require "numru/ggraph" require "yaml" module NumRu class VizShot @@ms_windows = false def @@ms_windows = true end @@dumpdir = './' def self.dumpdir=(dirname) @@dumpdir = dirname.sub(/([^\/])$/,'\1/') # to end with '/' end @@basename_default = 'vizshot_dump' ## DCL::swcget('FNAME').strip def self.basename_default=(basename) @@basename_default = basename end @@plot_methods = @@plot_methods[:plot_1d] = {:ndims=>1,:nvars=>1,:pre_defined=>true} @@plot_methods[:line] = {:ndims=>1,:nvars=>1,:pre_defined=>true} @@plot_methods[:mark] = {:ndims=>1,:nvars=>1,:pre_defined=>true} @@plot_methods[:tone_cont] = {:ndims=>2,:nvars=>1,:pre_defined=>true} @@plot_methods[:tone] = {:ndims=>2,:nvars=>1,:pre_defined=>true} @@plot_methods[:contour] = {:ndims=>2,:nvars=>1,:pre_defined=>true} @@plot_methods[:vector] = {:ndims=>2,:nvars=>2,:pre_defined=>true} #<< class methods >> class << self def has_plot_method?(methodname) @@plot_methods.has_key?(methodname.to_sym) end def plot_methods @@plot_methods.keys end def ndims(methodname) @@plot_methods[methodname.to_sym][:ndims] end def nvars(methodname) @@plot_methods[methodname.to_sym][:nvars] end def pre_defined?(methodname) @@plot_methods[methodname.to_sym][:pre_defined] end def add_extensions(arg) case arg when Array return arg.collect{|hash| add_extensions(hash)} when Hash hash = arg else raise ArgumentError, "argument must be Hash" end name = hash[:name] hash[:pre_defined] = false return nil if @@plot_methods[name] ndims = hash[:ndims] || raise("ndims must be set") nvars = hash[:nvars] || raise("nvars must be set") script = hash[:script] || raise("script must be set") str =<<-"EOS" def #{name}(gphys, #{nvars>1 ? "gphys1, " : ""} opt) #{script} end private :#{name} EOS class_eval(str) if ggraph = hash[:ggraph] str =<<-"EOS" def #{name}(gphys, #{nvars>1 ? "gphys1, " : ""} newframe=true, options=nil) #{ggraph} end module_function :#{name} EOS GGraph.module_eval(str) end @@plot_methods[name.to_sym] = hash print "registrated plot method: #{name}\n" if $VERBOSE return hash end end #<< methods >> def initialize(opt = nil) opt = opt ? opt.dup : @set = @set[:admin] = @set[:admin][:iwidth] = ( opt.delete(:iwidth) || 700 ) @set[:admin][:iheight] = ( opt.delete(:iheight) || 700 ) @set[:admin][:xdiv] = ( opt.delete(:xdiv) || 1 ) @set[:admin][:ydiv] = ( opt.delete(:ydiv) || 1 ) @set[:admin][:basename] = ( opt.delete(:basename) || @@basename_default) if opt.length > 0 raise ArgumentError,"Unsupported option(s) #{opt.keys.inspect}" end @plots = end def plot(arg) if (file=arg[:file]) && String===file && !(/http:\/\// =~ file) arg[:file] = File.expand_path(file) end if (file=arg[:file2]) && String===file && !(/http:\/\// =~ file) arg[:file2] = File.expand_path(file) end @plots.push(arg) @plots.length - 1 # index of the current plot end def add(vizshot) viz_new = self.semi_deep_clone vizshot.plots.each{|plot| viz_new.plot(plot)} viz_new end def replace_plot!(index, arg) @plots[index].update(arg) end def set_fig(opt) @set[:fig] = opt end def set_map(opt) @set[:map] = opt end def set_axes(opt) @set[:axes] = opt end def set_tone(opt) @set[:tone] = opt end def set_contour(opt) @set[:contour] = opt end def execute(opt=nil) if opt # must be a Hash opt = opt.dup postscript = opt.delete(:postscript) image_dump = opt.delete(:image_dump) if opt.length > 0 raise ArgumentError,"Unsupported option(s) #{opt.keys.inspect}" end end setup(postscript,image_dump) first = true @plots.each do |p| exec_plot(p, first) first = false end finish end def dump_code(basename=nil, all_in_one=false, exec_opt=nil) @set[:admin][:basename] = basename if basename path = @@dumpdir + @set[:admin][:basename] + '.rb','w'){|f| f.print(gen_code(all_in_one, exec_opt))} path end def dump_code_and_data(basename=nil, all_in_one=false, exec_opt=nil) @set[:admin][:basename] = basename if basename viz = self.dup data_paths = viz.cut_out_data(@set[:admin][:basename]) code_path = viz.dump_code(basename, all_in_one, exec_opt) [code_path] + data_paths end def gen_code(all_in_one = false, exec_opt=nil) if all_in_one libsrc = code = "" while (line=libsrc.gets) break if /^#.