# frozen_string_literal: true require "set" require "securerandom" module Zeitwerk class Loader require_relative "loader/callbacks" include Callbacks # @return [String] attr_reader :tag # @return [#camelize] attr_accessor :inflector # @return [#call, #debug, nil] attr_accessor :logger # Absolute paths of the root directories. Stored in a hash to preserve # order, easily handle duplicates, and also be able to have a fast lookup, # needed for detecting nested paths. # # "/Users/fxn/blog/app/assets" => true, # "/Users/fxn/blog/app/channels" => true, # ... # # This is a private collection maintained by the loader. The public # interface for it is `push_dir` and `dirs`. # # @private # @return [{String => true}] attr_reader :root_dirs # Absolute paths of files or directories that have to be preloaded. # # @private # @return [] attr_reader :preloads # Absolute paths of files, directories, of glob patterns to be totally # ignored. # # @private # @return [Set] attr_reader :ignored # The actual collection of absolute file and directory names at the time the # ignored glob patterns were expanded. Computed on setup, and recomputed on # reload. # # @private # @return [Set] attr_reader :ignored_paths # A _shadowed file_ is a file managed by this loader that is ignored when # setting autoloads because its matching constant is taken. Either the # constant is already defined, or there exists an autoload for it. # # Think $LOAD_PATH and require, only the first occurrence of a given # relative name is loaded. # # This set keeps track of the absolute path of shadowed files, to be able to # skip them while eager loading. # # Note this cannot be implemented with do_not_eager_load because these # files are not autoloadable. # # @private # @return [Set] attr_reader :shadowed_files # Maps real absolute paths for which an autoload has been set ---and not # executed--- to their corresponding parent class or module and constant # name. # # "/Users/fxn/blog/app/models/user.rb" => [Object, "User"], # "/Users/fxn/blog/app/models/hotel/pricing.rb" => [Hotel, "Pricing"] # ... # # @private # @return [{String => (Module, String)}] attr_reader :autoloads # We keep track of autoloaded directories to remove them from the registry # at the end of eager loading. # # Files are removed as they are autoloaded, but directories need to wait due # to concurrency (see why in Zeitwerk::Loader::Callbacks#on_dir_autoloaded). # # @private # @return [] attr_reader :autoloaded_dirs # Constants paths that would be unloaded if you would reload. If reloading # is enabled, this hash is filled as constants are autoloaded or eager # loaded. Otherwise, the collection remains empty. # # @private # @return [{String => (String, (Module, String))}] attr_reader :to_unload # Maps constant paths of namespaces to arrays of corresponding directories. # # For example, given this mapping: # # "Admin" => [ # "/Users/fxn/blog/app/controllers/admin", # "/Users/fxn/blog/app/models/admin", # ... # ] # # when `Admin` gets defined we know that it plays the role of a namespace and # that its children are spread over those directories. We'll visit them to set # up the corresponding autoloads. # # @private # @return [{String => }] attr_reader :lazy_subdirs # Absolute paths of files or directories not to be eager loaded. # # @private # @return [Set] attr_reader :eager_load_exclusions # @private # @return [Mutex] attr_reader :mutex # @private # @return [Mutex] attr_reader :mutex2 def initialize @initialized_at = Time.now @tag = SecureRandom.hex(3) @inflector = Inflector.new @logger = self.class.default_logger @root_dirs = {} @preloads = [] @ignored = Set.new @ignored_paths = Set.new @autoloads = {} @autoloaded_dirs = [] @to_unload = {} @lazy_subdirs = {} @shadowed_files = Set.new @eager_load_exclusions = Set.new # TODO: find a better name for these mutexes. @mutex = Mutex.new @mutex2 = Mutex.new @setup = false @eager_loaded = false @reloading_enabled = false Registry.register_loader(self) end # Sets a tag for the loader, useful for logging. # # @return [void] def tag=(tag) @tag = tag.to_s end # Absolute paths of the root directories. This is a read-only collection, # please push here via `push_dir`. # # @return [] def dirs root_dirs.keys.freeze end # Pushes `paths` to the list of root directories. # # @param path [] # @raise [Zeitwerk::Error] # @return [void] def push_dir(path) abspath = File.expand_path(path) if dir?