminal').do_script(cmd, :in => window.tabs[tab_number + 1].get) end end def run @longest = 0 configure_session case @name_args[1] when "interactive" interactive when "screen" screen when "tmux" tmux when "macterm" macterm else ssh_command(@name_args[1..-1].join(" ")) end session.close end end end end