# frozen_string_literal: true require "redis/hash_ring" class Redis class Distributed class CannotDistribute < RuntimeError def initialize(command) @command = command end def message "#{@command.to_s.upcase} cannot be used in Redis::Distributed because the keys involved need " \ "to be on the same server or because we cannot guarantee that the operation will be atomic." end end attr_reader :ring def initialize(node_configs, options = {}) @tag = options[:tag] || /^\{(.+?)\}/ @ring = options[:ring] || HashRing.new @node_configs = node_configs.dup @default_options = options.dup node_configs.each { |node_config| add_node(node_config) } @subscribed_node = nil @watch_key = nil end def node_for(key) key = key_tag(key.to_s) || key.to_s raise CannotDistribute, :watch if @watch_key && @watch_key != key @ring.get_node(key) end def nodes @ring.nodes end def add_node(options) options = { url: options } if options.is_a?(String) options = @default_options.merge(options) @ring.add_node Redis.new(options) end # Change the selected database for the current connection. def select(db) on_each_node :select, db end # Ping the server. def ping on_each_node :ping end # Echo the given string. def echo(value) on_each_node :echo, value end # Close the connection. def quit on_each_node :quit end # Asynchronously save the dataset to disk. def bgsave on_each_node :bgsave end # Return the number of keys in the selected database. def dbsize on_each_node :dbsize end # Remove all keys from all databases. def flushall on_each_node :flushall end # Remove all keys from the current database. def flushdb on_each_node :flushdb end # Get information and statistics about the server. def info(cmd = nil) on_each_node :info, cmd end # Get the UNIX time stamp of the last successful save to disk. def lastsave on_each_node :lastsave end # Listen for all requests received by the server in real time. def monitor raise NotImplementedError end # Synchronously save the dataset to disk. def save on_each_node :save end # Get server time: an UNIX timestamp and the elapsed microseconds in the current second. def time on_each_node :time end # Remove the expiration from a key. def persist(key) node_for(key).persist(key) end # Set a key's time to live in seconds. def expire(key, seconds) node_for(key).expire(key, seconds) end # Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp. def expireat(key, unix_time) node_for(key).expireat(key, unix_time) end # Get the time to live (in seconds) for a key. def ttl(key) node_for(key).ttl(key) end # Set a key's time to live in milliseconds. def pexpire(key, milliseconds) node_for(key).pexpire(key, milliseconds) end # Set the expiration for a key as number of milliseconds from UNIX Epoch. def pexpireat(key, ms_unix_time) node_for(key).pexpireat(key, ms_unix_time) end # Get the time to live (in milliseconds) for a key. def pttl(key) node_for(key).pttl(key) end # Return a serialized version of the value stored at a key. def dump(key) node_for(key).dump(key) end # Create a key using the serialized value, previously obtained using DUMP. def restore(key, ttl, serialized_value, **options) node_for(key).restore(key, ttl, serialized_value, **options) end # Transfer a key from the connected instance to another instance. def migrate(_key, _options) raise CannotDistribute, :migrate end # Delete a key. def del(*args) keys_per_node = args.group_by { |key| node_for(key) } keys_per_node.inject(0) do |sum, (node, keys)| sum + node.del(*keys) end end # Unlink keys. def unlink(*args) keys_per_node = args.group_by { |key| node_for(key) } keys_per_node.inject(0) do |sum, (node, keys)| sum + node.unlink(*keys) end end # Determine if a key exists. def exists(*args) if !Redis.exists_returns_integer && args.size == 1 ::Redis.deprecate!( "`Redis#exists(key)` will return an Integer in redis-rb 4.3, if you want to keep the old behavior, " \ "use `exists?` instead. To opt-in to the new behavior now you can set Redis.exists_returns_integer = true. " \ "(#{::Kernel.caller(1, 1).first})\n" ) exists?(*args) else keys_per_node = args.group_by { |key| node_for(key) } keys_per_node.inject(0) do |sum, (node, keys)| sum + node._exists(*keys) end end end # Determine if any of the keys exists. def exists?(*args) keys_per_node = args.group_by { |key| node_for(key) } keys_per_node.each do |node, keys| return true if node.exists?