require 'rest_client' class Cloudinary::Api class Error < CloudinaryException; end class NotFound < Error; end class NotAllowed < Error; end class AlreadyExists < Error; end class RateLimited < Error; end class BadRequest < Error; end class GeneralError < Error; end class AuthorizationRequired < Error; end class Response < Hash attr_reader :rate_limit_reset_at, :rate_limit_remaining, :rate_limit_allowed def initialize(response) self.update(Cloudinary::Api.send(:parse_json_response, response)) @rate_limit_allowed = response.headers[:x_featureratelimit_limit].to_i @rate_limit_reset_at = Time.parse(response.headers[:x_featureratelimit_reset]) @rate_limit_remaining = response.headers[:x_featureratelimit_remaining].to_i end end def{}) call_api(:get, "ping", {}, options) end def self.usage(options={}) call_api(:get, "usage", {}, options) end def self.resource_types(options={}) call_api(:get, "resources", {}, options) end def self.resources(options={}) resource_type = options[:resource_type] || "image" type = options[:type] uri = "resources/#{resource_type}" uri += "/#{type}" unless type.blank? call_api(:get, uri, only(options, :next_cursor, :max_results, :prefix, :tags, :context, :moderations, :direction, :start_at), options) end def self.resources_by_tag(tag, options={}) resource_type = options[:resource_type] || "image" uri = "resources/#{resource_type}/tags/#{tag}" call_api(:get, uri, only(options, :next_cursor, :max_results, :tags, :context, :moderations, :direction), options) end def self.resources_by_moderation(kind, status, options={}) resource_type = options[:resource_type] || "image" uri = "resources/#{resource_type}/moderations/#{kind}/#{status}" call_api(:get, uri, only(options, :next_cursor, :max_results, :tags, :context, :moderations, :direction), options) end def self.resources_by_context(key, value=nil, options={}) resource_type = options[:resource_type] || "image" uri = "resources/#{resource_type}/context" params = only(options, :next_cursor, :max_results, :tags, :context, :moderations, :direction,:key,:value) params[:key] = key params[:value] = value call_api(:get, uri, params, options) end def self.resources_by_ids(public_ids, options={}) resource_type = options[:resource_type] || "image" type = options[:type] || "upload" uri = "resources/#{resource_type}/#{type}" call_api(:get, uri, only(options, :tags, :context, :moderations).merge(:public_ids => public_ids), options) end def self.resource(public_id, options={}) resource_type = options[:resource_type] || "image" type = options[:type] || "upload" uri = "resources/#{resource_type}/#{type}/#{public_id}" call_api(:get, uri, only(options, :colors, :exif, :faces, :image_metadata, :pages, :phash, :coordinates, :max_results), options) end def self.restore(public_ids, options={}) resource_type = options[:resource_type] || "image" type = options[:type] || "upload" uri = "resources/#{resource_type}/#{type}/restore" call_api(:post, uri, { :public_ids => public_ids }, options) end def self.update(public_id, options={}) resource_type = options[:resource_type] || "image" type = options[:type] || "upload" uri = "resources/#{resource_type}/#{type}/#{public_id}" update_options = { :tags => options[:tags] && Cloudinary::Utils.build_array(options[:tags]).join(","), :context => Cloudinary::Utils.encode_hash(options[:context]), :face_coordinates => Cloudinary::Utils.encode_double_array(options[:face_coordinates]), :custom_coordinates => Cloudinary::Utils.encode_double_array(options[:custom_coordinates]), :moderation_status => options[:moderation_status], :raw_convert => options[:raw_convert], :ocr => options[:ocr], :categorization => options[:categorization], :detection => options[:detection], :similarity_search => options[:similarity_search], :background_removal => options[:background_removal], :auto_tagging => options[:auto_tagging] && options[:auto_tagging].to_f } call_api(:post, uri, update_options, options) end def self.delete_resources(public_ids, options={}) resource_type = options[:resource_type] || "image" type = options[:type] || "upload" uri = "resources/#{resource_type}/#{type}" call_api(:delete, uri, delete_resource_params(options, :public_ids => public_ids ), options) end def self.delete_resources_by_prefix(prefix, options={}) resource_type = options[:resource_type] || "image" type = options[:type] || "upload" uri = "resources/#{resource_type}/#{type}" call_api(:delete, uri, delete_resource_params(options, :prefix => prefix), options) end def self.delete_all_resources(options={}) resource_type = options[:resource_type] || "image" type = options[:type] || "upload" uri = "resources/#{resource_type}/#{type}" call_api(:delete, uri, delete_resource_params(options, :all => true ), options) end def self.delete_resources_by_tag(tag, options={}) resource_type = options[:resource_type] || "image" uri = "resources/#{resource_type}/tags/#{tag}" call_api(:delete, uri, delete_resource_params(options), options) end def self.delete_derived_resources(derived_resource_ids, options={}) uri = "derived_resources" call_api(:delete, uri, { :derived_resource_ids => derived_resource_ids }, options) end # Delete derived resources identified by transformation for the provided public_ids # @param [String|Array] public_ids The resources the derived resources belong to # @param [String|Hash|Array] transformations the transformation(s) associated with the derived resources # @param [Hash] options # @option options [String] :resource_type ("image") # @option options [String] :type ("upload") def self.delete_derived_by_transformation(public_ids, transformations, options={}) resource_type = options[:resource_type] || "image" type = options[:type] || "upload" uri = "resources/#{resource_type}/#{type}" params = {:public_ids => public_ids}.merge(only(options, :invalidate)) params[:keep_original] = true params[:transformations] = Cloudinary::Utils.build_eager(transformations) call_api(:delete, uri, params, options) end def self.tags(options={}) resource_type = options[:resource_type] || "image" uri = "tags/#{resource_type}" call_api(:get, uri, only(options, :next_cursor, :max_results, :prefix), options) end def self.transformations(options={}) call_api(:get, "transformations", only(options, :next_cursor, :max_results), options) end def self.transformation(transformation, options={}) call_api(:get, "transformations/#{transformation_string(transformation)}", only(options, :next_cursor, :max_results), options) end def self.delete_transformation(transformation, options={}) call_api(:delete, "transformations/#{transformation_string(transformation)}", {}, options) end # updates - supports: # "allowed_for_strict" boolean # "unsafe_update" transformation params - updates a named transformation parameters without regenerating existing images def self.update_transformation(transformation, updates, options={}) params = only(updates, :allowed_for_strict) params[:unsafe_update] = transformation_string(updates[:unsafe_update]) if updates[:unsafe_update] call_api(:put, "transformations/#{transformation_string(transformation)}", params, options) end def self.create_transformation(name, definition, options={}) call_api(:post, "transformations/#{name}", { :transformation => transformation_string(definition) }, options) end # upload presets def self.upload_presets(options={}) call_api(:get, "upload_presets", only(options, :next_cursor, :max_results), options) end def self.upload_preset(name, options={}) call_api(:get, "upload_presets/#{name}", only(options, :max_results), options) end def self.delete_upload_preset(name, options={}) call_api(:delete, "upload_presets/#{name}", {}, options) end def self.update_upload_preset(name, options={}) params = Cloudinary::Uploader.build_upload_params(options) call_api(:put, "upload_presets/#{name}", params.merge(only(options, :unsigned, :disallow_public_id)), options) end def self.create_upload_preset(options={}) params = Cloudinary::Uploader.build_upload_params(options) call_api(:post, "upload_presets", params.merge(only(options, :name, :unsigned, :disallow_public_id)), options) end def self.root_folders(options={}) call_api(:get, "folders", {}, options) end def self.subfolders(of_folder_path, options={}) call_api(:get, "folders/#{of_folder_path}", {}, options) end def self.upload_mappings(options={}) params = only(options, :next_cursor, :max_results) call_api(:get, :upload_mappings, params, options) end def self.upload_mapping(name=nil, options={}) call_api(:get, 'upload_mappings', { :folder => name }, options) end def self.delete_upload_mapping(name, options={}) call_api(:delete, 'upload_mappings', { :folder => name }, options) end def self.update_upload_mapping(name, options={}) params = only(options, :template) params[:folder] = name call_api(:put, 'upload_mappings', params, options) end def self.create_upload_mapping(name, options={}) params = only(options, :template) params[:folder] = name call_api(:post, 'upload_mappings', params, options) end def self.create_streaming_profile(name, options={}) params = only(options, :display_name, :representations) params[:representations] = params[:representations].map