# frozen_string_literal: true # # Copyright (c) 2020-present, Blue Marble Payroll, LLC # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. # module Burner module Library module Collection # Iterate over all objects and return a new set of transformed objects. The object is # transformed per the "transformers" attribute for its attributes. An attribute defines # the ultimate key to place the value in and then the transformer pipeline to use to # derive the value. Under the hood this uses the Realize library: # https://github.com/bluemarblepayroll/realize # For more information on the specific contract for attributes, see the # Burner::Modeling::Attribute class. # # Expected Payload[register] input: array of objects. # Payload[register] output: An array of objects. class Transform < JobWithRegister BLANK = '' attr_reader :attribute_renderers, :exclusive, :resolver def initialize( name:, attributes: [], exclusive: false, register: DEFAULT_REGISTER, separator: BLANK ) super(name: name, register: register) @resolver = Objectable.resolver(separator: separator) @exclusive = exclusive || false @attribute_renderers = Modeling::Attribute.array(attributes) .map { |a| Modeling::AttributeRenderer.new(a, resolver) } freeze end def perform(output, payload) payload[register] = array(payload[register]).map { |row| transform(row, payload.time) } attr_count = attribute_renderers.length row_count = payload[register].length output.detail("Transformed #{attr_count} attributes(s) for #{row_count} row(s)") end private def transform(row, time) outgoing_row = exclusive ? {} : row attribute_renderers.each_with_object(outgoing_row) do |attribute_renderer, memo| value = attribute_renderer.transform(row, time) resolver.set(memo, attribute_renderer.key, value) end end end end end end