Feature: RDee should work well with mobile devices on a remote selenium grid @mobile Scenario: Creating an iPhone browser on ios 8.1 When I establish a mobile browser for ios8_1 on the remote machine using Watir And I go to the cheezyworld site And I select the first title link Then I should see the text from the first heading @mobile Scenario: Creating an iPhone browser on ios 10.0 When I establish a mobile browser for ios10_0 on the remote machine using Watir And I go to the cheezyworld site And I select the first title link Then I should see the text from the first heading @mobile Scenario: Creating an iPhone browser on ios 8.2 When I establish a mobile browser for ios8_2 on the remote machine using Watir And I go to the cheezyworld site And I select the first title link Then I should see the text from the first heading @mobile Scenario: Creating an iPhone browser on ios 9.0 When I establish a mobile browser for ios9_0 on the remote machine using Selenium And I go to the cheezyworld site And I select the first title link Then I should see the text from the first heading @mobile Scenario: Creating an iPhone browser on ios 10.2 When I establish a mobile browser for ios10_2 on the remote machine using Watir And I go to the cheezyworld site And I select the first title link Then I should see the text from the first heading @mobile Scenario: Creating an iPhone browser using RDee configuration When I use RDee configuration to establish an ios10_2 mobile browser And I go to the cheezyworld site And I select the first title link Then I should see the text from the first heading