module Flammarion class Engraving include Revelator include RecognizePath attr_accessor :on_disconnect, :on_connect, :sockets, :request, :status, :headers, :response # Creates a new Engraving (i.e., a new display window) # @option options [Proc] :on_connect Called when the display window is # connected (i.e., displayed) # @option options [Proc] :on_disconnect Called when the display windows is # disconnected (i.e., closed) # @option options [Boolean] :exit_on_disconnect (false) Will call +exit+ # when the widow is closed if this option is true. # @option options [Boolean] :close_on_exit (false) Will close the window # when the process exits if this is true. Otherwise, it will just stay # around, but not actually be interactive. # @raise {SetupError} if neither chrome is set up correctly and # and Flammarion is unable to display the engraving. def initialize(**options) @chrome = @sockets = [] @on_connect = options[:on_connect] @on_disconnect = options[:on_disconnect] @exit_on_disconnect = options.fetch(:exit_on_disconnect, false) start_server @window_id = @@server.register_window(self) open_a_window(options) unless options[:no_window] wait_for_a_connection unless options[:no_wait] at_exit {close if window_open?} if options.fetch(:close_on_exit, true) end # Blocks the current thread until the window has been closed. All user # interactions and callbacks will continue in other threads. def wait_until_closed sleep 1 until @sockets.empty? end # Is this Engraving displayed on the screen. def window_open? !@sockets.empty? end def disconnect(ws) @sockets.delete ws exit 0 if @exit_on_disconnect if @on_disconnect end def process_message(msg) params = JSON.parse(msg).with_indifferent_access action = params.delete(:action) || 'page' dispatch(params) if status == 302 params = { url: headers['Location'].sub(/^.*:\/{2}(:\d{0,4})?/i, ''), session: response.request.session }.with_indifferent_access dispatch(params) render(action: 'page', html: response.body) elsif headers['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] == 'binary' filename = headers['Content-Disposition'].sub(/.*filename=/, '').gsub(/(^"|"$)/, '') render(action: 'file', name: filename) render(response.body) else render(action: action, html: response.body) end rescue => e Rails.logger.error "[EXCEPTION][#{msg}]" Rails.logger.error " [#{e.class}]\n#{e.message}\n" << e.backtrace.first(20).join("\n") Rails.logger.error "[END]" render(action: 'error', title: "#{e.class}: #{e.message}") end def dispatch(params) session = params.delete(:session) url = params.delete(:url) uri = URI.parse(url) query_params = Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query(uri.query) if params.key?(:form) params[:method] = 'post' params[params.delete(:button)] = '' params.merge!(Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query(params.delete(:form))) end if params.key?(:_method) params[:method] = params[:_method] end params[:method] ||= :get path_params = recognize_path(url, params) unless path_params.key?(:controller) raise ActionController::RoutingError, "No route matches [#{url}]#{params.inspect}" end controller_name = "#{path_params[:controller].underscore.camelize}Controller" controller = ActiveSupport::Dependencies.constantize(controller_name) action = path_params[:action] || 'index' request_env = { 'rack.input' => '', 'REQUEST_METHOD' => params[:method].to_s.upcase, 'action_dispatch.request.parameters' => path_params.merge!(params).merge!(query_params), } request_env['rack.session'] = session if session self.request = response = controller.make_response! request self.status, self.headers, body = controller.dispatch(action, request, response) self.response = body.instance_variable_get(:@response) end def start_server @@server ||= end def server @@server end def render(body) if @sockets.empty? open_a_window wait_for_a_connection end if body.is_a? Hash body = body.to_json else binary = true end @sockets.each do |ws| ws.send_data(body, binary) end nil end end end