(abspath) raise_if_conflicting_directory(abspath) root_dirs[abspath] = true else raise Error, "the root directory #{abspath} does not exist" end end # You need to call this method before setup in order to be able to reload. # There is no way to undo this, either you want to reload or you don't. # # @raise [Zeitwerk::Error] # @return [void] def enable_reloading mutex.synchronize do break if @reloading_enabled if @setup raise Error, "cannot enable reloading after setup" else @reloading_enabled = true end end end # @return [Boolean] def reloading_enabled? @reloading_enabled end # Files or directories to be preloaded instead of lazy loaded. # # @param paths [>] # @return [void] def preload(*paths) mutex.synchronize do expand_paths(paths).each do |abspath| preloads << abspath do_preload_abspath(abspath) if @setup end end end # Configure files, directories, or glob patterns to be totally ignored. # # @param paths [>] # @return [void] def ignore(*paths) mutex.synchronize { ignored.merge(expand_paths(paths)) } end # @private # @return [void] def expand_ignored_glob_patterns # Note that Dir.glob works with regular file names just fine. That is, # glob patterns technically need no wildcards. ignored_paths.replace(ignored.flat_map { |path| Dir.glob(path) }) end # Sets autoloads in the root namespace and preloads files, if any. # # @return [void] def setup mutex.synchronize do break if @setup expand_ignored_glob_patterns non_ignored_root_dirs.each { |root_dir| set_autoloads_in_dir(root_dir, Object) } do_preload @setup = true end end # Removes loaded constants and configured autoloads. # # The objects the constants stored are no longer reachable through them. In # addition, since said objects are normally not referenced from anywhere # else, they are eligible for garbage collection, which would effectively # unload them. # # @private # @return [void] def unload mutex.synchronize do # We are going to keep track of the files that were required by our # autoloads to later remove them from $LOADED_FEATURES, thus making them # loadable by Kernel#require again. # # Directories are not stored in $LOADED_FEATURES, keeping track of files # is enough. unloaded_files = Set.new autoloads.each do |realpath, (parent, cname)| if parent.autoload?(cname) unload_autoload(parent, cname) else # Could happen if loaded with require_relative. require_relative is # not supported, and the cpath would escape `to_unload?`. This is # just defensive code to clean things up as much as we are able to. unload_cref(parent, cname) if cdef?(parent, cname) unloaded_files.add(realpath) if ruby?(realpath) end end to_unload.each_value do |(realpath, (parent, cname))| unload_cref(parent, cname) if cdef?(parent, cname) unloaded_files.add(realpath) if ruby?(realpath) end unless unloaded_files.empty? # Bootsnap decorates Kernel#require to speed it up using a cache and # this optimization does not check if $LOADED_FEATURES has the file. # # To make it aware of changes, the gem defines singleton methods in # $LOADED_FEATURES: # # https://github.com/Shopify/bootsnap/blob/master/lib/bootsnap/load_path_cache/core_ext/loaded_features.rb # # Rails applications may depend on bootsnap, so for unloading to work # in that setting it is preferable that we restrict our API choice to # one of those methods. $LOADED_FEATURES.reject! { |file| unloaded_files.member?(file) } end autoloads.clear autoloaded_dirs.clear to_unload.clear lazy_subdirs.clear shadowed_files.clear Registry.on_unload(self) ExplicitNamespace.unregister(self) @setup = false end end # Unloads all loaded code, and calls setup again so that the loader is able # to pick any changes in the file system. # # This method is not thread-safe, please see how this can be achieved by # client code in the README of the project. # # @raise [Zeitwerk::Error] # @return [void] def reload if reloading_enabled? unload setup else raise ReloadingDisabledError, "can't reload, please call loader.enable_reloading before setup" end end # Eager loads all files in the root directories, recursively. Files do not # need to be in `$LOAD_PATH`, absolute file names are used. Ignored files # are not eager loaded. You can opt-out specifically in specific files and # directories with `do_not_eager_load`. # # @return [void] def eager_load mutex.synchronize do break if @eager_loaded queue = non_ignored_root_dirs.reject { |dir| eager_load_exclusions.member?(dir) } while dir = queue.shift each_abspath(dir) do |abspath| next if eager_load_exclusions.member?(abspath) if ruby?(abspath) require abspath unless shadowed_files.member?