require 'rack/test' describe Spotlight::ExhibitsController, type: :controller do routes { Spotlight::Engine.routes } let(:exhibit) { FactoryGirl.create(:exhibit) } before do allow(Spotlight::DefaultThumbnailJob).to receive(:perform_later) end describe 'when the user is not authorized' do before do sign_in FactoryGirl.create(:exhibit_visitor) end describe 'GET edit' do it 'denies access' do get :edit, params: { id: exhibit } expect(response).to redirect_to main_app.root_path expect(flash[:alert]).to be_present end end end describe 'when not logged in' do describe 'GET index' do it 'is allowed' do get :index expect(response).to be_success end end describe 'GET new' do it 'is not allowed' do get :new, params: { id: exhibit } expect(response).to redirect_to main_app.new_user_session_path end end describe 'GET edit' do it 'is not allowed' do get :edit, params: { id: exhibit } expect(response).to redirect_to main_app.new_user_session_path end end describe 'PATCH update' do it 'is not allowed' do patch :update, params: { id: exhibit } expect(response).to redirect_to main_app.new_user_session_path end end describe 'PATCH process_import' do it 'is not allowed' do patch :process_import, params: { id: exhibit } expect(response).to redirect_to main_app.new_user_session_path end end describe 'DELETE destroy' do it 'is not allowed' do delete :destroy, params: { id: exhibit } expect(response).to redirect_to main_app.new_user_session_path end end end describe 'when signed in as a site admin' do let(:user) { FactoryGirl.create(:site_admin) } before { sign_in user } describe 'GET new' do it 'is successful' do get :new expect(response).to be_successful end end describe 'POST create' do before do # decouple this test from needing solr running allow_any_instance_of(Spotlight::Search).to receive(:set_default_featured_image) end it 'is successful' do expect do post :create, params: { exhibit: { title: 'Some Title', slug: 'custom-slug', tag_list: '2014, R. Buckminster Fuller' } } change { Spotlight::Exhibit.count }.by(1) exhibit = Spotlight::Exhibit.last expect(response).to redirect_to(exhibit_dashboard_path(exhibit)) expect(exhibit.title).to eq 'Some Title' expect(exhibit.slug).to eq 'custom-slug' expect( eq ['2014', 'R. Buckminster Fuller'] expect(user.exhibits).to include exhibit end end end describe 'when signed in as an exhibit admin' do let(:user) { FactoryGirl.create(:exhibit_admin, exhibit: exhibit) } before { sign_in user } describe 'GET new' do it 'is not allowed' do get :new expect(response).to_not be_successful end end describe 'PATCH process_import' do it 'is successful' do expect_any_instance_of(Spotlight::Exhibit).to receive(:reindex_later).and_return(true) f ='foo') begin f.write '{ "title": "Foo", "subtitle": "Bar"}' f.rewind file =, 'application/json') patch :process_import, params: { id: exhibit, file: file } ensure f.close f.unlink end expect(response).to be_redirect assigns[:exhibit].tap do |saved| expect(saved.title).to eq 'Foo' expect(saved.subtitle).to eq 'Bar' end end end describe 'GET edit' do it 'is successful' do expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with('Home', exhibit) expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with('Configuration', exhibit_dashboard_path(exhibit)) expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with('General', edit_exhibit_path(exhibit)) get :edit, params: { id: exhibit } expect(response).to be_successful end end describe '#update' do it 'is successful' do patch :update, params: { id: exhibit, exhibit: { title: 'Foo', subtitle: 'Bar', description: 'Baz', contact_emails_attributes: { '0' => { email: '' }, '1' => { email: '' } } } } expect(flash[:notice]).to eq 'The exhibit was successfully updated.' expect(response).to redirect_to edit_exhibit_path(exhibit) assigns[:exhibit].tap do |saved| expect(saved.title).to eq 'Foo' expect(saved.subtitle).to eq 'Bar' expect(saved.description).to eq 'Baz' expect(saved.contact_emails.pluck(:email)).to eq ['', ''] end end it 'shows errors and ignore blank emails' do patch :update, params: { id: exhibit, exhibit: { title: 'Foo', subtitle: 'Bar', description: 'Baz', contact_emails_attributes: { '0' => { email: '' }, '1' => { email: 'naomi@' }, '2' => { email: '' } } } } expect(response).to be_successful assigns[:exhibit].tap do |obj| expect(obj.contact_emails.last.errors[:email]).to eq ['is not valid'] expect(obj.contact_emails.size).to eq 2 end end end describe '#destroy' do it 'is successful' do delete :destroy, params: { id: exhibit } expect(Spotlight::Exhibit.exists?( be_falsey expect(flash[:notice]).to eq 'The exhibit was deleted.' expect(response).to redirect_to main_app.root_path end end end end