= 3.43.0 (2021-04-12) * Add host_authorization plugin, for checking that requests are submitted using an approved host (jeremyevans) = 3.42.0 (2021-03-12) * Make Roda.plugin support plugins using keyword arguments in Ruby 3 (jeremyevans) * Make Roda.use support middleware using keyword arguments in Ruby 3 (pat) (#207) * Support common_logger plugin :method option for specifying the method to call on the logger (fnordfish, jeremyevans) (#206) * Add recheck_precompiled_assets plugin for checking for updates to the precompiled asset metadata file (jeremyevans) * Make compile_assets class method in assets plugin use an atomic approach to writing precompiled metadata file (jeremyevans) = 3.41.0 (2021-02-17) * Improve view performance with :content option up to 3x by calling compiled template methods directly (jeremyevans) = 3.40.0 (2021-01-14) * Add freeze_template_caches! to the precompile_templates plugin, which ensures all templates are precompiled, and speeds up template access (jeremyevans) * Add precompile_views to the precompile_templates plugin, which precompiles the optimized render methods (jeremyevans) * Have RodaCache#freeze return the frozen internal hash (which no longer needs a mutex for thread-safety) (jeremyevans) * Speed up the view method in the render plugin even more when freezing the application (jeremyevans) * Speed up the view method in the render plugin when called with a single argument (jeremyevans) = 3.39.0 (2020-12-15) * Speed up relative_path plugin if relative_path or relative_prefix is called more than once (jeremyevans) * Avoid method redefinition warnings in verbose warning mode (jeremyevans) * Make typecast_params.convert! handle explicit nil values the same as missing values (jeremyevans) = 3.38.0 (2020-11-16) * Make error_email and error_mail plugins rescue invalid parameter errors when preparing the email body (jeremyevans) = 3.37.0 (2020-10-16) * Add custom_matchers plugin, for supporting arbitrary objects as matchers (jeremyevans) = 3.36.0 (2020-09-14) * Add multi_public plugin, for serving files from multiple public directories (jeremyevans) * Support report-to directive in the content_security_policy plugin (jeremyevans) * Add Vary response header when using type_routing plugin with Accept request header to prevent caching issues (jeremyevans) = 3.35.0 (2020-08-14) * Add r plugin for r method for accessing request, useful when r local variable is not in scope (jeremyevans) * Warn when loading a plugin with arguments or a block if the plugin does not accept arguments or block (jeremyevans) = 3.34.0 (2020-07-14) * Remove unnecessary conditionals (jeremyevans) * Allow loading the match_affix plugin with a single argument (jeremyevans) * Do not include pre/post context sections if empty in the exception_page plugin (jeremyevans) = 3.33.0 (2020-06-16) * Add :brotli option to public plugin to supplement it to serve brotli-compressed files like :gzip does for gzipped files (hmdne) (#194) * Add url method to path plugin, similar to path but returning the entire URL (jeremyevans) = 3.32.0 (2020-05-15) * Make :dependencies option in assets plugin work correctly with render plugin template caching (jeremyevans) (#191) * Support render method :dependencies option for specifying which files to check for modification (jgarth, jeremyevans) (#192) * Add each_partial to the partials plugin for rendering a partial for each element in an enumerable (jeremyevans) * Make render_each in render_each plugin handle template names with directories and extensions (jeremyevans) = 3.31.0 (2020-04-15) * Add :relative option to path method in path plugin, for generating a method returning relative paths (jeremyevans) * Add relative_path plugin, for turning absolute paths to paths relative to the current request (jeremyevans) = 3.30.0 (2020-03-13) * Support :relative_paths assets plugin option to use relative paths for the assets (jeremyevans) * Make run_append_slash and run_handler plugins work when used together (janko) (#185) * Make :header matcher in header_matchers plugin work for Content-Type and Content-Length (jeremyevans) (#184) = 3.29.0 (2020-02-14) * Remove specs and old release notes from the gem to reduce gem size by over 35% (jeremyevans) * Raise RodaError if trying to load a plugin that is not a module (jeremyevans) * Include SCRIPT_NAME when logging in common logger plugin (jeremyevans) * Handle invalid POST data when using the exception_page plugin (jeremyevans) = 3.28.0 (2020-01-15) * Add session_created_at and session_updated_at methods to the sessions plugin (jeremyevans) * Make upgrading from rack session cookie in sessions plugin work with rack 2.0.8 (jeremyevans) * Make json_parser parse request body as json even if request body has already been read (jeremyevans) = 3.27.0 (2019-12-13) * Allow json_parser return correct result for invalid JSON if the params_capturing plugin is used (jeremyevans) (#180) * Add multibyte_string_matcher plugin for matching multibyte characters (jeremyevans) * Split roda.rb into separate files (janko) (#177) = 3.26.0 (2019-11-18) * Combine multiple asset files with a newline when compiling them, avoiding corner cases with comments (ameuret) (#176) * Add asychronous streaming support to the streaming plugin (janko) (#175) = 3.25.0 (2019-10-15) * Support change in tilt 2.0.10 private API to continue to support compiled