(abspath) elsif dir?(abspath) queue << abspath end end end shadowed_files.clear autoloaded_dirs.each do |autoloaded_dir| Registry.unregister_autoload(autoloaded_dir) end autoloaded_dirs.clear @eager_loaded = true end end # Let eager load ignore the given files or directories. The constants # defined in those files are still autoloadable. # # @param paths [>] # @return [void] def do_not_eager_load(*paths) mutex.synchronize { eager_load_exclusions.merge(expand_paths(paths)) } end # Says if the given constant path would be unloaded on reload. This # predicate returns `false` if reloading is disabled. # # @param cpath [String] # @return [Boolean] def to_unload?(cpath) to_unload.key?(cpath) end # --- Class methods --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class << self # @return [#call, #debug, nil] attr_accessor :default_logger # @private # @return [Mutex] attr_accessor :mutex # This is a shortcut for # # require "zeitwerk" # loader = Zeitwerk::Loader.new # loader.tag = File.basename(__FILE__, ".rb") # loader.inflector = Zeitwerk::GemInflector.new # loader.push_dir(__dir__) # # except that this method returns the same object in subsequent calls from # the same file, in the unlikely case the gem wants to be able to reload. # # @return [Zeitwerk::Loader] def for_gem called_from = caller[0].split(':')[0] Registry.loader_for_gem(called_from) end # Broadcasts `eager_load` to all loaders. # # @return [void] def eager_load_all Registry.loaders.each(&:eager_load) end # Returns an array with the absolute paths of the root directories of all # registered loaders. This is a read-only collection. # # @return [] def all_dirs Registry.loaders.flat_map(&:dirs).freeze end end self.mutex = Mutex.new private # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @return [] def non_ignored_root_dirs root_dirs.keys.delete_if { |root_dir| ignored_paths.member?(root_dir) } end # @param dir [String] # @param parent [Module] # @return [void] def set_autoloads_in_dir(dir, parent) each_abspath(dir) do |abspath| cname = inflector.camelize(File.basename(abspath, ".rb"), abspath) if ruby?(abspath) autoload_file(parent, cname, abspath) elsif dir?(abspath) # In a Rails application, `app/models/concerns` is a subdirectory of # `app/models`, but both of them are root directories. # # To resolve the ambiguity file name -> constant path this introduces, # the `app/models/concerns` directory is totally ignored as a namespace, # it counts only as root. The guard checks that. autoload_subdir(parent, cname, abspath) unless root_dirs.key?(abspath) end end end # @param parent [Module] # @param cname [String] # @param subdir [String] # @return [void] def autoload_subdir(parent, cname, subdir) if autoload_path = autoload_for?(parent, cname) cpath = cpath(parent, cname) register_explicit_namespace(cpath) if ruby?(autoload_path) # We do not need to issue another autoload, the existing one is enough # no matter if it is for a file or a directory. Just remember the # subdirectory has to be visited if the namespace is used. (lazy_subdirs[cpath] ||= []) << subdir elsif !cdef?(parent, cname) # First time we find this namespace, set an autoload for it. (lazy_subdirs[cpath(parent, cname)] ||= []) << subdir set_autoload(parent, cname, subdir) else # For whatever reason the constant that corresponds to this namespace has # already been defined, we have to recurse. set_autoloads_in_dir(subdir, parent.const_get(cname)) end end # @param parent [Module] # @param cname [String] # @param file [String] # @return [void] def autoload_file(parent, cname, file) if autoload_path = autoload_for?(parent, cname) # First autoload for a Ruby file wins, just ignore subsequent ones. if ruby?(autoload_path) log("file #{file} is ignored because #{autoload_path} has precedence") if logger shadowed_files.add(file) else promote_namespace_from_implicit_to_explicit( dir: autoload_path, file: file, parent: parent, cname: cname ) end elsif cdef?(parent, cname) log("file #{file} is ignored because #{cpath(parent, cname)} is already defined") if logger shadowed_files.add(file) else set_autoload(parent, cname, file) end end # @param dir [String] directory that would have autovivified a module # @param file [String] the file where the namespace is explictly defined # @param parent [Module] # @param cname [String] # @return [void] def promote_namespace_from_implicit_to_explicit(dir:, file:, parent:, cname:) autoloads.delete(dir) Registry.unregister_autoload(dir) set_autoload(parent, cname, file) register_explicit_namespace(cpath(parent, cname)) end # @param parent [Module] # @param cname [String] # @param abspath [String] # @return [void] def set_autoload(parent, cname, abspath) # $LOADED_FEATURES stores real paths since Ruby 2.4.4. We set and save the # real path to be able to delete it from $LOADED_FEATURES on unload, and to # be able to do a lookup later in Kernel#require for manual require calls. realpath = File.realpath(abspath) parent.autoload(cname, realpath) if logger if ruby?