(*keys) end false end # Find all keys matching the given pattern. def keys(glob = "*") on_each_node(:keys, glob).flatten end # Move a key to another database. def move(key, db) node_for(key).move(key, db) end # Copy a value from one key to another. def copy(source, destination, **options) ensure_same_node(:copy, [source, destination]) do |node| node.copy(source, destination, **options) end end # Return a random key from the keyspace. def randomkey raise CannotDistribute, :randomkey end # Rename a key. def rename(old_name, new_name) ensure_same_node(:rename, [old_name, new_name]) do |node| node.rename(old_name, new_name) end end # Rename a key, only if the new key does not exist. def renamenx(old_name, new_name) ensure_same_node(:renamenx, [old_name, new_name]) do |node| node.renamenx(old_name, new_name) end end # Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set. def sort(key, **options) keys = [key, options[:by], options[:store], *Array(options[:get])].compact ensure_same_node(:sort, keys) do |node| node.sort(key, **options) end end # Determine the type stored at key. def type(key) node_for(key).type(key) end # Decrement the integer value of a key by one. def decr(key) node_for(key).decr(key) end # Decrement the integer value of a key by the given number. def decrby(key, decrement) node_for(key).decrby(key, decrement) end # Increment the integer value of a key by one. def incr(key) node_for(key).incr(key) end # Increment the integer value of a key by the given integer number. def incrby(key, increment) node_for(key).incrby(key, increment) end # Increment the numeric value of a key by the given float number. def incrbyfloat(key, increment) node_for(key).incrbyfloat(key, increment) end # Set the string value of a key. def set(key, value, **options) node_for(key).set(key, value, **options) end # Set the time to live in seconds of a key. def setex(key, ttl, value) node_for(key).setex(key, ttl, value) end # Set the time to live in milliseconds of a key. def psetex(key, ttl, value) node_for(key).psetex(key, ttl, value) end # Set the value of a key, only if the key does not exist. def setnx(key, value) node_for(key).setnx(key, value) end # Set multiple keys to multiple values. def mset(*_args) raise CannotDistribute, :mset end def mapped_mset(_hash) raise CannotDistribute, :mapped_mset end # Set multiple keys to multiple values, only if none of the keys exist. def msetnx(*_args) raise CannotDistribute, :msetnx end def mapped_msetnx(_hash) raise CannotDistribute, :mapped_msetnx end # Get the value of a key. def get(key) node_for(key).get(key) end # Get the value of a key and delete it. def getdel(key) node_for(key).getdel(key) end # Get the value of a key and sets its time to live based on options. def getex(key, **options) node_for(key).getex(key, **options) end # Get the values of all the given keys as an Array. def mget(*keys) mapped_mget(*keys).values_at(*keys) end # Get the values of all the given keys as a Hash. def mapped_mget(*keys) keys.group_by { |k| node_for k }.inject({}) do |results, (node, subkeys)| results.merge! node.mapped_mget(*subkeys) end end # Overwrite part of a string at key starting at the specified offset. def setrange(key, offset, value) node_for(key).setrange(key, offset, value) end # Get a substring of the string stored at a key. def getrange(key, start, stop) node_for(key).getrange(key, start, stop) end # Sets or clears the bit at offset in the string value stored at key. def setbit(key, offset, value) node_for(key).setbit(key, offset, value) end # Returns the bit value at offset in the string value stored at key. def getbit(key, offset) node_for(key).getbit(key, offset) end # Append a value to a key. def append(key, value) node_for(key).append(key, value) end # Count the number of set bits in a range of the string value stored at key. def bitcount(key, start = 0, stop = -1) node_for(key).bitcount(key, start, stop) end # Perform a bitwise operation between strings and store the resulting string in a key. def bitop(operation, destkey, *keys) ensure_same_node(:bitop, [destkey] + keys) do |node| node.bitop(operation, destkey, *keys) end end # Return the position of the first bit set to 1 or 0 in a string. def bitpos(key, bit, start = nil, stop = nil) node_for(key).bitpos(key, bit, start, stop) end # Set the string value of a key and return its old value. def getset(key, value) node_for(key).getset(key, value) end # Get the length of the value stored in a key. def strlen(key) node_for(key).strlen(key) end def [](key) get(key) end def []=(key, value) set(key, value) end # Get the length of a list. def llen(key) node_for(key).llen(key) end # Remove the first/last element in a list, append/prepend it to another list and return it. def lmove(source, destination, where_source, where_destination) ensure_same_node(:lmove, [source, destination]) do |node| node.lmove(source, destination, where_source, where_destination) end end # Remove the first/last element in a list and append/prepend it # to another list and return it, or block until one is available. def blmove(source, destination, where_source, where_destination, timeout: 