templates, with up to 33% performance improvement (jeremyevans) * Improve render performance with :locals option up to 75% by calling compiled template methods directly (jeremyevans) = 3.24.0 (2019-09-13) * Fix Proc.new warning in module_include plugin on Ruby 2.7+ (jeremyevans) * Improve render_each performance by calling compiled template methods directly (jeremyevans) = 3.23.0 (2019-08-13) * Make roda/session_middleware work if type_routing plugin is loaded into Roda itself (jeremyevans) (#169) * Handle requests with nothing before extension in the path in the type_routing plugin (jeremyevans) (#168) * Always show line number in exception_page output in exception_page plugin (jeremyevans) * Improve render/view performance up to 2x in development mode in the default case by calling compiled template methods directly (jeremyevans) = 3.22.0 (2019-07-12) * Improve render performance up to 4x in the default case by calling compiled template methods directly (jeremyevans) = 3.21.0 (2019-06-14) * Cache compiled templates in development mode, until the template files are modified (jeremyevans) = 3.20.0 (2019-05-16) * Set Content-Length header to 0 for empty 205 responses (jeremyevans) = 3.19.0 (2019-04-12) * Allow assets plugin :timestamp_paths option to be a string to specify a custom separator (jeremyevans) * Fix handling for blocks with arity > 1 where expected arity is 1 (jeremyevans) * Improve performance for handling blocks with arity 0 where expected arity is 1 by avoiding instance_exec (jeremyevans) * Improve terminal maching by around 4x (jeremyevans) * Improve symbol matching by 10-20% (jeremyevans) * Improve string matching by 10-20% (jeremyevans) * Automatically load the direct_call plugin when freezing if no middleware is used for better performance (jeremyevans) * Delay building rack app until Roda.app is called (jeremyevans) * Add hash_routes plugin for O(1) route dispatching at any level in the routing tree (jeremyevans) * Add support for per-cookie cipher secrets in the sessions plugin, and enable them by default (jeremyevans) * Add match_hook plugin for calling hooks when there is a successful match block (adam12) (#164) = 3.18.0 (2019-03-15) * Add direct_call plugin for making Roda.call skip middleware, allowing more optimization when dispatching routes (jeremyevans) * Improve performance of default_headers plugin by directly defining set_default_headers (jeremyevans) * Improve performance when freezing app if certain methods have not been overridden (jeremyevans) * Support :check_arity and :check_dynamic_arity app options for whether/how to check arity for blocks used to define methods (jeremyevans) * Improve performance of the status_handler plugin by using methods instead of instance_exec (jeremyevans) * Remove r.static_route method from the static_routing plugin (jeremyevans) * Improve performance of the static_routing plugin by using methods instead of instance_exec (jeremyevans) * Add support for the route_block_args plugin to the route_csrf plugin (jeremyevans) * Improve performance of the route_csrf plugin by using a method instead of instance_exec (jeremyevans) * Improve performance of the route_block_args plugin by using a method instead of instance_exec (jeremyevans) * Improve performance of the path plugin by using methods instead of instance_exec (jeremyevans) * Improve performance of the named_templates plugin by using methods instead of instance_exec (jeremyevans) * Improve performance of the multi_route plugin by using methods instead of instance_exec (jeremyevans) * Improve performance of the hooks plugin by using methods instead of instance_exec (jeremyevans) * Improve performance of the mail_processor plugin by using methods instead of instance_exec (jeremyevans) * Improve performance of the default_status plugin by directly defining the default_status method (jeremyevans) * Improve performance of class_level_routing plugin using methods instead of instance_exec (jeremyevans) * Do not have route_block_args plugin affect class_level_routes plugin (jeremyevans) * Integrate internal after hook with error_handler plugin (jeremyevans) * Improve performance of internal before and after hooks (jeremyevans) * Improve performance by using method instead of instance_exec for main route block (jeremyevans) * Add Roda.define_roda_method for defining instance methods instead of using instance_exec (jeremyevans) * Include cookie_options when clearing the cookie (#162, #163) (eiko, jeremyevans) = 3.17.0 (2019-02-15) * Improve performance in the common case for RodaResponse#finish (jeremyevans) * Support before hooks in the hooks plugin in the mailer and mail_processor plugins (jeremyevans) * Allow set_layout_opts in view_options plugin to override layout if render plugin :layout option is given (jeremyevans) * Add route_block_args plugin to control which arguments are yielded to the route block (jeremyevans, chrisfrank) (#159) = 3.16.0 (2019-01-18) * Add mail_processor plugin for processing mail using a routing tree (jeremyevans) = 3.15.0 (2018-12-14) * Support render plugin :escape option to be a string or array of strings and only add :escape option for those template engines (jeremyevans) (#158) * Add :skip_missing option to convert!