var Overlay = require("lalala/modules/overlay"); function FileMetadata($xfile, fileuploader) { this.$el = $('
'); this.$xfile = $xfile; this.fileuploader = fileuploader; this.render(); this.bind_events(); } FileMetadata.prototype.render = function() { var tmpl, main_tmpl, sidebar_tmpl, img_tmpl, meta_tmpl; var that = this; // main main_tmpl = this.main_template; main_tmpl = main_tmpl.replace("{{FIELDS}}", this.$xfile.find(".attributes").length ? this.$xfile.find(".attributes").html() : this.get_form_template() ); // sidebar sidebar_tmpl = this.sidebar_template; if (this.$xfile.hasClass("saved-to-db")) { img_tmpl = '
'; meta_tmpl = this.$xfile.find(".meta").html(); } else { img_tmpl = '
'; meta_tmpl = ''; this.$xfile.find("input") .filter("[name$=\"extension]\"]:first") .each(function() { var $t, name; $t = $(this); meta_tmpl += '
'; name = $t.attr("name"); name = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf("[") + 1, name.lastIndexOf("]")); switch (name) { case "extension": meta_tmpl += 'filetype'; } meta_tmpl += '' + $t.attr("value") + '
'; }); } sidebar_tmpl = sidebar_tmpl.replace("{{IMAGE}}", img_tmpl); sidebar_tmpl = sidebar_tmpl.replace("{{META}}", meta_tmpl); // global template tmpl = this.template; tmpl = tmpl.replace("{{MAIN}}", main_tmpl); tmpl = tmpl.replace("{{SIDEBAR}}", sidebar_tmpl); // add to dom this.$el.html(tmpl); // canvas clone this.$el.find("canvas").each(function() { var $canvas = $(this), file; var file_id = that.$xfile.attr("file-id"); if (file_id) { file = that.fileuploader.state.files[file_id]; if (file) { file.readThumbnailData(220, 153, function(canvas) { $canvas.replaceWith(canvas); }); } } }); }; // // Templates // FileMetadata.prototype.template = (function() { return [ '
', '
', '', '
' ].join(""); })(); FileMetadata.prototype.main_template = (function() { return [ '
', '{{FIELDS}}', '
' ].join(""); })(); FileMetadata.prototype.sidebar_template = (function() { return [ '{{IMAGE}}', '
', '
', 'Update meta data', 'Cancel', '
' ].join(""); })(); FileMetadata.prototype.get_form_template = function() { var $x = this.fileuploader.$el.find("template.form-template"); var x = $x.get(0); var wrapper = document.createElement("div"); if (x.content) { $(wrapper).append( $(x.content.children).clone() ); } else { $(wrapper).append( $x.clone().html() ); } return wrapper.innerHTML; }; // // Events (General) // FileMetadata.prototype.bind_events = function() { this.$el.on("click", "a.button.commit", $.proxy(this.commit_click_handler, this)); this.$el.on("click", "a.button.cancel", $.proxy(this.cancel_click_handler, this)); }; FileMetadata.prototype.unbind_events = function() { this.$"click"); }; // // Actions // FileMetadata.prototype.commit_click_handler = function() { this.copy_attributes_to_xfile(); this.hide(); }; FileMetadata.prototype.cancel_click_handler = function() { this.hide(); }; // // Attributes // FileMetadata.prototype.copy_attributes_to_xfile = function() { var $xattr = this.$xfile.find(".attributes"); var new_attributes_container; if ($xattr.length === 0) { new_attributes_container = document.createElement("div"); new_attributes_container.className = "attributes"; new_attributes_container.innerHTML = this.get_form_template(); this.$xfile.prepend(new_attributes_container); $xattr = $(new_attributes_container); this.fileuploader.remove_hidden_fields_from_checkboxes($xattr); } this.$el.find(".fields [name]").each(function() { var $field = $(this), tag_name = this.tagName.toLowerCase(), sel_attr_name = '[name="' + $field.attr("name") + '"]', $xattr_field = $xattr.find(sel_attr_name); // input if (tag_name == "input") { if ($field.attr("type") == "checkbox") { $xattr_field = $xattr_field.filter("[type=\"checkbox\"]"); if ($":checked")) { $xattr_field.attr("checked", "checked"); $xattr_field.val($field.val()); } else { $xattr_field.removeAttr("checked"); } } else { $xattr_field.val( $field.val() ); $xattr_field.attr("value", $field.val() ); } // textarea } else if (tag_name == "textarea") { $xattr_field.val( $field.val() ); $xattr_field.html( $field.val() ); // select } else if (tag_name == "select") { var $selected_thru_attr = $field.children("[selected]"), $selected_alt = $field.children(":selected"); if ($selected_thru_attr.get(0) !== $selected_alt.get(0)) { $selected_thru_attr.removeAttr("selected"); $selected_alt.attr("selected", "selected"); } $xattr_field.html( $field.html() ); } }); }; // // Other // FileMetadata.prototype.hide = function() { this.unbind_events(); Overlay.get_instance().hide(); }; // // -> EXPORT // module.exports = FileMetadata;