module PinPayment class Refund < Base attr_reader :token, :amount, :currency, :charge_token, :created_at def self.create options response = URI.parse(PinPayment.api_url).tap{|uri| uri.path = "/1/charges/#{options[:charge_token] || options['charge_token']}/refunds" }, {} ) do |charge| %w(token amount currency created_at error_message status_message).each do |key| charge.instance_variable_set("@#{key}", response[key]) end end end # TODO: API documentation only shows success as being "null" in the JSON # response, so not sure this is possible. All my refunds on the test site # end up in a "Pending" state so not entirely sure on this one. def success? @success == true end def status @status_message end def errors @error_message end end end