begin require 'rspec/expectations'; rescue LoadError; require 'spec/expectations'; end require 'cucumber/formatter/unicode' $:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib') require 'keen' Given /^a Keen Client using Redis$/ do @client =, @auth_token, :storage_class => Keen::Async::Storage::RedisHandler, :storage_namespace => "test", :cache_locally => true, :logging => false ) @client.storage_handler.clear_active_queue @starting_queue_size = @client.storage_handler.count_active_queue end Given /^a Keen Client in Direct Send mode$/ do @client =, @auth_token, :cache_locally => false, :logging => false ) end When /^I post an event$/ do @result = @client.add_event("cucumber_events", {:hi_from => "cucumber!", :keen_version => Keen::VERSION}) end Then /^the size of the Redis queue should have gone up by (\d+)\.$/ do |n| @client.storage_handler.count_active_queue.should == n.to_i + @starting_queue_size end Then /^the response from the server should be good\.$/ do response = @result response.should == {"created" => true} end When /^I post (\d+) events$/ do |n| n.to_i.times do @client.add_event("cucumber_events", {:hi_from => "cucumber!", :keen_version => Keen::VERSION}) end end When /^I process the queue$/ do worker = @result = worker.process_queue end Then /^the response from Keen should be (\d+) happy smiles$/ do |n| expectation = [] n.to_i.times do expectation.push({"success" => true}) end expectation = {"cucumber_events" => expectation} end Then /^the queue should be empty\.$/ do @client.storage_handler.count_active_queue.should == 0 end