# 0.9.1 Use `context-0.9.1`. # 0.9.0 * Change API of `Input`/`Output` filters. Instead of calling them with `original_ctx, circuit_options` they're now called with the complete (original!) circuit interface. This simplifies calling and provides all circuit arguments to the filter which can then filter-out what is not needed. * `:input` is now called with `((original_ctx, flow_options), circuit_options)` * `:output` is now called with `(new_ctx, (original_ctx, flow_options), circuit_options)` # 0.8.4 * Update `Present` to render `Developer.wtf?` for given activity fearlessly # 0.8.3 * Use `Context.for` to create contexts. # 0.8.2 * Fix `Present` so it works with Ruby <= 2.3. # 0.8.1 * Remove `hirb` gem dependency. # 0.8.0 * Separate the [DSL](https://github.com/trailblazer/trailblazer-activity-dsl-linear) from the runtime code. The latter sits in this gem. * Separate the runtime {Activity} from its compilation, which happens through {Intermediate} (the structure) and {Implementation} (the runtime implementation) now. * Introduce {Pipeline} which is a simpler and much fast type of activity, mostly for the taskWrap. # 0.7.2 * When recording DSL calls, use the `object_id` as key, so cloned methods are considered as different recordings. # 0.7.1 * Alias `Trace.call` to `Trace.invoke` for consistency. * Allow injecting your own stack into `Trace.invoke`. This enables us to provide tracing even when there's an exception (due to, well, mutability). * Minor changes in `Trace::Present` so that "unfinished" stacks can also be rendered. * `Trace::Present.tree` is now private and superseded by `Present.call`. # 0.7.0 * Remove `DSL::Helper`, "helper" methods now sit directly in the `DSL` namespace. # 0.6.2 * Allow all `Option` types for input/output. # 0.6.1 * Make `:input` and `:output` standard options of the DSL to create variable mappings. # 0.6.0 * The `:task` option in `Circuit::call` is now named `:start_task` for consistency. * Removed the `:argumenter` option for `Activity::call`. Instead, an `Activity` passes itself via the `:activity` option. * Removed the `:extension` option. Instead, any option from the DSL that `is_a?(DSL::Extension)` will be processed in `add_task!`. * Replace argumenters with `TaskWrap::invoke`. This simplifies the whole `call` process, and moves all initialization of args to the top. * Added `Introspect::Graph::find`. * Removed `Introspect::Enumerator` in favor of the `Graph` API. # 0.5.4 * Introducing `Introspect::Enumerator` and removing `Introspect.find`. `Enumerator` contains `Enumerable` and exposes all necessary utility methods. # 0.5.3 * In Path(), allow referencing an existing task, instead of creating an end event. This avoids having to use two `Output() => ..` and is much cleaner. ```ruby Path( end_id: :find_model) do .. end ``` # 0.5.2 * In `Path()`, we removed the `#path` method in favor of a cleaner `task` DSL method. We now use the default plus_poles `success` and `failure` everywhere for consistency. This means that a `task` has two outputs, and if you referenced `Output(:success)`, that would be only one of them. We're planning to have `pass` back which has one `success` plus_pole, only. This change makes the DSL wiring behavior much more consistent. * Changed `TaskBuilder::Builder.()` to a function `TaskBuilder::Builder()`. # 0.5.1 * Include all end events without outgoing connections into `Activity.outputs`. In earlier versions, we were filtering out end events without incoming connections, which reduces the number of outputs, but might not represent the desired interface of an activity. * Add `_end` to `Railway` and `FastTrack`. * Move `Builder::FastTrack::PassFast` and `:::FailFast` to `Activity::FastTrack` since those are signals and unrelated to builders. # 0.5.0 * Rename `Nested()` to `Subprocess` and move the original one to the `operation` gem. * Add merging: `Activity.merge!