/convert_each! in the typecast_params plugin to support not storing keys not present in params (jeremyevans) = 3.14.1 (2018-11-29) * SECURITY: content_for plugin no longer post-processes block result with template engine (jeremyevans) = 3.14.0 (2018-11-16) * Add :raise option to convert!/convert_each! in the typecast_params plugin to support not raising for missing keys (celsworth) (#153) * Do not persist convert!/convert_each! :symbolize setting in the typecast_params plugin (jeremyevans) = 3.13.0 (2018-10-12) * Make Stream#write in streaming plugin return number of bytes written instead of self, so it works with IO.copy_stream (jeremyevans) * Add exception_page plugin for showing a page with debugging information for a given exception (jeremyevans) * Make common_logger plugin handle raised errors (jeremyevans) = 3.12.0 (2018-09-14) * Add common_logger plugin for common log support (jeremyevans) = 3.11.0 (2018-08-15) * Disable default compression of sessions over 128 bytes in the sessions plugin (jeremyevans) * Log but otherwise ignore exceptions raised by after processing of error handler response (jeremyevans) * Modify internal before/after processing to avoid plugin load order issues (jeremyevans) = 3.10.0 (2018-07-18) * Remove flash key from session if new flash is empty when rotating flash (jeremyevans) * Speed up RodaRequest initialization by avoiding 1-2 method calls (jeremyevans) * Add roda/session_middleware (RodaSessionMiddleware), usable as a middleware by any Rack app to use Roda's session support (jeremyevans) * Add sessions plugin for more secure (encrypted+signed) sessions (jeremyevans) * Support :json_parser and :json_serializer application options as default implementations for parsing/serializing JSON (jeremyevans) * Add :handle_result option to middleware plugin for modifying rack result before returning it (jeremyevans) * Make the flash plugin work correctly when sessions are serialized with JSON (jeremyevans) * Make Integer in typecast_params handle Numeric input, and require that Numeric input not have fractional parts (jeremyevans) (#146) = 3.9.0 (2018-06-11) * Add route_csrf plugin for CSRF protection, offering more control, better security, and request-specific tokens compared to rack_csrf (jeremyevans) = 3.8.0 (2018-05-17) * Accept convert_each! :keys option that is Proc or Method in typecast_params plugin (jeremyevans) * Make convert_each! in typecast_params plugin handle hashes with '0'..'N' keys without :keys option (jeremyevans) = 3.7.0 (2018-04-20) * Make response_request plugin work with error_handler and class_level_routing plugins (jeremyevans) * Add content_security_policy plugin for setting an appropriate Content-Security-Policy header (jeremyevans) = 3.6.0 (2018-03-26) * Add :wrap option to json_parser plugin, for whether/how to wrap the uploaded JSON object (jeremyevans) (#142) * Add :early_hints option to the assets plugin, for supporting sending early hints for calls to assets (jeremyevans) * Add early_hints plugin for sending 103 Early Hint responses, currently only working on puma (jeremyevans) = 3.5.0 (2018-02-14) * Add request_aref plugin for configuring behavior of request [] and []= methods (jeremyevans) * Make public plugin not add Content-Type header when serving 304 response for gzipped file (jeremyevans) * Make content_for call with block convert block result to string before passing to tilt (jeremyevans) (#135) = 3.4.0 (2018-01-12) * Add middleware_stack plugin for removing middleware and inserting middleware before the end of the stack (jeremyevans) * Make head plugin handle closing existing response bodies if the body responds to close (Eric Wong) = 3.3.0 (2017-12-14) * Add typecast_params plugin for converting param values to explicit types (jeremyevans) = 3.2.0 (2017-11-16) * Use microseconds in assets plugin :timestamp_paths timestamps (jeremyevans) * Add timestamp_public plugin for serving static files with paths that change based on modify timestamp (jeremyevans) = 3.1.0 (2017-10-13) * Make set_layout_locals and set_view_locals in branch_locals plugin work when the other is not called (jeremyevans) * Add :timestamp_paths option to assets plugin to include timestamps in paths in non-compiled mode (jeremyevans) * Handle ExecJS::RuntimeUnavailable when testing for javascript compression support using uglifier (jeremyevans) * Remove deprecated Roda.thread_safe_cache and RodaRequest#placeholder_string_matcher? methods (jeremyevans) = 3.0.0 (2017-09-15) * Make defined symbol_matcher and hash_matcher match methods private (jeremyevans) * Use public_send instead of send unless calling private methods is expected (jeremyevans) * Compute multi_run regexp when freezing app to avoid thread safety issues at runtime (jeremyevans) * Remove deprecated support for using undefined multi_route namespaces when routing (jeremyevans) * Make it possible to reset :include_request options to false for json and json_parser plugins (jeremyevans) * Deprecate RodaRequest#placeholder_string_matcher? private method (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Roda.thread_safe_cache, use RodaCache directly (jeremyevans) * Make using an app as middleware always create a subclass of the app (jeremyevans) * Enable SHA256 subresource integrity by default in assets plugin (jeremyevans) * Make subclassing a roda app always inherit the render cache (jeremyevans) * Make :cache=>nil render plugin option still allow caching via :cache render method option (jeremyevans) * Make content_for