require 'spec_helper' require 'gris/generators/migration_generator' require 'gris/cli' describe Gris::Generators::MigrationGenerator do include_context 'with generator' let(:migration_filename) { 'foo' } before do allow_any_instance_of(described_class).to receive(:migration_filename).and_return(migration_filename) end describe 'AddFooToBar flew:string:index brew:integer' do before do'migration', 'AddFooToBar', 'flew:string:index', 'brew:integer') expected_migration_file = File.join(generator_tmp_directory, 'foo.rb') @migration_code = end it 'creates a camelized migration class' do expect(@migration_code).to match(/class AddFooToBar/) end it 'adds the columns' do expect(@migration_code).to match(/add_column :bars, :flew, :string/) expect(@migration_code).to match(/add_column :bars, :brew, :integer/) end it 'adds the index on the correct column' do expect(@migration_code).to match(/add_index :bars, :flew/) end end describe 'RemoveFooFromBar flew:string brew:integer' do before do'migration', 'RemoveFooFromBar', 'flew:string', 'brew:integer') expected_migration_file = File.join(generator_tmp_directory, 'foo.rb') @migration_code = end it 'creates a camelized migration class' do expect(@migration_code).to match(/class RemoveFooFromBar/) end it 'removes the columns' do expect(@migration_code).to match(/remove_column :bars, :flew, :string/) expect(@migration_code).to match(/remove_column :bars, :brew, :integer/) end end describe 'CreateJoinTableFooBar foo bar' do before do'migration', 'CreateJoinTableFooBar', 'foo', 'bar') expected_migration_file = File.join(generator_tmp_directory, 'foo.rb') @migration_code = end it 'creates a camelized migration class' do expect(@migration_code).to match(/class CreateJoinTableFooBar/) end it 'creates the join table' do expect(@migration_code).to match(/create_join_table :foos, :bars/) end it 'adds placeholders for the indexing' do expect(@migration_code).to match(/# t.index \[:foo_id, :bar_id\]/) expect(@migration_code).to match(/# t.index \[:bar_id, :foo_id\]/) end end describe 'CreateSkrillex drops:integer hair:string:index' do before do'migration', 'CreateSkrillex', 'drops:integer', 'hair:string:index') expected_migration_file = File.join(generator_tmp_directory, 'foo.rb') @migration_code = end it 'creates a camelized migration class' do expect(@migration_code).to match(/class CreateSkrillex/) end it 'creates the table' do expect(@migration_code).to match(/create_table :skrillexes/) end it 'adds the columns' do expect(@migration_code).to match(/t.integer :drops/) expect(@migration_code).to match(/t.string :hair/) end it 'adds the index on the correct column' do expect(@migration_code).to match(/add_index :skrillexes, :hair/) end end end