var BlockContentController = function(params) { this.init(params); }; BlockContentController.prototype = { post_id: false, page_id: false, new_block_type_id: false, selected_block_ids: [], blocks: false, assets_path: false, included_assets: false, mc: false, editing_block: false, init: function(params) { var that = this; for (var i in params) that[i] = params[i]; that.add_dropzones(); = new ModalController({ parent_controller: this, assets_path: that.assets_path }); }, edit_block: function(block_id) { var that = this; var url = that.base_url() + '/' + block_id + '/api-info'; $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'get', success: function(resp) { that.editing_block = block_id; that.show_edit_modal(block_id, resp.use_js_for_modal, resp.field_type, resp.block_name, resp.bt_name ); } }); }, show_edit_modal: function(block_id, use_js_for_modal, field_type, bname, btname) { var that = this; var ft = field_type; var modal_controller = ''; if (use_js_for_modal == true) { modal_controller = bname ? bname : btname; } else if (ft == 'image') { modal_controller = 'media'; } else if (ft == 'file') { modal_controller = 'media'; } else if (ft == 'richtext') { modal_controller = 'richtext'; } else { modal_controller = 'block'; } var filename = modal_controller == 'block' ? 'block_dd' : modal_controller; var new_modal_eval_string = "new " + that.underscores_to_camelcase(modal_controller) + "ModalController({ " + " " + (that.page_id && that.page_id != null ? "page_id: " + that.page_id : "post_id: " + that.post_id) + ", " + " block_id: " + block_id + ", " + " authenticity_token: '" + that.authenticity_token + "', " + " parent_controller: that, " + " assets_path: '" + that.assets_path + "'" + "})"; var js_file = 'caboose/block_modal_controllers/' + filename + '_modal_controller.js'; if (! { $(document).on(modal_controller + '_modal_controller_loaded', function() { that.modal = eval(new_modal_eval_string); });; } else // We're good, go ahead and instantiate { that.modal = eval(new_modal_eval_string); } }, underscores_to_camelcase: function(str) { var str2 = ''; $.each(str.split('_'), function(j, word) { str2 += word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.toLowerCase().slice(1); }); return str2; }, block_url: function(parent_id, b) { var that = this; if (!b) return that.base_url() + '/' + parent_id; return that.base_url(b) + '/' +; }, render_block: function(block_id) { var that = this; var url = that.base_url() + '/' + block_id + '/render'; $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'get', success: function(html) { $('#block_' + block_id).replaceWith(html); that.is_loading(false, 'Loading...'); that.add_dropzones(); } }); }, add_block_to_page: function(block_id, block_type_id, parent_id, before_block_id, after_block_id) { var that = this; var new_div = $('
').attr('id','block_' + block_id); if (before_block_id) $('#block_' + before_block_id).before(new_div); else if (after_block_id) $('#block_' + after_block_id).after(new_div); else if (parent_id) { var el = $('#block_' + parent_id).find('.content_body').first(); var first_parent_block = el.parents("[id^='block_']").first(); if ( ('block_' + parent_id) == first_parent_block.attr('id') && el.children('').length > 0 ) { el.children('').remove(); el.append(new_div); } else $('#block_' + parent_id).append(new_div); } that.render_block(block_id); }, create_block: function(block_type_id, parent_id, before_block_id, after_block_id, child_block_count) { var that = this; that.is_loading(true, 'Creating block...'); var h = { authenticity_token: that.authenticity_token, block_type_id: block_type_id, before_id: before_block_id, after_id: after_block_id, child_count: child_block_count }; $.ajax({ url: that.block_url(parent_id, null), type: 'post', data: h, success: function(resp) { that.add_block_to_page(resp.new_id, block_type_id, parent_id, before_block_id, after_block_id); } }); }, is_loading: function(loading, message) { var that = this; if ( loading == true ) $("#caboose-loading").fadeIn().find('h4').text(message); else $("#caboose-loading").fadeOut(); }, move_block: function(block_id, parent_id, before_block_id, after_block_id) { var that = this; var block_id = block_id.replace('block_',''); if ( before_block_id != block_id && after_block_id != block_id && parent_id != block_id ) { var original = $('#block_' + block_id); original.draggable('destroy'); var el = original.detach(); el.removeClass('ui-draggable-dragging, block_over'); el.css({'left':'auto','right':'auto','bottom':'auto','top':'auto','height':'auto','width':'auto'}); if (before_block_id) $('#block_' + before_block_id).before(el); else if (after_block_id) $('#block_' + after_block_id).after(el); else if (parent_id) { var el2 = $('#block_' + parent_id).find('.content_body').first(); var first_parent_block = el2.parents("[id^='block_']").first(); if ( ('block_' + parent_id) == first_parent_block.attr('id') && el2.children('').length > 0 ) { el2.children('').remove(); el2.append(el); } else $('#block_' + parent_id).append(el); } that.move_block_save(block_id, parent_id, before_block_id, after_block_id); } else { } }, move_block_save: function(block_id, parent_id, before_block_id, after_block_id) { var that = this; var block_id = block_id.replace('block_',''); var h = { authenticity_token: that.authenticity_token, parent_id: parent_id, before_id: before_block_id, after_id: after_block_id }; $.ajax({ url: that.base_url() + '/' + block_id + '/move', type: 'post', data: h, success: function(resp) { that.add_dropzones(); } }); }, select_block: function(block_id) { i = this.selected_block_ids.indexOf(block_id); if (i == -1) // Not there { this.selected_block_ids.push(block_id); $('#block_' + block_id).addClass('selected'); } else { this.selected_block_ids.splice(i, 1); $('#block_' + block_id).removeClass('selected'); } }, delete_block: function(block_id, confirm) { var that = this; if (this.selected_block_ids.indexOf(block_id) == -1) this.selected_block_ids.push(block_id); var other_count = this.selected_block_ids.length - 1; if (!confirm) { var message = "Are you sure you want to delete this block"; if (other_count > 0) message += " and the " + other_count + " other selected block" + (other_count == 1 ? '' : 's'); message += "?
"; var p = $('

') .addClass('caboose_note delete') .append(message) .append($('').attr('type', 'button').val('Yes').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); that.delete_block(block_id, true); })).append(" ") .append($('').attr('type', 'button').val('No').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); that.render_block(block_id); })); $('#block_' + block_id).attr('onclick','').unbind('click'); $('#block_' + block_id).empty().append(p); return; } else { for (var i in this.selected_block_ids) { var bid = this.selected_block_ids[i]; $('#block_' + bid).remove(); that.delete_block_save(bid); } that.selected_block_ids = []; that.add_dropzones(); } }, delete_block_save: function(block_id) { var that = this; $.ajax({ url: that.base_url() + '/' + block_id, type: 'delete', async: false, success: function(resp) {} }); }, duplicate_block: function(block_id) { var that = this; var el = $('#block_' + block_id).clone(); el.find("[id^='handle_']").remove(); var fake_id = 'db' + Math.floor((Math.random() * 1000) + 1); el.attr('id','new_block_' + fake_id).addClass('duplicated-block'); $('#block_' + block_id).after(el); that.duplicate_block_save(block_id, fake_id); }, duplicate_block_save: function(block_id, fake_id) { var that = this; $.ajax({ url: that.base_url() + '/' + block_id + '/duplicate', type: 'put', success: function(resp) { $('.duplicated-block#new_block_' + fake_id).attr('id','block_' + resp.new_id).removeClass('duplicated-block'); // that.add_dropzones(); that.render_block(resp.new_id); } }); }, /***************************************************************************** Block Rendering *****************************************************************************/ render_parent_blocks: function(block_id) { var that = this; $.ajax({ url: that.base_url() + '/' + block_id + '/parent-block', type: 'get', success: function(resp) { if ( resp && resp.parent_id ) { that.render_block(resp.parent_id) }; if ( resp && resp.grandparent_id ) { that.render_block(resp.grandparent_id) }; } }); }, render_blocks: function(before_render) { var that = this; if ( that.editing_block ) { that.render_block( that.editing_block ); that.render_parent_blocks( that.editing_block ); } }, add_dropzones: function() { var that = this; $('.new_block_link').remove(); $("[id^='block_']").each(function(k,v) { var bid = $(v).attr('id').replace('block_',''); // empty post, page, column, or text area if ( $(v).find('.content_body').length > 0 && $(v).find('.content_body').first().children().length == 0 ) { var el = $(v).find('.content_body').first(); var first_parent_block = el.parents("[id^='block_']").first(); if ( first_parent_block.attr('id') == $(v).attr('id') ) { el.html($('

') .addClass('new_block_link np') .append($('
').addClass('new-page line').html('

Empty content area. Drag blocks here.