plugin append to existing content by default (jeremyevans) * Make :host matcher in the header_matchers plugin always yield captures if given a regexp (jeremyevans) * Make :header matcher in the header_matchers plugin now always prefix header with HTTP_ (jeremyevans) * Remove deprecated support for locals handling at the plugin level in the render plugin (jeremyevans) * Remove deprecated support for handling locals in the view_options plugin (jeremyevans) * Remove deprecated support for :ext option in render plugin (jeremyevans) * Remove deprecated view_subdirs alias for view_options plugin (jeremyevans) * Remove deprecated support for EventMachine and Stream#callback method in the streaming plugin (jeremyevans) * Drop support for ruby 1.8.7 (jeremyevans) * Make using an unsupported matcher raise error by default (jeremyevans) * Make having a match/route block return an unsupported value raise error by default (jeremyevans) * Remove deprecated :format, :opt, and :optd symbol matchers in symbol_matchers plugin (jeremyevans) * Remove deprecated support for placeholders in string matchers (jeremyevans) * Remove deprecated constants and plugins (jeremyevans) = 2.29.0 (2017-08-16) * Deprecate accessing multi_route namespace when there are no routes (jeremyevans) * Deprecate additional internal constants (jeremyevans) * Respect :root app option when using :layout_opts=>:views render plugin option (jeremyevans) * Deprecate rendering templates outside of render plugin :allowed_paths option by default (jeremyevans) * Deprecate :cache=>nil/false render plugin option overriding :cache render/view method option (jeremyevans) * Deprecate using :header matcher in header_matchers plugin without :header_matcher_prefix app option (jeremyevans) * Deprecate using content_for multiple times with the same key in the content_for plugin unless :append plugin option is used (jeremyevans) * Deprecate use of :host matcher with regexp value in header_matchers plugin without :host_matcher_captures app option (jeremyevans) * Deprecate view_options plugin locals handling, move to the new branch_locals plugin (jeremyevans) * Deprecate render plugin locals handling, move to the new render_locals plugin (jeremyevans) * Deprecate the :ext render method and plugin option (jeremyevans) * Deprecate the view_subdirs plugin alias for the view_options plugin (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Stream#callback in the streaming plugin (jeremyevans) * Deprecate the automatic support for EventMachine in the streaming plugin (jeremyevans) * Deprecate static_path_info plugin, which has been a no-op in Roda 2 (jeremyevans) * Deprecate render plugin :escape option loading Erubis escaping support (jeremyevans) * Deprecate the per_thread_caching plugin (jeremyevans) * Deprecate the websockets plugin (jeremyevans) * Deprecate treating unsupported matchers as always matching (jeremyevans) * Deprecate ignoring unsupported match block return values (jeremyevans) * Deprecate the :format, :opt, and :optd default symbol matchers in the symbol_matchers plugin (jeremyevans) * Deprecate use of placeholders in string matchers by default, add placeholder_string_matchers plugin for it (jeremyevans) = 2.28.0 (2017-07-14) * Deprecate unneeded internal constants (jeremyevans) * Optimize for ruby 2.3+ using frozen string literals instead of constants (jeremyevans) * Move 303 default redirect status from sinatra_helpers to status_303 plugin, so it can be loaded separately (plujon) (#122) = 2.27.0 (2017-06-14) * Add class_matchers plugin for matching other classes (in addition to String/Integer), with user specified regexps and type conversion (jeremyevans) * Support String class matcher for non-empty segments, same behavior as symbol matchers but more intuitive and DRY (jeremyevans) * Support Integer class matcher for \d+ segments, yielding matched values as integers (jeremyevans) = 2.26.0 (2017-05-16) * Support :skip_middleware option to csrf plugin to add only the methods and not add the middleware (luciusgone) (#118) * Handle multiple types with matching suffixes in the type_routing plugin (e.g. tar.gz and gz) (tomdalling) (#117) = 2.25.0 (2017-04-18) * Add error_mail plugin, similar to error_email but using mail instead of net/smtp directly (jeremyevans) = 2.24.0 (2017-03-15) * Have h plugin use cgi/escape if available for faster escaping (jeremyevans) * Add disallow_file_uploads plugin for raising an exception if a multipart file upload is attempted (jeremyevans) * Add strip_path_prefix plugin for stripping prefixes off of internal absolute paths, making them relative paths (jeremyevans) * Add Roda.expand_path method to DRY up path expansion (jeremyevans) * Support :freeze_middleware option, which freezes all middleware instances when building the rack app (jeremyevans) * Allow middleware plugin to accept a block that will be used to configure the application when used as middleware (jeremyevans) * Support an options hash when loading the cookies plugin, that will be used as the defaults for setting and deleting cookies (mwpastore, jeremyevans) (#112) * Make the static_routing plugin work with the hooks plugin if the hooks plugin is loaded first (jeremyevans) (#110) * Do not modify the render plugin's cache if loading the plugin multiple times (jeremyevans) = 2.23.0 (2017-02-24) * Add :inherit_cache render plugin option, to