module RubyLabs
=begin rdoc
== HashLab
The HashLab module has definitions of classes and methods used in the projects for Chapter 6
of Explorations in Computing. The module has methods used to compute hash functions,
simple stand-alone methods named +insert+ and +lookup+ to demonsstrate how hash functions work,
and a HashTable class for larger experiments with hash tables.
module HashLab
# When a hash table is drawn on the screen the +drawing+ attribute is set to a
# TableView struct that describes the drawing.
TableView =, :buckets, :nrows, :options)
# Default options for drawing a hash table on the canvas
@@tableOptions = {
:tableX => 20,
:tableY => 20,
:cellHeight => 15,
:cellYSpace => 2,
:cellWidth => 30,
:cellColor => :lightgray,
:textX => 70,
:maxRows => 26,
# Compute the wighted sum of the ordinal values of characters in a string, where the
# weight for a character is defined by its position in the string: the weight for the
# character +i+ positions from the right is 26**+i+. The numeric value of a character
# is determined by Fixnum#ord, an extension to the Fixnum class, which is defined in
# rubylabs.rb. Upper and lower case letters are mapped to integer from 0 to 25, while
# other characters are unchanged.
# Examples:
# >> radix26("be")
# => 30
# >> radix26("bee")
# => 784
# >> radix26("beetle")
# => 13792718
# >> radix26("beethoven")
# => 242419173737
# :begin :radix26
def radix26(s)
x = 0
s.each_char do |b|
x = x * 26 + b.iord
return x
# :end :radix26
# Trival hash function that uses only the first letter in the input string. +s+ is the
# string to hash, +n+ is the size of the hash table.
# Example:
# >> ?b.iord
# => 1
# >> h0("beer", 10)
# => 1
# :begin :h0
def h0(s, n)
return s[0].iord % n
# :end :h0
# A hash function that uses the first two letters in the input string, weighing the
# first letter by 26**1 = 26 and the second by 26**0 = 1. +s+ is the
# string to hash, +n+ is the size of the hash table.
# Example:
# >> ?b.iord * 26 + ?e.iord
# => 30
# >> h1("beer", 10)
# => 0
# :begin :h1
def h1(s, n)
return ((s[0].iord * 26) + s[1].iord) % n
# :end :h1
# A hash function based on the radix-26 representation of the full input string. +s+ is the
# string to hash, +n+ is the size of the hash table.
# Example:
# >> radix26("beer")
# => 20401
# >> hr("beer", 10)
# => 1
# :begin :hr
def hr(s, n)
return radix26(s) % n
# :end :hr
# Simple hash function used in the first project, to introduce the idea of hashing.
# Uses the first letter in tring +s+ to find where it would go in a table of
# size +n+ (which has a default value of 10).
# Example:
# >> ?z.iord
# => 25
# >> h("zymurgy")
# => 5
# >> h("zymurgy", 15)
# => 10
# :begin :h
def h(s, n = 10)
return s[0].iord % n
# :end :h
# Insert string +s+ into array +t+. The location for +s+
# is determined by the hash function implemented in method +h+.
# If +s+ can be added to +t+ (i.e. if there is no
# collision) return the location where +s+ is stored, otherwise return +nil+.
# This method is intended to be used to demonstrate how hash fucnctions
# work; for a more complete implementation see HashTable#insert.
# Example:
# >> t =
# => [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]
# >> insert("delta", t)
# => 3
# >> t
# => [nil, nil, nil, "delta", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]
# >> insert("derp", t)
# => nil
# :begin :insert
def insert(s, t)
i = h(s, t.length)
if t[i].nil?
t[i] = s
return i
return nil
# :end :insert
# Look for string +s+ in array +t+, returning the location where +s+ is stored
# if it is in the array, otherwise +nil+. If +s+ is in +t+ it will be in the
# row computed by the hash function implmeneted in method +h+.
# This method is for demonstrations of simple hash tables; for experiments
# use tHashTable#insert and #HashTable#lookup.
# Example:
# >> t
# => [nil, nil, nil, "delta", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]
# >> lookup("delta", t)
# => 3
# >> lookup("epsilon", t)
# => nil
# :begin :lookup
def lookup(s, t)
i = h(s, t.length)
if t[i] == s
return i
return nil
# :end :lookup
# Print a nicely formatted representation of table +t. The argument +t+ can be
# an array or a HashTable object. To make the table structure easier to see only
# non-empty rows are printed, one row per line. The row number is printed at the
# front of the line. The optional parameter +max+
# is the number of rows to print.
# Example:
# >> t
# => ["upsilon", nil, nil, "delta", "omega", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]
# >> print_table(t)
# 0: "upsilon"
# 3: "delta"
# 4: "omega"
# => nil
def print_table(t, max = nil)
t = t.table if t.class == HashTable
max = t.length unless max
max.times { |i| print_row(i, t[i] ) unless t[i].nil? }
return nil
# Helper method called by print_table. Print a row number followed
# by the contents of the row.
def print_row(n, row)