` now allows to compose an activity by merging another. * Enforce using `Output(..) => Track(:success)` instead of just the track color `:success`. This allow having IDs both symbols and strings. # 0.4.3 * Make `:outputs` the canonical way to define outputs, and not `:plus_poles`. The latter is computed by the DSL if not passed. * Allow injecting `inspect` implementations into `Introspect` methods. * Add `Nested`. * Add `TaskBuilder::Task#to_s`. # 0.4.2 * `End` is not a `Struct` so we can maintain more state, and are immutable. # 0.4.1 * Remove `decompose` and replace it with a better `to_h`. * `End` doesn't have a redundant `@name` anymore but only a semantic. # 0.4.0 * We now use the "Module Subclass" pattern, and activities aren't classes anymore but modules. # 0.3.2 * In the `TaskWrap`, rename `:result_direction` to `:return_signal` and `:result_args` to `:return_args`, # 0.3.1 * Allow passing a `:normalizer` to the DSL. * Builders don't have to provide `keywords` as we can filter them automatically. # 0.2.2 * Remove `Activity#end_events`. # 0.2.1 * Restructure all `Wrap`-specific tasks. * Remove `Hash::Immutable`, we will use the `hamster` gem instead. # 0.2.0 * The `Activity#call` API is now ```ruby signal, options, _ignored_circuit_options = Activity.( options, **circuit_options ) ``` The third return value, which is typically the `circuit_options`, is _ignored_ and for all task calls in this `Activity`, an identical, unchangeable set of `circuit_options` is passed to. This dramatically reduces unintended behavior with the task_wrap, tracing, etc. and usually simplifies tasks. The new API allows using bare `Activity` instances as tasks without any clumsy nesting work, making nesting very simple. A typical task will look as follows. ```ruby ->( (options, flow_options), **circuit_args ) do [ signal, [options, flow_options], *this_will_be_ignored ] end ``` A task can only emit a signal and "options" (whatever data structure that may be), and can *not* change the `circuit_options` which usually contain activity-wide "global" configuration. # 0.1.6 * `Nested` now is `Subprocess` because it literally does nothing else but calling a _process_ (or activity). # 0.1.5 # 0.1.4 * `Nested` now uses kw args for `start_at` and the new `call` option. The latter allows to set the called method on the nested activity, e.g. `__call`. # 0.1.3 * Introduce `Activity#outputs` and ditch `#end_events`. # 0.1.2 * Consistent return values for all graph operations: `node, edge`. * `Edge` now always gets an id. * `#connect_for!` always throws away the old edge, fixing a bug where graph and circuit would look different. * Internal simplifications for `Graph` alteration methods. # 0.1.1 * Fix loading order. # 0.0.12 * In `Activity::Before`, allow specifying what predecessing tasks to connect to the new_task via the `:predecessors` option, and without knowing the direction. This will be the new preferred style in `Trailblazer:::Sequence` where we can always assume directions are limited to `Right` and `Left` (e.g., with nested activities, this changes to a colorful selection of directions). # 0.0.11 * Temporarily allow injecting a `to_hash` transformer into a `ContainerChain`. This allows to ignore certain container types such as `Dry::Container` in the KW transformation. Note that this is a temp fix and will be replaced with proper pattern matching. # 0.0.10 * Introduce `Context::ContainerChain` to eventually replace the heavy-weight `Skill` object. * Fix a bug in `Option` where wrong args were passed when used without `flow_options`. # 0.0.9 * Fix `Context#[]`, it returned `nil` when it should return `false`. # 0.0.8 * Make `Trailblazer::Option` and `Trailblazer::Option::KW` a mix of lambda and object so it's easily extendable. # 0.0.7 * It is now `Trailblazer::Args`. # 0.0.6 * `Wrapped` is now `Wrap`. Also, a consistent `Alterations` interface allows tweaking here. # 0.0.5 * The `Wrapped::Runner` now applies `Alterations` to each task's `Circuit`. This means you can inject `:task_alterations` into `Circuit#call`, which will then be merged into the task's original circuit, and then run. While this might sound like crazy talk, this allows any kind of external injection (tracing, input/output contracts, step dependency injections, ...) for specific or all tasks of any circuit. # 0.0.4 * Simpler tracing with `Stack`. * Added `Context`. * Simplified `Circuit#call`. # 0.0.3 * Make the first argument to `#Activity` (`@name`) always a Hash where `:id` is a reserved key for the name of the circuit. # 0.0.2 * Make `flow_options` an immutable data structure just as `options`. It now needs to be returned from a `#call`. # 0.0.1 * First release into an unsuspecting world. 🚀