create a copy of the cache for subclasses, instead of using an empty cache (jeremyevans) * In development mode, default to :explicit_cache=>true, :cache=>true instead of :cache=>false (jeremyevans) * Add :explicit_cache render plugin option, to only cache templates if the :cache option is given to render/view (jeremyevans) * Add error_email_content method to error_email plugin (jeremyevans) * Make error_email method in error_email plugin support non-exception arguments (jeremyevans) * Make Roda.freeze in the static_routing plugin return self (jeremyevans) = 2.22.0 (2017-01-20) * Add support for :verbatim_string_matcher option, for making all string matchers match verbatim (jeremyevans) * Add support for :unsupported_matcher => :raise option, for raising on unsupported matcher values (jeremyevans) * Add support for :unsupported_block_result => :raise option, for raising on unsupported route/match block return values (jeremyevans) = 2.21.0 (2016-12-16) * Add handle_stream_error method to streaming plugin, for handling errors when using stream(:loop=>true) (jeremyevans) = 2.20.0 (2016-11-13) * Support :escape=>:erubi option in the render plugin to use the erubi template engine (jeremyevans) = 2.19.0 (2016-10-14) * Don't add Content-Type/Content-Length headers for 1xx, 204, 205, 304 statuses (celsworth, jeremyevans) (#101, #102) * Optimize indifferent_params plugin when using Rack 2 (jeremyevans) * Fix assets_paths method in assets plugin when subresource integrity is used (jeremyevans, celsworth) * Make assets plugin depend on h plugin, instead of using Rack::Utils.escape_html (jeremyevans) * Make h plugin not escape / (celsworth, jeremyevans) (#100) = 2.18.0 (2016-09-13) * Add assets_preloading plugin, for creating link tags or Link header for preloading assets (celsworth, jeremyevans) (#98) * Add assets_paths method to assets plugin, for just the paths to the assets, instead of the full tags (celsworth) (#96) * Make type_routing plugin work correctly with public plugin (celsworth, jeremyevans) (#95) * Add static_routing plugin for 3-4x increase in performance for large numbers of static routes (jeremyevans) * Make head plugin work with not_allowed plugin if loaded after (jeremyevans) (#92) = 2.17.0 (2016-08-13) * Add :postprocessor option to assets plugin, for postprocessing assets (e.g. autoprefixing CSS) (celsworth) (#86) * Fix path passed to rack apps when using r.run and the type_routing plugin (jeremyevans) (#82) * Support :classes option to error_handler plugin for overriding which exception classes to rescue (jeremyevans) * Support :layout_opts=>:merge_locals option in render plugin for merging view template locals into layout template locals (jeremyevans) (#80) * Support :sri option to assets plugin to enable subresource integrity (jeremyevans) * Add run_append_slash plugin, so r.run uses "/" instead of "" for app's PATH_INFO (kenaniah) (#77) = 2.16.0 (2016-07-13) * Add type_routing plugin, for routing based on path extensions and Accept headers (Papierkorb, jeremyevans) (#75) * Add unescape_path plugin, for decoding URL-encoded PATH_INFO before routing (jeremyevans) (#74) * Add request_headers plugin, for simpler access to request headers (celsworth) (#72) = 2.15.0 (2016-06-13) * Add public plugin for r.public method for serving all files in the public directory (jeremyevans) * Make send_file in sinatra_helpers plugin work with Rack 2 (jeremyevans) * Make :header matcher prefixes the env key with HTTP_ if application :header_matcher_prefix option is set (timothypage, jeremyevans) (#69) * Add content_for plugin :append option to support appending to the existing content (evanleck, jeremyevans) (#66) = 2.14.0 (2016-05-13) * Add symbol_status plugin for using symbols as status codes (Papierkorb) (#65) * Make middleware plugin also run the application's middleware (jeremyevans) = 2.13.0 (2016-04-14) * Add :check_paths and :allowed_paths to render plugin options to avoid security issues with template rendering (jeremyevans) = 2.12.0 (2016-03-15) * Allow error handler access to the request's remaining_path (jeremyevans) * Add optimized_string_matchers plugin, containing optimized matchers for single string arguments (jeremyevans) * Optimize string matching code for strings without placeholders for up to a 60% performance increase (jeremyevans) * Optimize symbol matching code for up to a 60% performance increase (jeremyevans) = 2.11.0 (2016-02-16) * Support :scope option in render plugin, for specifying object in which to evaluate the template (jeremyevans) * Make minjs compressor support in assets plugin support latest version of Minjs (jeremyevans) * Add params_capturing plugin, for storing matcher captures in the request params (jeremyevans) = 2.10.0 (2016-01-15) * Do not override existing Content-Type header in json plugin (jeremyevans) * Add :content_type option to json plugin to override Content-Type header used (Kyrremann) (#58) * Add support for running with --enable-frozen-string-literal on ruby 2.3 (jeremyevans) * Add Streaming::Stream#write method so that IO.copy_stream will work (janko-m) (#56) = 2.9.0 (2015-12-15) * Support passing the content as a string argument instead of a block in the content_for plugin (badosu) (#52) = 2.8.0 (2015-11-16) * Add multi_view plugin for easily setting up routing for rendering multiple views (jeremyevans) * Make content_for plugin