# frozen_string_literal: true module Lcms module Engine class DocumentPresenter < Lcms::Engine::ContentPresenter PDF_SUBTITLES = { full: '', sm: '_student_materials', tm: '_teacher_materials' }.freeze SUBJECT_FULL = { 'ela' => 'ELA', 'math' => 'Math' }.freeze TOC_RESOURCES = [I18n.t('document.toc.tm'), I18n.t('document.toc.sm'), I18n.t('document.toc.credits')].freeze TOPIC_FULL = { 'ela' => 'Unit', 'math' => 'Topic' }.freeze TOPIC_SHORT = { 'ela' => 'U', 'math' => 'T' }.freeze def cc_attribution core_cc = ld_metadata.cc_attribution return core_cc if (fs_cc = fs_metadata.cc_attribution).blank? return core_cc if core_cc.casecmp(fs_cc).zero? "#{core_cc} #{fs_cc}" end def color_code "#{subject}-base" end def color_code_grade "#{subject}-#{grade}" end def content_for(context_type, options = {}) with_excludes = (options[:excludes] || []).any? content = render_content(context_type, options) content = update_activity_timing(content) if with_excludes content = remove_optional_break(content) if ela? && with_excludes content end def description ld_metadata.lesson_objective.presence || ld_metadata.description end def doc_type assessment? ? 'assessment' : 'lesson' end def ela2? ela? && grade.to_s == '2' end def ela6? ela? && grade.to_s == '6' end def fs_metadata @fs_metadata ||= DocTemplate::Objects::BaseMetadata.build_from(foundational_metadata) end def full_breadcrumb(unit_level: false) resource ? Breadcrumbs.new(resource).full_title : full_breadcrumb_from_metadata(unit_level) end def full_breadcrumb_from_metadata(unit_level) lesson_level = assessment? ? 'Assessment' : "Lesson #{lesson}" unless unit_level [ SUBJECT_FULL[subject] || subject, grade.to_i.zero? ? grade : "Grade #{grade}", ll_strand? ? ld_module : "Module #{ld_module.try(:upcase)}", topic.present? ? "#{TOPIC_FULL[subject]} #{topic.try(:upcase)}" : nil, lesson_level ].compact.join(' / ') end def grade ld_metadata.grade[/\d+/] || ld_metadata.grade end def remove_optional_break(content) html = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment content html.at_css('.o-ld-optbreak-wrapper')&.remove html.to_html end def ld_metadata @ld_metadata ||= DocTemplate::Objects::BaseMetadata.build_from(metadata) end def ld_module ela? ? ld_metadata.module : ld_metadata.unit end def lesson ld_metadata.lesson end def ll_strand? ld_metadata.module =~ /strand/i end def math_practice ld_metadata.lesson_mathematical_practice.squish end def pdf_header "UnboundEd / #{full_breadcrumb}" end def pdf_filename name = short_breadcrumb(join_with: '_', with_short_lesson: true) name += PDF_SUBTITLES[content_type.to_sym] "#{name}_v#{version.presence || 1}#{Lcms::Engine::ContentPresenter::PDF_EXT}" end def pdf_footer full_breadcrumb end # # Makes sure that time of group is equal to sum of timings of child activities # def update_activity_timing(content) html = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment content html.css('.o-ld-group').each do |group| group_time = group.css('.o-ld-title__time--h3').inject(0) { |time, section| time + section.text.to_i } group.at_css('.o-ld-title__time--h2').content = group_time.zero? ? "\u2014" : "#{group_time} mins" end html.to_html end def render_content(context_type, options = {}) options[:parts_index] = document_parts_index rendered_layout = DocumentRenderer::Part.call(layout_content(context_type), options) content = DocTemplate.sanitizer.clean_content(rendered_layout, context_type) Lcms::Engine::ReactMaterialsResolver.resolve(content, self) end # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity def short_breadcrumb(join_with: ' / ', with_short_lesson: false, with_subject: true, unit_level: false) unless unit_level lesson_abbr = if assessment? with_short_lesson ? 'A' : 'Assessment' else with_short_lesson ? "L#{lesson}" : "Lesson #{lesson}" end end [ with_subject ? SUBJECT_FULL[subject] || subject : nil, grade.to_i.zero? ? grade : "G#{grade}", ll_strand? ? 'LL' : "M#{ld_module.try(:upcase)}", topic.present? ? "#{TOPIC_SHORT[subject]}#{topic.try(:upcase)}" : nil, lesson_abbr ].compact.join(join_with) end # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity def short_title assessment? ? doc_type : "Lesson #{lesson}" end def short_url # TODO: Temporary turning off short url '' # @short_url ||= Bitly.client # .shorten(Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.document_url(self)) # .short_url end def standards ld_metadata.standard.presence || ld_metadata.lesson_standard end def student_materials materials.gdoc.where_metadata_any_of(materials_config_for(:student)) end def student_materials_props Lcms::Engine::DocumentMaterialSerializer.new(self, student_materials) end def subject ld_metadata&.resource_subject end def subject_to_str SUBJECT_FULL[subject] || subject end def title title = ld_metadata&.title resource&.prerequisite? ? "Prerequisite - #{title}" : title end def teacher_materials materials.gdoc.where_metadata_any_of(materials_config_for(:teacher)) end def teacher_materials_props Lcms::Engine::DocumentMaterialSerializer.new(self, teacher_materials) end def teaser ld_metadata.teaser end def topic ela? ? ld_metadata.unit : ld_metadata.topic end def unit @unit ||= resource&.parent end end end end