// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2010 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*globals throws */ var root, content, controller, extra, flattened; var TestObject = SC.Object.extend({ toString: function() { return "TestObject(%@)".fmt(this.get('title')); } }); module("SC.TreeController - tree_case", { setup: function() { // setup a basic tree content = [ TestObject.create({ title: "A", isExpanded: YES, outline: 0, children: [ TestObject.create({ title: "A.i", outline: 1 }), TestObject.create({ title: "A.ii", outline: 1, isExpanded: NO, children: [ TestObject.create({ title: "A.ii.1", outline: 2 }), TestObject.create({ title: "A.ii.2", outline: 2 }), TestObject.create({ title: "A.ii.3", outline: 2 })] }), TestObject.create({ title: "A.iii", outline: 1 })] }), TestObject.create({ title: "B", isExpanded: YES, outline: 0, children: [ TestObject.create({ title: "B.i", isExpanded: YES, outline: 1, children: [ TestObject.create({ title: "B.i.1", outline: 2 }), TestObject.create({ title: "B.i.2", outline: 2 }), TestObject.create({ title: "B.i.3", outline: 2 })] }), TestObject.create({ title: "B.ii", outline: 1 }), TestObject.create({ title: "B.iii", outline: 1 })] }), TestObject.create({ outline: 0, title: "C" })]; root = TestObject.create({ title: "ROOT", children: content, isExpanded: YES }); flattened = [ content[0], content[0].children[0], content[0].children[1], content[0].children[2], content[1], content[1].children[0], content[1].children[0].children[0], content[1].children[0].children[1], content[1].children[0].children[2], content[1].children[1], content[1].children[2], content[2]]; controller = SC.TreeController.create({ content: root, treeItemChildrenKey: "children", treeItemIsExpandedKey: "isExpanded", treeItemIsGrouped: YES }); }, teardown: function() { controller.destroy(); } }); test("arrangedObjects", function() { ok(controller.get('arangedObjects') !== controller, 'should have its own arrangedObjects'); var ao = controller.get('arrangedObjects'); equals(ao.get('length'), flattened.get('length'), 'arrangedObjects should have expected length'); var idx, len = flattened.get('length'); for(idx=0;idx