= activerecord_snapshot_view activerecord_snapshot_view provides simple management of snapshot materialized views for ActiveRecord a snapshot view is created by includeing the ActiveRecord::SnapshotView module into an ActiveRecord class. new versions of the snapshot are created using the new_version class method multiple versions of the view are maintained : there is a single active version, a working version, and one or more history tables [by default 1] the model's +table_name+ method is overwritten to reflect the active table, so all ActiveRecord model methods, like finders, work transparently. the caveat is that you must use the +table_name+ method to determine the current snapshot's table name when constructing SQL to use, include ActiveRecord::SnapshotView into your model : class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base include ActiveRecord::SnapshotView end there are class methods to get the different table names, and manipulate the version : * Foo.table_name : current active or working table name * Foo.working_table_name : current working table name * Foo.active_table_name : current active table name * Foo.new_version(&block) : run +block+ to create a new version of the table. during execution of the block Foo.table_name will return the working table name. if +block+ completes without raising an exception, or if the exception is an ActiveRecord::SnapshotView::SaveWork, then the working table will become permanently globally active the active table name is maintained as a row in an automatically created auxilliary table, [foos_switch in the case of Foo], and this is updated in a transaction the presence of the historical tables [which are recycled] means that even though a transaction may advance_version, other transactions already in progress will continue to see the old active table_name, and selects in progress will continue to completion without rollback [ provided they don't take longer to complete than it takes to recycle all history tables ] == Dependencies MySQL only at the moment == Note on Patches/Pull Requests * Fork the project. * Make your feature addition or bug fix. * Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull) * Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches. == Copyright Copyright (c) 2009 mccraig mccraig of the clan mccraig. See LICENSE for details.