# frozen_string_literal: true module Plutonium module Definition # Module for handling defineable properties in Plutonium definitions # # @example # class MyDefinition # include DefineableProperties # # defineable_property :field # defineable_property :input # defineable_property :filter # defineable_property :scope # defineable_property :sorter # end module DefineableProps extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do class_attribute :_defineable_props_store, instance_accessor: false, instance_predicate: false, default: [] end class_methods do def defineable_props(*property_names) property_names.each { |name| defineable_prop(name) } end # Defines a new property type for the class # # @param property_name [Symbol] The name of the property to define # @return [void] def defineable_prop(property_name) property_plural = property_name.to_s.pluralize.to_sym property_getter = :"defined_#{property_plural}" self._defineable_props_store += [property_plural] class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def self.#{property_name}(name, **options, &block) #{property_getter}[name] = { options:, block:}.compact end def self.#{property_getter} @#{property_getter} ||= {} end def #{property_name}(name, **options, &block) instance_#{property_getter}[name] = { options:, block:}.compact end def #{property_getter} @merged_#{property_getter} ||= begin customize_#{property_plural} merged = {} self.class.#{property_getter}.each do |name, data| merged[name] = { options: data[:options].dup, block: data[:block] }.compact end instance_#{property_getter}.each do |name, data| if merged.key?(name) merged[name][:options].merge!(data[:options]) merged[name][:block] = data[:block] if data[:block] else merged[name] = data end # merged[name].compact! end merged end end def customize_#{property_plural} # Override in subclass to add or modify #{property_plural} end private def instance_#{property_getter} @instance_#{property_getter} ||= {} end RUBY end # Handles inheritance by duplicating class-level collections def inherited(subclass) super _defineable_props_store.each do |property| subclass.instance_variable_set(:"@defined_#{property}", instance_variable_get(:"@defined_#{property}")&.deep_dup || {}) end end end end end end