(realpath) log("autoload set for #{cpath(parent, cname)}, to be loaded from #{realpath}") else log("autoload set for #{cpath(parent, cname)}, to be autovivified from #{realpath}") end end autoloads[realpath] = [parent, cname] Registry.register_autoload(self, realpath) # See why in the documentation of Zeitwerk::Registry.inceptions. unless parent.autoload?(cname) Registry.register_inception(cpath(parent, cname), realpath, self) end end # @param parent [Module] # @param cname [String] # @return [String, nil] def autoload_for?(parent, cname) strict_autoload_path(parent, cname) || Registry.inception?(cpath(parent, cname)) end # The autoload? predicate takes into account the ancestor chain of the # receiver, like const_defined? and other methods in the constants API do. # # For example, given # # class A # autoload :X, "x.rb" # end # # class B < A # end # # B.autoload?(:X) returns "x.rb". # # We need a way to strictly check in parent ignoring ancestors. # # @param parent [Module] # @param cname [String] # @return [String, nil] def strict_autoload_path(parent, cname) if autoload_path = parent.autoload?(cname) # Due to the use cases we have, we are done if parent is a Module. return autoload_path unless parent.is_a?(Class) # Since file and constant names match, if both parent and one of its # ancestors have an autoload for the same cname, their autoload paths # cannot be equal. return autoload_path unless parent.superclass.autoload?(cname) == autoload_path end end # This method is called this way because I prefer `preload` to be the method # name to configure preloads in the public interface. # # @return [void] def do_preload preloads.each do |abspath| do_preload_abspath(abspath) end end # @param abspath [String] # @return [void] def do_preload_abspath(abspath) if ruby?(abspath) do_preload_file(abspath) elsif dir?(abspath) do_preload_dir(abspath) end end # @param dir [String] # @return [void] def do_preload_dir(dir) each_abspath(dir) do |abspath| do_preload_abspath(abspath) end end # @param file [String] # @return [Boolean] def do_preload_file(file) log("preloading #{file}") if logger require file end # @param parent [Module] # @param cname [String] # @return [String] def cpath(parent, cname) parent.equal?(Object) ? cname : "#{parent.name}::#{cname}" end # @param dir [String] # @yieldparam path [String] # @return [void] def each_abspath(dir) Dir.foreach(dir) do |entry| next if entry.start_with?(".") abspath = File.join(dir, entry) yield abspath unless ignored_paths.member?(abspath) end end # @param path [String] # @return [Boolean] def ruby?(path) path.end_with?(".rb") end # @param path [String] # @return [Boolean] def dir?(path) File.directory?(path) end # @param paths [>] # @return [] def expand_paths(paths) Array(paths).flatten.map! { |path| File.expand_path(path) } end # @param message [String] # @return [void] def log(message) method_name = logger.respond_to?(:debug) ? :debug : :call logger.send(method_name, "Zeitwerk@#{tag}: #{message}") end def cdef?(parent, cname) parent.const_defined?(cname, false) end def register_explicit_namespace(cpath) ExplicitNamespace.register(cpath, self) end def raise_if_conflicting_directory(dir) self.class.mutex.synchronize do Registry.loaders.each do |loader| next if loader == self loader.dirs.each do |already_managed_dir| if dir.start_with?(already_managed_dir) || already_managed_dir.start_with?(dir) require "pp" raise Error, "loader\n\n#{pretty_inspect}\n\nwants to manage directory #{dir}," \ " which is already managed by\n\n#{loader.pretty_inspect}\n" EOS end end end end end # @param parent [Module] # @param cname [String] # @return [void] def unload_autoload(parent, cname) parent.send(:remove_const, cname) log("autoload for #{cpath(parent, cname)} removed") if logger end # @param parent [Module] # @param cname [String] # @return [void] def unload_cref(parent, cname) parent.send(:remove_const, cname) log("#{cpath(parent, cname)} unloaded") if logger end end end