module S3CorsFileupload module FormHelper # Options: # :access_key_id The AWS Access Key ID of the owner of the bucket. # Defaults to the `Config.access_key_id` (read from the yaml config file). # # :acl One of S3's Canned Access Control Lists, must be one of: # 'private', 'public-read', 'public-read-write', 'authenticated-read'. # Defaults to `'public-read'`. # # :max_file_size The max file size (in bytes) that you wish to allow to be uploaded. # Defaults to `Config.max_file_size` or, if no value is set on the yaml file `524288000` (500 MB) # # :bucket The name of the bucket on S3 you wish for the files to be uploaded to. # Defaults to `Config.bucket` (read from the yaml config file). # # Any other key creates standard HTML options for the form tag. def s3_cors_fileupload_form_tag(options = {}, &block) policy_helper = # initialize the hidden form fields hidden_form_fields = { :key => '', 'Content-Type' => '', 'AWSAccessKeyId' => options[:access_key_id] || Config.access_key_id, :acl => policy_helper.options[:acl], :policy => policy_helper.policy_document, :signature => policy_helper.upload_signature, :success_action_status => '201' } # assume that all of the non-documented keys are _html_options = options.reject { |key, val| [:access_key_id, :acl, :max_file_size, :bucket].include?(key) } # return the form html construct_form_html(hidden_form_fields, policy_helper.options[:bucket], _html_options, &block) end alias_method :s3_cors_fileupload_form, :s3_cors_fileupload_form_tag private def build_form_options(options = {}) { :id => 'fileupload' }.merge(options).merge(:multipart => true, :authenticity_token => false) end # hidden fields argument should be a hash of key value pairs (values may be blank if desired) def construct_form_html(hidden_fields, bucket, html_options = {}, &block) # now build the html for the form form_text = form_tag("https://#{bucket}", build_form_options(html_options)) do do |name, value| hidden_field_tag(name, value) end.join.html_safe + " <!-- The fileupload-buttonbar contains buttons to add/delete files and start/cancel the upload --> <div class='row fileupload-buttonbar'> <div class='span7'> <button class='btn btn-success fileinput-button'> <i class='icon-plus icon-white'></i> <span>Add files...</span> ".html_safe + file_field_tag(:file, :multiple => true) + " </button> <button class='btn btn-primary start' type='submit'> <i class='icon-upload icon-white'></i> <span>Start upload</span> </button> <button class='btn btn-warning cancel' type='reset'> <i class='icon-ban-circle icon-white'></i> <span>Cancel upload</span> </button> <button class='btn btn-danger delete' type='button'> <i class='icon-trash icon-white'></i> <span>Delete</span> </button> <input class='toggle' type='checkbox'></input> </div> <div class='span5'> <!-- The global progress bar --> <div class='progress progress-success progress-striped active fade'> <div class='bar' style='width: 0%'></div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- The loading indicator is shown during image processing --> <div class='fileupload-loading'></div> <br> <!-- The table listing the files available for upload/download --> <table class='table table-striped' id='upload_files'> <tbody class='files' data-target='#modal-gallery' data-toggle='modal-gallery'></tbody> </table>".html_safe end form_text += capture(&block) if block form_text end end end