class Syncano module ActiveRecord # Module with callbacks functionality for Syncano::ActiveRecord module Callbacks extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do # Defines chains for all types of callbacks [:validation, :save, :create, :update, :destroy].each do |action| [:before, :after].each do |type| chain_name = "#{type}_#{action}_callbacks" class_attribute chain_name send("#{chain_name}=", []) end end end # Class methods for Syncano::ActiveRecord::Callbacks module module ClassMethods private [:validation, :save, :create, :update, :destroy].each do |action| [:before, :after].each do |type| define_method("prepend_#{type}_#{action}") do |argument| send("#{type}_#{action}_callbacks").unshift(argument) end define_method("#{type}_#{action}") do |argument| send("#{type}_#{action}_callbacks") << argument end end end end # Processes callbacks with specified type # @param [Symbol, String] type def process_callbacks(type) if respond_to?("#{type}_callbacks") send("#{type}_callbacks").each do |callback_name| send(callback_name) end end end end end end