module Steep module Diagnostic module Ruby class Base include Helper attr_reader :node attr_reader :location def initialize(node:, location: node.location.expression) @node = node @location = location end def header_line error_name end def detail_lines nil end def diagnostic_code "Ruby::#{error_name}" end end module ResultPrinter def print_result_to(io, level: 1) printer = printer.print result.trace, level: level end def trace_lines do |io| print_result_to(io) end.string.chomp end def detail_lines do |io| print_result_to(io) end.string.chomp end end class IncompatibleAssignment < Base attr_reader :lhs_type attr_reader :rhs_type attr_reader :result include ResultPrinter def initialize(node:, lhs_type:, rhs_type:, result:) super(node: node) @lhs_type = lhs_type @rhs_type = rhs_type @result = result end def header_line element = case node.type when :ivasgn, :lvasgn, :gvasgn, :cvasgn "a variable" when :casgn "a constant" else "an expression" end "Cannot assign a value of type `#{rhs_type}` to #{element} of type `#{lhs_type}`" end end class IncompatibleArguments < Base attr_reader :node attr_reader :method_name attr_reader :receiver_type attr_reader :method_types def initialize(node:, method_name:, receiver_type:, method_types:) location = case node.type when :send node.loc.selector when :block node.children[0].yield_self do |node| node.loc.selector end when :super node.loc.expression else Steep.logger.error { "Unexpected node given: #{node.type} (IncompatibleArguments#initialize)"} node.loc.expression end super(node: node, location: location) @receiver_type = receiver_type @method_types = method_types @method_name = method_name end def header_line "Cannot find method `#{method_name}` of type `#{receiver_type}` with compatible arity" end def detail_lines do |io| io.puts "Method types:" first_type, *rest_types = method_types defn = " def #{method_name}" io.puts "#{defn}: #{first_type}" rest_types.each do |method_type| io.puts "#{" " * defn.size}| #{method_type}" end end.string.chomp end end class UnresolvedOverloading < Base attr_reader :node attr_reader :receiver_type attr_reader :method_name attr_reader :method_types def initialize(node:, receiver_type:, method_name:, method_types:) super node: node @receiver_type = receiver_type @method_name = method_name @method_types = method_types end def header_line "Cannot find compatible overloading of method `#{method_name}` of type `#{receiver_type}`" end def detail_lines do |io| io.puts "Method types:" first_type, *rest_types = method_types defn = " def #{method_name}" io.puts "#{defn}: #{first_type}" rest_types.each do |method_type| io.puts "#{" " * defn.size}| #{method_type}" end end.string.chomp end end class ArgumentTypeMismatch < Base attr_reader :node attr_reader :expected attr_reader :actual attr_reader :receiver_type attr_reader :result include ResultPrinter def initialize(node:, receiver_type:, expected:, actual:, result:) super(node: node) @receiver_type = receiver_type @expected = expected @actual = actual @result = result end def header_line "Cannot pass a value of type `#{actual}` as an argument of type `#{expected}`" end end class NoMethod < Base attr_reader :type attr_reader :method def initialize(node:, type:, method:) loc = case node.type when :send node.loc.selector when :block node.children[0].loc.selector else node.loc.expression end super(node: node, location: loc) @type = type @method = method end def header_line "Type `#{type}` does not have method `#{method}`" end end class ReturnTypeMismatch < Base attr_reader :expected attr_reader :actual attr_reader :result include ResultPrinter def initialize(node:, expected:, actual:, result:) super(node: node) @expected = expected @actual = actual @result = result end def header_line "The method cannot return a value of type `#{actual}` because declared as type `#{expected}`" end end class UnexpectedBlockGiven < Base attr_reader :method_type def initialize(node:, method_type:) loc = node.loc.begin.join(node.loc.end) super(node: node, location: loc) @method_type = method_type end def header_line "The method cannot be called with a block" end end class RequiredBlockMissing < Base attr_reader :method_type def initialize(node:, method_type:) super(node: node, location: node.loc.selector) @method_type = method_type end def header_line "The method cannot be called without a block" end end class BlockTypeMismatch < Base attr_reader :expected attr_reader :actual attr_reader :result include ResultPrinter def initialize(node:, expected:, actual:, result:) super(node: node) @expected = expected @actual = actual @result = result end def header_line "Cannot pass a value of type `#{actual}` as a block-pass-argument of type `#{expected}`" end end class BlockBodyTypeMismatch < Base attr_reader :expected attr_reader :actual attr_reader :result include ResultPrinter def initialize(node:, expected:, actual:, result:) super(node: node, location: node.loc.begin.join(node.loc.end)) @expected = expected @actual = actual @result = result end def header_line "Cannot allow block body have type `#{actual}` because declared as type `#{expected}`" end end class BreakTypeMismatch < Base attr_reader :expected attr_reader :actual attr_reader :result include ResultPrinter def initialize(node:, expected:, actual:, result:) super(node: node) @expected = expected @actual = actual @result = result end def header_line "Cannot break with a value of type `#{actual}` because type `#{expected}` is assumed" end end class UnexpectedJump < Base def header_line "Cannot jump from here" end end class UnexpectedJumpValue < Base def header_line "The value given to #{node.type} will be ignored" end end class MethodArityMismatch < Base attr_reader :method_type def initialize(node:, method_type:) args = case node.type