work with haml and potentially other non-erb template engines (plukevdh) (#50) = 2.7.0 (2015-10-13) * Add run_handler plugin for modifying rack response arrays when using r.run, and continuing routing for 404 responses (jeremyevans) * Add response_request plugin allowing response object access to request object (jeremyevans) * Add default_status plugin for overriding the default response status (celsworth) (#47) * Make RodaCache synchronize access on MRI (jeremyevans) * Support opts[:host_matcher_captures] = true to make :host=>/regexp/ matcher yield captures in the header_matchers plugin (jeremyevans) * Allow Roda.rewrite_path to take a block in the path_rewriter plugin (Freaky) (#45) = 2.6.0 (2015-09-14) * Add :params and :params! matchers to param_matchers plugin (jeremyevans) * Merge options when loading csrf plugin multiple times (jeremyevans) * Allow request.halt to work in before hooks in the hooks plugin (celsworth) (#38) = 2.5.1 (2015-08-13) * Allow multi_route and middleware plugins to work together (janko-m) (#36) = 2.5.0 (2015-07-14) * Make :by_name option to path plugin default to true in development (jeremyevans) * Add :cache_class option to render plugin, for customized template cache behavior (celsworth) (#34) * Add :compiled_asset_host option to assets plugin, to use a host for compiled assets (jeremyevans) * Allow r.multi_run to take a block that is called with the prefix before dispatching to the rack app (mikz) (#32) = 2.4.0 (2015-06-15) * Add websockets plugin, for integration with faye-websocket (jeremyevans) * Add status_handler plugin, similar to not_found but for any status code (celsworth) (#29) * Support Closure Compiler, Uglifier, and MinJS for compressing javascript in the assets plugin (jeremyevans) * Make Roda.plugin always return nil (jeremyevans) * Add :gzip option to assets plugin (jeremyevans) = 2.3.0 (2015-05-13) * Make assets plugin work better with json plugin when r.assets is the last method called in a route block (jeremyevans) (#27) * Support no_mail! method in the mailer plugin, for skipping an email (jeremyevans) * Add precompile_templates plugin, for saving memory when using a forking webserver (jeremyevans) * Document how to allow per-branch HTML escaping of <%= %> in the view_options plugin (jeremyevans) * Add :include_request option to json and json_parser plugins to include request in :serializer/:parser call (janko-m) (#26) * Optimize template cache lookup in render plugin when :cache_key is given (jeremyevans) * Add :engine_opts option to render plugin, for specifying per-template engine options (jeremyevans) * The render plugin and render/view :ext option is now replaced by the :engine option (jeremyevans) * Add path_rewriter plugin, for rewriting paths before routing (jeremyevans) * Add :cache_key option to render/view to explicitly set the template cache key (jeremyevans) * Don't cache templates if :template_block is given to render/view, unless :cache=>true is used (jeremyevans) * Add :cache option to render/view to force caching or not caching the template (jeremyevans) * Avoid rehashing hashes at runtime in plugins (jeremyevans) * Add heartbeat plugin for heartbeat support (jeremyevans) * Support :serializer option in json plugin (janko-m) (#21) * Add json_parser plugin, for parsing request bodies in JSON format (jeremyevans) = 2.2.0 (2015-04-13) * Add :escaper render plugin option to support custom escaping of <%= %> tags when :escape is used (jeremyevans) * Add :escape_safe_classes render plugin option, to not escape certain string subclasses when :escape is used (jeremyevans) * Split partials method from padrino_render plugin into partials plugin (kematzy) (#19) * Add shared_vars plugin, for sharing variables between multiple Roda apps (jeremyevans) * Add delay method to chunked plugin, for delaying a block execution until right before content template rendering (jeremyevans) * Have default Content-Type header when using the default_headers plugin (jeremyevans) * Add :by_name option to the path plugin, for registering classes by name, useful when reloading code (jeremyevans) * Add Roda.path_block to get the block related to the given class used for Road#path (jeremyevans) * Make Roda#path work correctly in subclasses (jeremyevans) = 2.1.0 (2015-03-13) * Have add_file in the mailer plugin support blocks, which are called after the file has been added (jeremyevans) * Add append_view_subdir to view_options, for appending to an existing view subdirectory (jeremyevans) * Rename view_subdirs plugin to view_options, add support for branch/route specific view/layout options/locals (jeremyevans) * Merge :locals set in the render plugin options into :locals provided in call to view/render (jeremyevans) * Add support for registering classes in the path plugin for use with Roda#path (jeremyevans) * Use :add_script_name app option as default for path method :add_script_name option in path plugin (jeremyevans) * Support :add_script_name app option in assets plugin, to prefix URLs with SCRIPT_NAME (jeremyevans) * Make r.multi_route in multi_route plugin work without any named routes defined (jeremyevans) * Add :static plugin, for more easily serving static files (jeremyevans) * Recognize Roda :root option in render and assets plugins (jeremyevans) * Make :layout=>false option in render plugin override previous layout template (jeremyevans) * Make