printf "%4d: %s\n", n, row.inspect
# Initialize the RubyLabs Canvas and draw a picture of hash table +t+.
# Subsequent calls to this table's +insert+ method will update the drawing
# to show where the new item is placed.
# Table drawing parameters can be passed as optional arguments. The defaults are:
# :tableX => 20
# :tableY => 20
# :cellHeight => 15
# :cellYSpace => 2
# :cellWidth => 30
# :cellColor => :lightgray
# :textX => 70
# :maxRows => 26
# Example: to make a drawing of a table +t+, showing only the first 10 rows and using
# light blue to show empty rows:
# >> view_table(t, :cellColor => :lightblue, :maxRows => 10)
# => true
def view_table(t, userOptions = {} )
options = @@tableOptions.merge(userOptions)
height = 2 * options[:tableX] + options[:maxRows] * (options[:cellHeight] + options[:cellYSpace] )
Canvas.init(400, height, "HashLab")'bucketfont', :family => 'Helvetica', :size => 11)
tbl = t.table
x0 = options[:tableX]
x1 = x0 + options[:cellWidth]
cells = []
buckets = []
nrows = min(tbl.size, options[:maxRows])
nrows.times do |i|
y0 = options[:tableY] + i * (options[:cellHeight] + options[:cellYSpace])
y1 = y0 + options[:cellHeight]
cells <<, y0, x1, y1)
if tbl[i]
buckets <<[i].join(", "), options[:textX], y0, {:font => :bucketfont})
cells[i].fill = 'white'
buckets << nil
cells[i].fill = options[:cellColor]
t.drawing =, buckets, nrows, options)
# sprintf "viewing table with %d cells, %d buckets", cells.length, buckets.length
return true
=begin rdoc
== HashTable
A HashTable object is an array of strings. When an object is created, it is
given a specified number of rows, and each row is initially empty. The class has methods
to add strings to the table, look to see if a string is in the table, and
various methods for displaying information about the table.
>> t =
=> #
>>, :cars).each { |x| t.insert(x) }
=> ["oldsmobile", "maserati", "porsche", "lotus", "saturn"]
>> puts t
2: ["porsche", "lotus"]
6: ["oldsmobile"]
7: ["saturn"]
8: ["maserati"]
=> nil
>> t.lookup("lotus")
=> 2
>> t.lookup("lexus")
=> nil
class HashTable
@@hash_functions = [:h0, :h1, :hr]
attr_reader :table
attr_accessor :drawing
# Make a hash table with +n+ rows. Each row is a bucket that will expand to
# hold new items that hash to that row.
# By default the hash function is the one implemented by the method
# +hr+. The optional parameter is a symbol specifying
# an alternative hash function, either :h0 or :h1.
def initialize(n, f = :hr)
raise "HashTable: hash function must be one of #{@@hash_functions.inspect}" unless @@hash_functions.include?(f)
@table =
@hash = f
# Look up string +s+ in the table. Return the row number where +s+ is found, or
# +nil+ if +s+ is not in the table.
def lookup(s)
i = send(@hash, s, @table.length)
return ( @table[i] && @table[i].include?(s) ) ? i : nil
# Add string +s+ to the table. Collisions are resolved by appending +s+ to the
# end of the bucket in the row for +s+.
def insert(s)
i = send(@hash, s, @table.length)
@table[i] = if @table[i].nil?
@table[i] << s
if @drawing
options = @drawing.options
if @drawing.buckets[i]
# sprintf "adding '%s' to bucket %d", s, i
@drawing.buckets[i].update( @table[i].join(", ") )
# sprintf "new bucket for '%s' in row %d", s, i
y0 = options[:tableY] + i * (options[:cellHeight] + options[:cellYSpace])
@drawing.buckets[i] =[i].join(", "), options[:textX], y0, {:font => :bucketfont})
@drawing.cells[i].fill = 'white'
return i
# Call HashLab#print_table to display the contents of the table.
def to_s
# Return a string that contains essential information about a table
# (number of rows and the hash function used to insert or look up strings).
def inspect
sprintf '#', @table.size, @hash.to_s
# Print usage statistics for the table: the lengths of longest and shortest
# buckets, number of empty buckets, and mean bucket length.
def print_stats
max = 0
min = Float::MAX
nzero = 0
sum = 0
@table.each do |bucket|
n = bucket.nil? ? 0 : bucket.length
min = n if n < min
max = n if n > max
sum += n
nzero += 1 if n == 0
printf "shortest bucket: %d\n", min
printf "longest bucket: %d\n", max
printf "empty buckets: %d\n", nzero
if max > 0
printf "mean bucket length: %.2f\n", sum.to_f / (@table.length - nzero)
return nil
# Return a list of indices for buckets that have more than +cutoff+ entries.
def long_rows(cutoff = 5)
rows =
@table.each_with_index do |row, i|
rows << i if !row.nil? && row.length > cutoff
return rows
end # HashTable
end # HashLab
end # RubyLabs