Feature: Manage accounts through the api In order to value As a role I want feature Scenario: Login to Sorenson 360 Account Given I am logged in with "integrum@integrumtech.com" and "integrum" Then the account attribute "id" should be "db786013-c786-4511-8a0d-73f1bacc2285" Scenario: Get an account Given I am logged in And I get an account Then the account attribute "status" should be "Live" # Scenario: Change password # Given I am logged in with "integrum@integrumtech.com" and "newpass" # When I change my password to "integrum" # Then I should be able to log in with "integrum@integrumtech.com" and "integrum" # When I change my password to "newpass" # Then I should be able to log in with "integrum@integrumtech.com" and "newpass" @wip Scenario: Empty trash Given I am logged in And I get an account And I create an asset And I delete the asset When I empty the trash Given I get all assets Then the asset list should not include the asset