add_file in the mailer plugin add the files after the email body instead of before (jeremyevans) = 2.0.0 (2015-02-13) * Allow Roda app to be used as a regular rack app even when using the middleware plugin (jeremyevans) * Make render plugin :layout option always be true or false (jeremyevans) * Make :layout=>true view option use the default layout (jeremyevans) * Make error_handler plugin rescue ScriptError in addition to StandardError (jeremyevans) * Make halt plugin integrate with symbol_views, json, and similar plugins (jeremyevans) * Add padrino_render plugin, adding render/partial methods that work similar to Padrino (jeremyevans) * Add Roda#render_template private method for template rendering, for use by plugins (jeremyevans) * Make Roda#initialize take env hash, #call take route_block, remove private #_route (jeremyevans) * Remove keep_remaining_path/update_remaining_path private request methods (jeremyevans) * Don't modify SCRIPT_NAME/PATH_INFO during routing, merging static_path_info plugin into core (jeremyevans) * Remove code deprecated in Roda 1.3.0 (jeremyevans) = 1.3.0 (2015-01-13) * Make static_path_info plugin restore original SCRIPT_NAME/PATH_INFO before returning from r.run (jeremyevans) * Add RodaMajorVersion, RodaMinorVersion, and RodaPatchVersion (jeremyevans) * Add delete_empty_headers plugin for deleting response headers that are empty before return response (jeremyevans) * Make freeze class method freeze internal data structures to avoid thread safety issues (jeremyevans) * Deprecate mutating plugin option hashes for chunked, default_headers, error_email, json, and render plugins (jeremyevans) * Fix subclassing app and using r.multi_run in subclass in multi_run plugin (jeremyevans) * Support :classes option in json plugin to set the classes to use (jeremyevans) * Improve performance in default_headers plugin by not duping the headers (jeremyevans) * Use :template_opts instead of :opts for providing options to the template in the render plugin (jeremyevans) * Support :match_header_yield Roda option in the header_matchers plugin, causing the :header match to yield the value (jeremyevans) * Move :param and :param! hash matchers to the param_matchers plugin (jeremyevans) * Add path_matchers plugin, for :extension, :prefix, and :suffix hash matchers (jeremyevans) * Move Roda.hash_matcher to hash_matcher plugin (jeremyevans) * Move Roda.request_module and .response_module to module_include plugin (jeremyevans) * Move RodaResponse#set_cookie and #delete_cookie to cookies plugin (jeremyevans) * Deprecate RodaRequest#full_path_info, use #path instead (jeremyevans) * Add class_delegate to the delegate plugin (jeremyevans) * Make not_found plugin clear headers for response if it is not found (jeremyevans) * Make error_handler plugin use a new response instead of reusing existing response (jeremyevans) * Make RodaResponse a subclass of Object instead of Rack::Response (jeremyevans) = 1.2.0 (2014-12-17) * Don't override explicit nil :default_encoding template option in the render plugin (jeremyevans) * Add remaining_path and matched_path request methods (jeremyevans) * Add slash_path_emty plugin, for considering a path of "/" as empty when doing a terminal match (jeremyevans) * Remove def_verb_method request class method (jeremyevans) * Support :add_script_name, :name, :url, and :url_only options when creating named paths in the path plugin (jeremyevans) * Add match_affix plugin, for overriding default prefix/suffix used in match patterns (jeremyevans) * Add empty_root plugin, for making root matcher also match empty string (jeremyevans) * Add roda_class instance methods to RodaRequest and RodaResponse, to DRY up plugin code (jeremyevans) * Add sinatra_helpers plugin, porting Sinatra::Helpers methods not covered by other plugins (jeremyevans) * Don't set the default headers until the response is finished (jeremyevans) * Add RodaRequest#default_redirect_status, so plugins can override the default status used for redirects (jeremyevans) * Add drop_body plugin, for automatically dropping body and Content-{Length,Type} headers based on response status (jeremyevans) * Add clear_middleware! class method, for clearing the current middleware (jeremyevans) * Add inherit_middleware class accessor, allowing users to turn off middleware inheritance (jeremyevans) * Add multi_run plugin, for dispatching to multiple rack applications based on the request path prefix (jeremyevans) * Add environments plugin, for handling development/test/production environments (jeremyevans) * Do not cache templates by default if RACK_ENV is development (jeremyevans) * Add delay_build plugin, to delay building the rack app until Roda.app is called (jeremyevans) * Add :user_agent hash matcher to the header_matchers plugin (jeremyevans) * Fix caching of templates in the render plugin when :opts or :template_class is used (jeremyevans) * Require loading the render plugin again if you want to change the default layout (jeremyevans) * Pass :css_opts and :js_opts as template options (via :opts) instead of render options when rendering (jeremyevans) * Only pass :opts hash to template class during rendering, instead of all render/view options (jeremyevans) * Support :template_class option in the render plugin for overriding template class to use (jeremyevans) * Automatically dup unfrozen Array/Hash