module CF # @private class DictionaryKeyCallbacks < FFI::Struct layout :version, :cfindex, :retain, :pointer, :release, :pointer, :copyDescription, :pointer, :equal, :pointer, :hash, :pointer end # @private class DictionaryValueCallbacks < FFI::Struct layout :version, :cfindex, :retain, :pointer, :release, :pointer, :copyDescription, :pointer, :equal, :pointer end typedef :pointer, :cfdictionaryref attach_variable :kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, DictionaryKeyCallbacks attach_variable :kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks, DictionaryValueCallbacks attach_function :CFDictionaryCreateMutable, [:pointer, :cfindex, :pointer, :pointer], :cfdictionaryref attach_function :CFDictionarySetValue, [:cfdictionaryref, :pointer, :pointer], :void attach_function :CFDictionaryGetValue, [:cfdictionaryref, :pointer], :pointer attach_function :CFDictionaryGetValue, [:cfdictionaryref, :pointer], :pointer attach_function :CFDictionaryGetCount, [:cfdictionaryref], :cfindex callback :each_applier, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :void attach_function :CFDictionaryApplyFunction, [:cfdictionaryref, :each_applier, :pointer], :void # Wrapper class for CFDictionary. It implements Enumerable. # # Values returned by the accessor methods or yielded by the block are retained and marked as releasable on garbage collection # This means you can safely use the returned values even if the CFDictionary itself has been destroyed # class Dictionary < Base register_type("CFDictionary") include Enumerable # Return a new, empty mutable CF::Dictionary # # # @return [CF::Dictionary] def self.mutable new(CF.CFDictionaryCreateMutable nil, 0, CF.kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks.to_ptr, CF.kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks.to_ptr) end # Iterates over the array yielding the value to the block # The value is wrapped in the appropriate CF::Base subclass and retained (but marked for releasing upon garbage collection) # @return self def each callback = lambda do |key, value, _| yield [Base.typecast(key).retain, Base.typecast(value).retain] end CF.CFDictionaryApplyFunction(self, callback, nil) self end # Returns the value associated with the key, or nil # The key should be a CF::Base instance. As a convenience, instances of string will be converted to CF::String # @param [CF::Base, String] key the key to access # @return [CF::Base, nil] def [](key) key = CF::String.from_string(key) if key.is_a?(::String) self.class.check_cftype(key) raw = CF.CFDictionaryGetValue(self, key) raw.null? ? nil : self.class.typecast(raw).retain end # Sets the value associated with the key, or nil # The key should be a CF::Base instance. As a convenience, instances of string will be converted to CF::String # @param [CF::Base, String] key the key to access # @param [CF::Base] value the value to set # @return [CF::Base] the value that was set def []=(key, value) key = CF::String.from_string(key) if key.is_a?(::String) self.class.check_cftype(key) self.class.check_cftype(value) CF.CFDictionarySetValue(self, key, value) end # Adds the key value pairs from the argument to self # # @param [CF::Dictionary] other # @return self def merge!(other) other.each do |k,v| self[k] = v end self end # Returns the number of key value pairs in the dictionary # @return [Integer] def length CF.CFDictionaryGetCount(self) end # Returns a ruby hash constructed by calling `to_ruby` on each key and value # # @return [Hash] def to_ruby Hash[collect {|k,v| [k.to_ruby, v.to_ruby]}] end alias_method :size, :length end end