0) ensure_same_node(:lmove, [source, destination]) do |node| node.blmove(source, destination, where_source, where_destination, timeout: timeout) end end # Prepend one or more values to a list. def lpush(key, value) node_for(key).lpush(key, value) end # Prepend a value to a list, only if the list exists. def lpushx(key, value) node_for(key).lpushx(key, value) end # Append one or more values to a list. def rpush(key, value) node_for(key).rpush(key, value) end # Append a value to a list, only if the list exists. def rpushx(key, value) node_for(key).rpushx(key, value) end # Remove and get the first elements in a list. def lpop(key, count = nil) node_for(key).lpop(key, count) end # Remove and get the last elements in a list. def rpop(key, count = nil) node_for(key).rpop(key, count) end # Remove the last element in a list, append it to another list and return # it. def rpoplpush(source, destination) ensure_same_node(:rpoplpush, [source, destination]) do |node| node.rpoplpush(source, destination) end end def _bpop(cmd, args) timeout = if args.last.is_a?(Hash) options = args.pop options[:timeout] elsif args.last.respond_to?(:to_int) # Issue deprecation notice in obnoxious mode... args.pop.to_int end if args.size > 1 # Issue deprecation notice in obnoxious mode... end keys = args.flatten ensure_same_node(cmd, keys) do |node| if timeout node.__send__(cmd, keys, timeout: timeout) else node.__send__(cmd, keys) end end end # Remove and get the first element in a list, or block until one is # available. def blpop(*args) _bpop(:blpop, args) end # Remove and get the last element in a list, or block until one is # available. def brpop(*args) _bpop(:brpop, args) end # Pop a value from a list, push it to another list and return it; or block # until one is available. def brpoplpush(source, destination, deprecated_timeout = 0, **options) ensure_same_node(:brpoplpush, [source, destination]) do |node| node.brpoplpush(source, destination, deprecated_timeout, **options) end end # Get an element from a list by its index. def lindex(key, index) node_for(key).lindex(key, index) end # Insert an element before or after another element in a list. def linsert(key, where, pivot, value) node_for(key).linsert(key, where, pivot, value) end # Get a range of elements from a list. def lrange(key, start, stop) node_for(key).lrange(key, start, stop) end # Remove elements from a list. def lrem(key, count, value) node_for(key).lrem(key, count, value) end # Set the value of an element in a list by its index. def lset(key, index, value) node_for(key).lset(key, index, value) end # Trim a list to the specified range. def ltrim(key, start, stop) node_for(key).ltrim(key, start, stop) end # Get the number of members in a set. def scard(key) node_for(key).scard(key) end # Add one or more members to a set. def sadd(key, member) node_for(key).sadd(key, member) end # Remove one or more members from a set. def srem(key, member) node_for(key).srem(key, member) end # Remove and return a random member from a set. def spop(key, count = nil) node_for(key).spop(key, count) end # Get a random member from a set. def srandmember(key, count = nil) node_for(key).srandmember(key, count) end # Move a member from one set to another. def smove(source, destination, member) ensure_same_node(:smove, [source, destination]) do |node| node.smove(source, destination, member) end end # Determine if a given value is a member of a set. def sismember(key, member) node_for(key).sismember(key, member) end # Determine if multiple values are members of a set. def smismember(key, *members) node_for(key).smismember(key, *members) end # Get all the members in a set. def smembers(key) node_for(key).smembers(key) end # Scan a set def sscan(key, cursor, **options) node_for(key).sscan(key, cursor, **options) end # Scan a set and return an enumerator def sscan_each(key, **options, &block) node_for(key).sscan_each(key, **options, &block) end # Subtract multiple sets. def sdiff(*keys) ensure_same_node(:sdiff, keys) do |node| node.sdiff(*keys) end end # Subtract multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key. def sdiffstore(destination, *keys) ensure_same_node(:sdiffstore, [destination] + keys) do |node| node.sdiffstore(destination, *keys) end end # Intersect multiple sets. def sinter(*keys) ensure_same_node(:sinter, keys) do |node| node.sinter(*keys) end end # Intersect multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key. def sinterstore(destination, *keys) ensure_same_node(:sinterstore, [destination] + keys) do |node| node.sinterstore(destination, *keys) end end # Add multiple sets. def sunion(*keys) ensure_same_node(:sunion, keys) do |node| node.sunion(*keys) end end # Add multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key. def sunionstore(destination, *keys) ensure_same_node(:sunionstore, [destination] + keys) do |node| node.sunionstore(destination, *keys) end end # Get the number of members in a sorted set. def zcard(key) node_for(key).zcard(key) end # Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update the score for members # that already exist. def zadd(key, *args) node_for(key).zadd(key, *args) end ruby2_keywords(:zadd) if respond_to?