when :def node.children[1] when :defs node.children[2] end super(node: node, location: args&.loc&.expression || @method_type = method_type end def header_line "Method parameters are incompatible with declaration `#{method_type}`" end end class IncompatibleMethodTypeAnnotation < Base attr_reader :interface_method attr_reader :annotation_method attr_reader :result include ResultPrinter def initialize(node:, interface_method:, annotation_method:, result:) raise super(node: node) @interface_method = interface_method @annotation_method = annotation_method @result = result end end class MethodReturnTypeAnnotationMismatch < Base attr_reader :method_type attr_reader :annotation_type attr_reader :result include ResultPrinter def initialize(node:, method_type:, annotation_type:, result:) super(node: node) @method_type = method_type @annotation_type = annotation_type @result = result end def header_line "Annotation `@type return` specifies type `#{annotation_type}` where declared as type `#{method_type}`" end end class MethodBodyTypeMismatch < Base attr_reader :expected attr_reader :actual attr_reader :result include ResultPrinter def initialize(node:, expected:, actual:, result:) super(node: node) @expected = expected @actual = actual @result = result end def header_line "Cannot allow method body have type `#{actual}` because declared as type `#{expected}`" end end class UnexpectedYield < Base def header_line "No block given for `yield`" end end class UnexpectedSuper < Base attr_reader :method def initialize(node:, method:) super(node: node) @method = method end def header_line "No superclass method `#{method}` defined" end end class MethodDefinitionMissing < Base attr_reader :module_name attr_reader :kind attr_reader :missing_method def initialize(node:, module_name:, kind:, missing_method:) super(node: node, location: node.children[0].loc.expression) @module_name = module_name @kind = kind @missing_method = missing_method end def header_line method_name = case kind when :module ".#{missing_method}" when :instance "##{missing_method}" end "Cannot find implementation of method `#{module_name}#{method_name}`" end end class UnexpectedDynamicMethod < Base attr_reader :module_name attr_reader :method_name def initialize(node:, module_name:, method_name:) super(node: node, location: node.children[0].loc.expression) @module_name = module_name @method_name = method_name end def header_line "@dynamic annotation contains unknown method name `#{method_name}`" end end class UnknownConstantAssigned < Base attr_reader :context attr_reader :name def initialize(node:, context:, name:) const = node.children[0] loc = if const const.loc.expression.join( else end super(node: node, location: loc) @context = context @name = name end def header_line "Cannot find the declaration of constant `#{name}`" end end class FallbackAny < Base def initialize(node:) super(node: node) end def header_line "Cannot detect the type of the expression" end end class UnsatisfiableConstraint < Base attr_reader :method_type attr_reader :var attr_reader :sub_type attr_reader :super_type attr_reader :result def initialize(node:, method_type:, var:, sub_type:, super_type:, result:) super(node: node) @method_type = method_type @var = var @sub_type = sub_type @super_type = super_type @result = result end include ResultPrinter def header_line "Unsatisfiable constraint `#{sub_type} <: #{var} <: #{super_type}` is generated through #{method_type}" end end class IncompatibleAnnotation < Base attr_reader :var_name attr_reader :result attr_reader :relation def initialize(node:, var_name:, result:, relation:) super(node: node) @var_name = var_name @result = result @relation = relation end include ResultPrinter def header_line "Type annotation about `#{var_name}` is incompatible since #{relation} doesn't hold" end end class IncompatibleTypeCase < Base attr_reader :var_name attr_reader :result attr_reader :relation def initialize(node:, var_name:, result:, relation:) super(node: node) @var_name = var_name @result = result @relation = relation end include ResultPrinter def header_line "Type annotation for branch about `#{var_name}` is incompatible since #{relation} doesn't hold" end end class ElseOnExhaustiveCase < Base attr_reader :type def initialize(node:, type:) super(node: node) @type = type end def header_line "The branch is unreachable because the condition is exhaustive" end end class UnexpectedSplat < Base attr_reader :type def initialize(node:, type:) super(node: node) @type = type end def header_line "Hash splat is given with object other than `Hash[X, Y]`" end end class UnexpectedKeyword < Base attr_reader :unexpected_keywords def initialize(node:, unexpected_keywords:) super(node: node) @unexpected_keywords = unexpected_keywords end def header_line keywords = {|x| "`#{x}`" } "Cannot specify unexpected keyword arguments: #{keywords.join(", ")}" end end class MissingKeyword < Base attr_reader :missing_keywords def initialize(node:, missing_keywords:) super(node: node) @missing_keywords = missing_keywords end def header_line keywords = {|x| "`#{x}`" } "Cannot omit required keywords: #{keywords.join(", ")}" end end class UnsupportedSyntax < Base attr_reader :message def initialize(node:, message: nil) super(node: node) @message = message end def header_line if message message else "Syntax `#{node.type}` is not supported in Steep" end end end class UnexpectedError < Base attr_reader :message attr_reader :error def initialize(node:, error:) super(node: node) @error = error end def header_line "UnexpectedError: #{error.message}" end end class SyntaxError < Base attr_reader :message def initialize(message: ,location:) super(node: nil, location: location) @message = message end def header_line "SyntaxError: #{message}" end end end end end