#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import getopt import codecs import os import tempfile from subprocess import Popen,PIPE import shutil import glob import logging __module_folder__ = os.path.dirname(__file__) # This updates the load path to ensure that the local site-packages directory # can be used to load packages (e.g. a locally installed copy of lxml). sys.path.append(os.path.join(__module_folder__, 'site-packages/pre_install')) from convert_penn_to_kaf import convert_penn_to_kaf ## Last changes # 23dec2013 --> adapted output to KAF this_name = 'Stanford German constituency parser trained on NEGRA corpus' version = '1.3' last_modified = '17jan2014' this_layer = 'constituents' from VUKafParserPy import KafParser from lxml import etree ## CONFIGURATION FOR THE STANFORD PARSER # STANFORD_HOME=os.path.join(__module_folder__,'vendor','stanford-parser') STANFORD_MEM="3g" STANFORD_GERMAN_OPTS='-hMarkov 1 -vMarkov 2 -vSelSplitCutOff 300 -uwm 1 -unknownSuffixSize 2 -nodeCleanup 2 -encoding UTF-8' STANFORD_PARSER_OPTS='-tokenized -escaper edu.stanford.nlp.process.PTBEscapingProcessor ' STANDFORD_GRAMMAR='edu/stanford/nlp/models/lexparser/germanPCFG.ser.gz' ########################################## logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr,format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',level=logging.DEBUG) ## MAIN ## if not sys.stdin.isatty(): ## READING FROM A PIPE pass else: print>>sys.stderr,'Input stream required in KAF format at least with the text layer.' print>>sys.stderr,'The language encoded in the KAF has to be Dutch, otherwise it will raise an error.' print>>sys.stderr,'Example usage: cat myUTF8file.kaf.xml |',sys.argv[0] sys.exit(-1) my_time_stamp = True try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"",["no-time"]) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == "--no-time": my_time_stamp = False except getopt.GetoptError: pass logging.debug('Starting stanford parser for German text') logging.debug('Loading and parsing KAF file ...') my_kaf = KafParser(sys.stdin) lang = my_kaf.getLanguage() if lang != 'de': print>>sys.stdout,'ERROR! Language is',lang,'and must be "de" (German)' sys.exit(-1) logging.debug('Extracting sentences from the KAF') termid_for_token = {} lemma_for_termid = {} for term in my_kaf.getTerms(): lemma_for_termid[term.getId()] = term.getLemma() tokens_id = term.get_list_span() for token_id in tokens_id: termid_for_token[token_id] = term.getId() sentences = [] current_sent = [] previous_sent = None term_ids = [] current_sent_tid = [] for token,sent,token_id in my_kaf.getTokens(): if sent != previous_sent and previous_sent!=None: sentences.append(current_sent) current_sent = [token] term_ids.append(current_sent_tid) current_sent_tid = [termid_for_token[token_id]] else: current_sent.append(token) current_sent_tid.append(termid_for_token[token_id]) previous_sent = sent if len(current_sent) !=0: sentences.append(current_sent) term_ids.append(current_sent_tid) logging.debug('Calling to Stanford parser for GERMAN in '+STANFORD_HOME) # Creating a temp file with the input tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False) for sentence in sentences: for token in sentence: tmp_file.write(token.encode('utf-8')+' ') tmp_file.write('\n') tmp_file.close() ###################################### cmd = 'java -Xmx"'+STANFORD_MEM+'" -cp "'+STANFORD_HOME+'/*:" edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser.LexicalizedParser -maxLength "1000" ' cmd+= ' -tLPP "edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser.NegraPennTreebankParserParams" '+STANFORD_GERMAN_OPTS+' '+STANFORD_PARSER_OPTS cmd+= ' -outputFormat "oneline" -outputFormatOptions "markHeadNodes" -sentences newline -loadFromSerializedFile '+STANDFORD_GRAMMAR cmd+=' '+tmp_file.name stanford_process = Popen(cmd,stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE,shell=True) code = stanford_process.wait() logging.debug('Stanford parser finished with code:'+str(code)) stanford_output, stanford_error = stanford_process.communicate() logging.debug('STANFORD LOG: '+ stanford_error) const = etree.Element('constituency') cnt_t = cnt_nt = cnt_edge = 0 for num_sent, str_tree in enumerate(stanford_output.splitlines()): list_term_ids_for_sentence = term_ids[num_sent] tree_obj, cnt_t, cnt_nt , cnt_edge = convert_penn_to_kaf(str_tree,list_term_ids_for_sentence,logging,lemma_for_termid,cnt_t,cnt_nt,cnt_edge) const.append(tree_obj) my_kaf.tree.getroot().append(const) my_kaf.addLinguisticProcessor(this_name, version+'_'+last_modified, this_layer, my_time_stamp) my_kaf.saveToFile(sys.stdout) os.remove(tmp_file.name) sys.exit(0)