(:ruby2_keywords, true) # Increment the score of a member in a sorted set. def zincrby(key, increment, member) node_for(key).zincrby(key, increment, member) end # Remove one or more members from a sorted set. def zrem(key, member) node_for(key).zrem(key, member) end # Get the score associated with the given member in a sorted set. def zscore(key, member) node_for(key).zscore(key, member) end # Get one or more random members from a sorted set. def zrandmember(key, count = nil, **options) node_for(key).zrandmember(key, count, **options) end # Get the scores associated with the given members in a sorted set. def zmscore(key, *members) node_for(key).zmscore(key, *members) end # Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index, score or lexicographical ordering. def zrange(key, start, stop, **options) node_for(key).zrange(key, start, stop, **options) end # Select a range of members in a sorted set, by index, score or lexicographical ordering # and store the resulting sorted set in a new key. def zrangestore(dest_key, src_key, start, stop, **options) ensure_same_node(:zrangestore, [dest_key, src_key]) do |node| node.zrangestore(dest_key, src_key, start, stop, **options) end end # Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index, with scores ordered # from high to low. def zrevrange(key, start, stop, **options) node_for(key).zrevrange(key, start, stop, **options) end # Determine the index of a member in a sorted set. def zrank(key, member) node_for(key).zrank(key, member) end # Determine the index of a member in a sorted set, with scores ordered from # high to low. def zrevrank(key, member) node_for(key).zrevrank(key, member) end # Remove all members in a sorted set within the given indexes. def zremrangebyrank(key, start, stop) node_for(key).zremrangebyrank(key, start, stop) end # Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score. def zrangebyscore(key, min, max, **options) node_for(key).zrangebyscore(key, min, max, **options) end # Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered # from high to low. def zrevrangebyscore(key, max, min, **options) node_for(key).zrevrangebyscore(key, max, min, **options) end # Remove all members in a sorted set within the given scores. def zremrangebyscore(key, min, max) node_for(key).zremrangebyscore(key, min, max) end # Get the number of members in a particular score range. def zcount(key, min, max) node_for(key).zcount(key, min, max) end # Get the intersection of multiple sorted sets def zinter(*keys, **options) ensure_same_node(:zinter, keys) do |node| node.zinter(*keys, **options) end end # Intersect multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new # key. def zinterstore(destination, keys, **options) ensure_same_node(:zinterstore, [destination] + keys) do |node| node.zinterstore(destination, keys, **options) end end # Return the union of multiple sorted sets. def zunion(*keys, **options) ensure_same_node(:zunion, keys) do |node| node.zunion(*keys, **options) end end # Add multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key. def zunionstore(destination, keys, **options) ensure_same_node(:zunionstore, [destination] + keys) do |node| node.zunionstore(destination, keys, **options) end end # Return the difference between the first and all successive input sorted sets. def zdiff(*keys, **options) ensure_same_node(:zdiff, keys) do |node| node.zdiff(*keys, **options) end end # Compute the difference between the first and all successive input sorted sets # and store the resulting sorted set in a new key. def zdiffstore(destination, keys, **options) ensure_same_node(:zdiffstore, [destination] + keys) do |node| node.zdiffstore(destination, keys, **options) end end # Get the number of fields in a hash. def hlen(key) node_for(key).hlen(key) end # Set multiple hash fields to multiple values. def hset(key, *attrs) node_for(key).hset(key, *attrs) end # Set the value of a hash field, only if the field does not exist. def hsetnx(key, field, value) node_for(key).hsetnx(key, field, value) end # Set multiple hash fields to multiple values. def hmset(key, *attrs) node_for(key).hmset(key, *attrs) end def mapped_hmset(key, hash) node_for(key).hmset(key, *hash.to_a.flatten) end # Get the value of a hash field. def hget(key, field) node_for(key).hget(key, field) end # Get the values of all the given hash fields. def hmget(key, *fields) node_for(key).hmget(key, *fields) end def mapped_hmget(key, *fields) Hash[*fields.zip(hmget(key, *fields)).flatten] end def hrandfield(key, count = nil, **options) node_for(key).hrandfield(key, count, **options) end # Delete one or more hash fields. def hdel(key, *fields) node_for(key).hdel(key, *fields) end # Determine if a hash field exists. def hexists(key, field) node_for(key).hexists(key, field) end # Increment the integer value of a hash field by the given integer number. def hincrby(key, field, increment) node_for(key).hincrby(key, field, increment) end # Increment the numeric value of a hash field by the given float number. def hincrbyfloat(key, field, increment) node_for(key).hincrbyfloat(key, field, increment) end # Get all the fields in a hash. def hkeys(key) node_for(key).hkeys(key) end # Get all the values in a hash. def hvals(key) node_for(key).hvals(key) end # Get all the fields and values in a hash. def hgetall(key) node_for(key).hgetall(key) end # Post a message to a channel. def publish(channel, message) node_for(channel).publish(channel, message) end def subscribed? !!@subscribed_node end # Listen for messages published to the given channels. def subscribe(channel, *channels, &block) if channels.empty? @subscribed_node = node_for(channel) @subscribed_node.subscribe(channel, &block) else ensure_same_node(:subscribe, [channel] + channels) do |node| @subscribed_node = node node.subscribe(channel, *channels, &block) end end end # Stop listening for messages posted to the given channels. def unsubscribe(*channels) raise "Can't unsubscribe if not subscribed." unless subscribed? @subscribed_node.unsubscribe(*channels) end # Listen for messages published to channels matching the given patterns. def psubscribe(*channels, &block) raise NotImplementedError end # Stop listening for messages posted to channels matching the given # patterns. def punsubscribe(*channels) raise NotImplementedError end # Watch the given keys to determine execution of the MULTI/EXEC block. def watch(*keys, &block) ensure_same_node(:watch, keys) do |node| @watch_key = key_tag(keys.first) || keys.first.to_s begin node.watch(*keys, &block) rescue StandardError @watch_key = nil raise end end end # Forget about all watched keys. def unwatch raise CannotDistribute, :unwatch unless @watch_key result = node_for(@watch_key).unwatch @watch_key = nil result end def pipelined raise CannotDistribute, :pipelined end # Mark the start of a transaction block. def multi(&block) raise CannotDistribute, :multi unless @watch_key result = node_for(@watch_key).multi(&block) @watch_key = nil if block_given? result end # Execute all commands issued after MULTI. def exec raise CannotDistribute, :exec unless @watch_key result = node_for(@watch_key).exec @watch_key = nil result end # Discard all commands issued after MULTI. def discard raise CannotDistribute, :discard unless @watch_key result = node_for(@watch_key).discard @watch_key = nil result end # Control remote script registry. def script(subcommand, *args) on_each_node(:script, subcommand, *args) end # Add one or more members to a HyperLogLog structure. def pfadd(key, member) node_for(key).pfadd(key, member) end # Get the approximate cardinality of members added to HyperLogLog structure. def pfcount(*keys) ensure_same_node(:pfcount, keys.flatten(1)) do |node| node.pfcount(keys) end end # Merge multiple HyperLogLog values into an unique value that will approximate the cardinality of the union of # the observed Sets of the source HyperLogLog structures. def pfmerge(dest_key, *source_key) ensure_same_node(:pfmerge, [dest_key, *source_key]) do |node| node.pfmerge(dest_key, *source_key) end end def _eval(cmd, args) script = args.shift options = args.pop if args.last.is_a?(Hash) options ||= {} keys = args.shift || options[:keys] || [] argv = args.shift || options[:argv] || [] ensure_same_node(cmd, keys) do |node| node.send(cmd, script, keys, argv) end end # Evaluate Lua script. def eval(*args) _eval(:eval, args) end # Evaluate Lua script by its SHA. def evalsha(*args) _eval(:evalsha, args) end def inspect "#" end def dup self.class.new(@node_configs, @default_options) end protected def on_each_node(command, *args) nodes.map do |node| node.send(command, *args) end end def node_index_for(key) nodes.index(node_for(key)) end def key_tag(key) key.to_s[@tag, 1] if @tag end def ensure_same_node(command, keys) all = true tags = keys.map do |key| tag = key_tag(key) all = false unless tag tag end if (all && tags.uniq.size != 1) || (!all && keys.uniq.size != 1) # Not 1 unique tag or not 1 unique key raise CannotDistribute, command end yield(node_for(keys.first)) end end end