opts values when subclassing (jeremyevans) * Add named_templates plugin, for creating inline templates by name, instead of storing them in the file system (jeremyevans) * Support :template option in for render/view to specify template to use, instead of requiring separate argument (jeremyevans) * Add class_level_routing plugin, for a DSL similar to Sinatra (jeremyevans) * Make RodaRequest.consume_pattern not capture pattern by default (jeremyevans) * Add static_path_info plugin, making Roda not modify PATH_INFO or SCRIPT_NAME during routing (jeremyevans) * Use local/instance variable lookups instead of method calls to improve performance (jeremyevans) * Add RodaRequest#session, and have #session delegate to that (jeremyevans) * Add delegate plugin, for easily creating methods that delegate to request or response (jeremyevans) * Add mailer plugin, allowing use of a routing tree for email instead of web responses (jeremyevans) = 1.1.0 (2014-11-11) * Add assets plugin, for rendering assets on the fly, or compiling them to a single compressed file (cj, jeremyevans) (#5) * Make InstanceMethods in plugins not include constants, as they would pollute the constant namespace (jeremyevans) * Make response.finish add the Content-Length header, not response.write (jeremyevans) * Add response.finish_with_body to override response body used (jeremyevans) * Use allocate instead of new in rack app (jeremyevans) * Add chunked plugin, for easy streaming of template responses using Transfer-Encoding: chunked (jeremyevans) * Add namespace support to the multi_route plugin, to support more complex applications (jeremyevans) * Make r.multi_route use named route return value if not passed a block (jeremyevans) * Make r.multi_route prefer longer route if multiple routes have the same prefix (jeremyevans) * Add caching plugin, for handling http caching (jeremyevans) * Support adding middleware after the route block has been added (jeremyevans) * Allow Roda subclasses to use route block from superclass (jeremyevans) * Have r.multi_route ignore non-String named routes (jeremyevans) * Pick up newly added named routes while running in the multi_route plugin, useful for development (jeremyevans) * Add path plugin, for named path support (jeremyevans) (#4) * Add error_email plugin, for easily emailing an error notification for an exception (jeremyevans) = 1.0.0 (2014-08-19) * Don't have :extension hash matcher force a terminal match (jeremyevans) * Add :content option to view method in render plugin to use given content instead of rendering a template (jeremyevans) * Add :escape option to render plugin for using erb templates where <%= %> escapes and <%== %> does not (jeremyevans) * Make multi_route plugin route("route_name") method a request method instead of an instance method (jeremyevans) * Add r.multi_route method to multi_route plugin, for dispatching to named route based on first segment in path (jeremyevans) * Allow non-GET requests to use r.redirect with no argument, redirecting to current path (jeremyevans) * Add head plugin, for handling HEAD requests like GET requests with an empty body (jeremyevans) * Optimize consuming patterns by using a positive lookahead assertion (jeremyevans) * Add not_allowed plugin, for automatically returning 405 Method Not Allowed responses (jeremyevans) * Optimize match blocks with no arguments (jeremyevans) * Add content_for plugin, for storing content in one template and retrieving it in another (jeremyevans) * Add render_each plugin, for rendering a template for each value in an enumerable (jeremyevans) * Add backtracking_array plugin, allowing array matchers to backtrack if later matchers do not match (jeremyevans) * Add :all hash matcher, allowing array matchers to include conditions where you want to match multiple conditions (jeremyevans) * Add json plugin, allowing match blocks to return arrays/hashes, returning JSON (jeremyevans) * Add view_subdirs plugin, for setting a subdirectory for views on a per-request basis (jeremyevans) * Allow default halt method to take no arguments, and use the current response (jeremyevans) * Add symbol_views plugin, allowing match blocks to return a template name symbol (jeremyevans) * Add per_thread_caching plugin, for using separate caches per thread instead of shared thread-safe caches (jeremyevans) * Add hash_matcher class method, for easily creating hash match methods (jeremyevans) * Add symbol_matchers plugin, for using symbol-specific matching regexps (jeremyevans) * Add csrf plugin for csrf protection using rack_csrf (jeremyevans) * Optimize r.is, r.get, r.post and similar methods by reducing the number of Array objects created (jeremyevans) * Support RequestClassMethods and ResponseClassMethods in plugins (jeremyevans) * Add Roda::RodaCache for a thread safe cache, currently used for match patterns, templates, and plugins (jeremyevans) * Optimize matching by caching consume regexp for strings, regexp, symbol, and :extension matchers (jeremyevans) * Add r.root for GET / requests, for easier to read version of r.get "" (jeremyevans) * Optimize r.is terminal matcher, remove :term hash matcher (jeremyevans) * Make flash plugin no longer depend on sinatra-flash (jeremyevans) * Move version file to roda/version so it can be required separately without loading dependencies (jeremyevans) = 0.9.0 (2014-07-30) * Initial public release