').droppable({ hoverClass: "highlight", tolerance: "pointer", drop: function(event, ui) { if ( ui.draggable.attr('id') && ui.draggable.attr('id').indexOf('block_') == 0 ) that.move_block(ui.draggable.attr('id'), bid, null, null); else that.create_block('btid'), bid, null, null,'children')); } })) ); } } // child block of content area if ( $(v).closest('.content_body').length > 0 ) { var parent_id = $(v).parents("[id^='block_']").first().attr('id').replace('block_',''); var is_last_child = $(v).next("[id^='block_']").length == 0 ? true : false; $(v).before($('
') .addClass('new_block_link') .append($('
').addClass('line').droppable({ hoverClass: "highlight", tolerance: "pointer", drop: function(event, ui) { if ( ui.draggable.attr('id') && ui.draggable.attr('id').indexOf('block_') == 0 ) that.move_block(ui.draggable.attr('id'), parent_id, bid, null); else that.create_block('btid'), parent_id, bid, null,'children')); } })) ); if (is_last_child && is_last_child == true) { $(v).after($('
') .addClass('new_block_link') .append($('
').addClass('line').droppable({ hoverClass: "highlight", tolerance: "pointer", drop: function(event, ui) { if ( ui.draggable.attr('id') && ui.draggable.attr('id').indexOf('block_') == 0 ) that.move_block(ui.draggable.attr('id'), parent_id, null, bid); else that.create_block('btid'), parent_id, null, bid,'children')); } })) ); } } if ( !$(v).hasClass('header') && !$(v).hasClass('content_wrapper') && !$(v).hasClass('footer') && !$(v).hasClass('header-wrapper') && !$(v).hasClass('footer-wrapper') ) { $(v).draggable( { handle: ".drag_handle", revert: "invalid", scroll: false, zIndex: 999, start: function(event, ui) { $(".line.ui-droppable").addClass('dropzone'); }, stop: function(event, ui) { $(".line.ui-droppable").removeClass('dropzone'); } }); } that.add_handles_to_block(bid); }); }, add_handles_to_block: function(block_id) { var that = this; var el = $('#block_' + block_id); if ( el.attr('id').indexOf('_value') >= 0 || el.children('.drag_handle').length > 0 ) return true; if ( el.parents('.content_body').length > 0 ) { $('#block_' + block_id + ' *').attr('onclick', '').unbind('click'); el.prepend($('').attr('id', 'handle_block_' + block_id + '_drag' ).addClass('drag_handle' ).append($('').addClass('ui-icon ui-icon-arrow-4' )).click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); })) .prepend($('').attr('id', 'handle_block_' + block_id + '_select' ).addClass('select_handle' ).append($('').addClass('ui-icon ui-icon-check' )).click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); that.select_block(block_id); })) .prepend($('').attr('id', 'handle_block_' + block_id + '_duplicate' ).addClass('duplicate_handle' ).append($('').addClass('ui-icon ui-icon-copy' )).click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); that.duplicate_block(block_id); })) .prepend($('').attr('id', 'handle_block_' + block_id + '_delete' ).addClass('delete_handle' ).append($('').addClass('ui-icon ui-icon-close' )).click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); that.delete_block(block_id); })); el.mouseover(function(el) { $('#block_' + block_id).addClass( 'block_over'); }); el.mouseout(function(el) { $('#block_' + block_id).removeClass('block_over'); }); } el.attr('onclick','').unbind('click'); { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); that.edit_block(block_id); }); }, /***************************************************************************** Helper methods *****************************************************************************/ base_url: function() { var that = this; return '/admin/' + (that.page_id && that.page_id != null ? 'pages/' + that.page_id : 'posts/' + that.post_id) + '/blocks'; } };