- content_for :title do Get tickets to #{@event.name} .container#multi-show-container #event-header %h1#logo= @event.name %h4= @event.subtitle %h4= @event.producer .row .span8 #loading-container #loading Hang tight! We're searching for your tickets. =image_tag "loading.gif" #error We had a problem finding tickets. Please try again. -if current_cart.tickets.count > 0 .alert.alert-success.add-to-cart-success .row-fluid .span8.add-to-cart-message ="You have #{pluralize current_cart.tickets.count, "ticket"} in your cart" .span4 .pull-right =link_to "Checkout Now", store_order_path(@store_organization), :class => "btn block btn-success btn-large" %ul#shows.unstyled - @shows.each do |show| %li{:id => "show_#{show.id}", 'data-show-uuid' => show.uuid, 'data-date' => "#{show.datetime_local_to_event.strftime('%D')}"} =render :partial => 'store/shows/show', :locals => {:show => show, :collapsed => true} .span4 -if @event.assigned? .side-section = form_tag store_order_path(@store_organization.cached_slug) do =hidden_field_tag :on_error, store_event_path(@store_organization, @event) =hidden_field_tag :on_success, store_event_path(@store_organization, @event) =hidden_field_tag "event_id", @event.id %table.table %tr#discount-input{:style => 'display:none'} %td = text_field_tag 'discount_or_pass_code', params[:discount_or_pass_code], :placeholder => @enter_code_string, :style => "margin-bottom:0px;width: 160px" %td .pull-right = button_tag "Apply", :class => 'btn btn-primary', :disable_with => "Applying..." -if current_cart.has_discount_or_pass? %tr#discount-display %td.details Code %span=current_cart.applied_code #discount-link= link_to "Change", "#", :class => 'btn btn-primary' %td.right.amount =number_as_cents current_cart.discount_amount -else %tr#discount-link %td= link_to enter_code_string, "#" #description.side-section %h6 About - if @event.image? = image_tag @event.image.url(:thumb), :width => 140, :height => 140, "data-toggle" => "modal", "data-target" => "#poster-modal" - unless @event.description.blank? -if @event.description.length > 300 .toggle-truncated .truncated = simple_format "#{truncate(@event.description, :length => 300)} (#{link_to 'more','#', :class => 'toggle'})" .not-truncated{:style => 'display:none;'} =simple_format "#{@event.description} (#{link_to 'less','#', :class => 'toggle'})" - else =simple_format @event.description .side-section =render :partial => "venue", :locals => { :event => @event } =render :partial => "contact_info", :locals => {:event => @event} #poster-modal.modal.hide.fade .modal-body = image_tag @event.image.url