*ENDOFLIB/ =~ line code << line end code << "####################\n" else code = 'require "numru/vizshot"' end ext_methods = @plots.each{|pl| method = pl[:method] pm = @@plot_methods[method.to_sym] unless pm[:pre_defined] ext_methods.push pm unless ext_methods.include?(pm) end } code += "\next_methods = <<'YML'\n\n#{ext_methods.to_yaml}\nYML\n\n" code += "\nset = < 1 || @set[:admin][:ydiv] > 1) DCL::sldiv('y',@set[:admin][:xdiv],@set[:admin][:ydiv]) end GGraph::set_fig(@set[:fig]) if @set[:fig] GGraph::set_map(@set[:map]) if @set[:map] GGraph::set_axes(@set[:axes]) if @set[:axes] GGraph::set_contour(@set[:contour]) if @set[:contour] GGraph::set_tone(@set[:tone]) if @set[:tone] end def finish DCL::grcls end def tone_cont(gphys, opt) newfrm = opt.delete(:newfrm) contour = opt.delete(:contour) tone = opt.delete(:tone) color_bar = opt.delete(:color_bar) color_bar_options = opt.delete(:color_bar_options) if color_bar_options && !color_bar_options.is_a?(Hash) raise ":color_bar_options must be a Hash" end if @set[:fig] && (itr=@set[:fig]['itr']) && itr>=10 lon = gphys.coord(0) lat = gphys.coord(1) if lon.min >= 120 && lon.max <= 150 && lat.min >= 20 && lat.max <=50 GGraph::set_map({'coast_japan'=>true}) else GGraph::set_map({'coast_world'=>true}) end if itr==31 DCL.sgpset('lclip',true) GGraph.set_map('vpt_boundary'=>3) end end tone = contour = true if !tone && !contour # should be what is meant if tone GGraph::tone(gphys, newfrm, opt) newfrm = false end if contour GGraph::contour(gphys, newfrm, opt) newfrm = false end if tone && color_bar cbopt = color_bar_options || cbopt['log'] = true if opt['log'] GGraph::color_bar(cbopt) end newfrm end def vector(gpx, gpy, opt) newfrm = opt.delete(:newfrm) GGraph::set_unit_vect_options('vyuoff'=>-0.1,'vxuoff'=>0.07) GGraph::vector(gpx, gpy, newfrm, opt) end def plot_1d(gphys, opt) newfrm = opt.delete(:newfrm) contour = opt.delete(:contour) line = opt.delete(:line) mark = opt.delete(:mark) line = mark = true if !line && !mark # should be what is meant if line GGraph::line(gphys, newfrm, opt) newfrm = false end if mark GGraph::mark(gphys, newfrm, opt) newfrm = false end newfrm end def tone(gphys, opt) tone_cont(gphys, opt.update(:tone=>true,:contour=>false)) end def contour(gphys, opt) tone_cont(gphys, opt.update(:tone=>false,:contour=>true)) end def line(gphys, opt) plot_1d(gphys, opt.update(:line=>true,:mark=>false)) end def mark(gphys, opt) plot_1d(gphys, opt.update(:line=>false,:mark=>true)) end end end ########## ENDOFLIB ########## if __FILE__ == $0 if ARGV.length == 0 raise <<-EOS USAGE: % ruby #{__FILE__} menu [dumpdir] where menu=0,1,2,.. EOS end test_menu = ARGV[0].to_i NumRu::VizShot.dumpdir = ARGV[1] if ARGV[1] case test_menu when 0 extdef = YAML.load( ) NumRu::VizShot.add_extensions( extdef ) # New one registered but not used NumRu::VizShot.plot_methods.each do | method| print "#{method}\t#{NumRu::VizShot.ndims(method)}\t#{NumRu::VizShot.nvars(method)}\t#{NumRu::VizShot.pre_defined?(method)}\n" end p NumRu::VizShot.has_plot_method?(:tone) viz =>700,:iheight=>500) viz.set_fig('viewport'=>[0.15,0.85,0.2,0.55]) viz.set_tone('tonc'=>true) viz.plot( :method => :tone_cont, :file => "../../testdata/", :var=> "T", :cut => {'level'=>400}, :color_bar=>true, "title"=>"T and [U,V]" ) viz.plot( :method => :vector, :file => "../../testdata/", :var=> "U", :var2=> "V" , :cut => {'level'=>400}, "unit_vect" => true ) # You can give GGraph options using string keys. paths = viz.dump_code_and_data(nil, true) print "\n!!! Code and data stored in #{paths.inspect} !!!\n\n" viz.execute when 100 # executable after executing case 0 system('mv') || raise("mv failed. Call after 0") viz =>700,:iheight=>500) viz.set_fig('itr'=>10, 'viewport'=>[0.15,0.85,0.2,0.55]) viz.plot( :method => :tone_cont, :file => "", :var=> "T", :color_bar=>true) path = viz.dump_code(nil, true, :image_dump => true) print "\n!!! Code written in #{path} !!!\n\n" viz.execute(:image_dump => true) when 2 viz = viz.set_fig('itr'=>31, 'viewport'=>[0.15,0.85,0.15,0.85]) viz.plot( :method => :tone_cont, :file => "../../testdata/", :var=> "T", :cut => {'lat'=>10..90,'level'=>600}, :color_bar=>true) path = viz.dump_code print "\n!!! Code written in #{path} !!!\n\n" viz.execute when 3 viz = viz.plot( :method => :plot_1d, :file => "../../testdata/", :var=> "T", :cut => {'lon'=>135}, "index"=>2, :line => true, :mark => true ) path = viz.dump_code print "\n!!! Code written in #{path} !!!\n\n" viz.execute when 4 # you can use :method=>:line instead of :method=>:plot_1d && :line=>true viz = viz.plot( :method => :line, :file => "../../testdata/", :var=> "T", :cut => {'lon'=>135}, "index"=>2, "type"=>2 ) path = viz.dump_code print "\n!!! Code written in #{path} !!!\n\n" viz.execute when 5 viz =>700,:iheight=>500,:xdiv=>2,:ydiv=>2) viz.set_fig('viewport'=>[0.15,0.85,0.2,0.55]) [1000,600,400,200].each do |lev| viz.plot( :method => :tone_cont, :newfrm=>true, :file => "../../testdata/", :var=> "T", :cut => {'level'=>lev}, :color_bar=>true) end path = viz.dump_code print "\n!!! Code written in #{path} !!!\n\n" viz.execute when 6 viz =>700,:iheight=>500,:xdiv=>2,:ydiv=>2) viz.set_fig('viewport'=>[0.2,0.8,0.27,0.6]) viz.plot( :method => :tone_cont, :newfrm=>true, :file => "../../testdata/", :var=> "T", :cut => {'level'=>1000}, :color_bar=>true, :color_bar_options=>{'vlength'=>0.25}) viz.plot( :method => :tone_cont, :newfrm=>true, :file => "../../testdata/", :var=> "T", :cut => {'level'=>1000}, :color_bar=>true, :color_bar_options=>{'labelintv'=>1}) viz.plot( :method => :tone_cont, :newfrm=>true, :file => "../../testdata/", :var=> "T", :cut => {'level'=>1000}, :color_bar=>true, :color_bar_options=>{'landscape'=>true, 'labelintv'=>1, 'vlength'=>0.6}) path = viz.dump_code print "\n!!! Code written in #{path} !!!\n\n" viz.execute when 7 # test user-defined method # extdef = YAML.load( ) NumRu::VizShot.add_extensions( extdef ) viz =>500,:iheight=>500) viz.plot( :method => :scatter, :file => "../../testdata/", :var=> "U", :var2=> "V" , :cut => {'lat'=>0, 'level'=>400} ) paths = viz.dump_code_and_data print "\n!!! Code and data stored in #{paths.inspect} !!!\n\n" viz.execute end end __END__ ### The following part is an YAML to define an extension method ### :name: scatter :ndims: 1 :nvars: 2 :script: | newfrm = opt.delete(:newfrm) GGraph::scatter(gphys, gphys1, newfrm, opt) :ggraph: | gropn_1_if_not_yet unless defined?(@@scater_options) @@scater_options = ['title', nil, 'Title of the figure'], ['annotate', true, 'if false, do not put texts on the right margin even when newframe==true'], ['index', 1, 'mark index'], ['type', 2, 'mark type'], ['size', 0.01, 'marks size'] ) end opts = @@scater_options.interpret(options) gphys = gphys.first1D.copy gphys1 = gphys1.first1D.copy len = gphys.length unless len == gphys1.length raise ArgumentError, "length of gphys and gphys1 do not agree with each other" end x = y = if newframe fig(x,y) axes(x,y) title( opts['title'] ) annotate(gphys.lost_axes) if opts['annotate'] end DCL::uumrkz(x.val, y.val, opts['type'], opts['index'], opts['size'])