do |r| {:transformation => Cloudinary::Utils.generate_transformation_string(r[:transformation])} end.to_json params[:name] = name call_api(:post, 'streaming_profiles', params, options) end def self.list_streaming_profiles call_api(:get, 'streaming_profiles', {}, {}) end def self.delete_streaming_profile(name, options={}) call_api(:delete, "streaming_profiles/#{name}", {}, options) end def self.get_streaming_profile(name, options={}) call_api(:get, "streaming_profiles/#{name}", {}, options) end def self.update_streaming_profile(name, options={}) params = only(options, :display_name, :representations) params[:representations] = params[:representations].map do |r| {:transformation => Cloudinary::Utils.generate_transformation_string(r[:transformation])} end.to_json call_api(:put, "streaming_profiles/#{name}", params, options) end # Update resources access mode. Resources are selected by the prefix # @param [String] access_mode the access mode to set the resources to # @param [String] prefix The prefix by which to filter applicable resources # @param [Object] options additional options # @option options [String] :resource_type ("image") the type of resources to modify # @option options [Fixnum] :max_results (nil) the maximum resources to process in a single invocation # @option options [String] :next_cursor (nil) provided by a previous call to the method def self.update_resources_access_mode_by_prefix(access_mode, prefix, options = {}) update_resources_access_mode(access_mode, :prefix, prefix, options) end # Update resources access mode. Resources are selected by the tag # @param [String] access_mode the access mode to set the resources to # @param [String] tag the tag by which to filter applicable resources # @param [Object] options additional options # @option options [String] :resource_type ("image") the type of resources to modify # @option options [Fixnum] :max_results (nil) the maximum resources to process in a single invocation # @option options [String] :next_cursor (nil) provided by a previous call to the method def self.update_resources_access_mode_by_tag(access_mode, tag, options = {}) update_resources_access_mode(access_mode, :tag, tag, options) end # Update resources access mode. Resources are selected by the provided public_ids # @param [String] access_mode the access mode to set the resources to # @param [Array] public_ids The prefix by which to filter applicable resources # @param [Object] options additional options # @option options [String] :resource_type ("image") the type of resources to modify # @option options [Fixnum] :max_results (nil) the maximum resources to process in a single invocation # @option options [String] :next_cursor (nil) provided by a previous call to the method def self.update_resources_access_mode_by_ids(access_mode, public_ids, options = {}) update_resources_access_mode(access_mode, :public_ids, public_ids, options) end protected def self.call_api(method, uri, params, options) cloudinary = options[:upload_prefix] || Cloudinary.config.upload_prefix || "" cloud_name = options[:cloud_name] || Cloudinary.config.cloud_name || raise("Must supply cloud_name") api_key = options[:api_key] || Cloudinary.config.api_key || raise("Must supply api_key") api_secret = options[:api_secret] || Cloudinary.config.api_secret || raise("Must supply api_secret") timeout = options[:timeout] || Cloudinary.config.timeout || 60 api_url = [cloudinary, "v1_1", cloud_name, uri].join("/") # Add authentication api_url.sub!(%r(^(https?://)), "\\1#{api_key}:#{api_secret}@") RestClient::Request.execute(:method => method, :url => api_url, :payload => params.reject { |k, v| v.nil? || v=="" }, :timeout => timeout, :headers => { "User-Agent" => Cloudinary::USER_AGENT }) do |response, request, tmpresult| return if response.code == 200 exception_class = case response.code when 400 then BadRequest when 401 then AuthorizationRequired when 403 then NotAllowed when 404 then NotFound when 409 then AlreadyExists when 420 then RateLimited when 500 then GeneralError else raise"Server returned unexpected status code - #{response.code} - #{response.body}") end json = parse_json_response(response) raise["error"]["message"]) end end def self.parse_json_response(response) return Cloudinary::Utils.json_decode(response.body) rescue => e # Error is parsing json raise"Error parsing server response (#{response.code}) - #{response.body}. Got - #{e}") end def self.only(hash, *keys) result = {} keys.each do |key| result[key] = hash[key] if hash.include?(key) result[key] = hash[key.to_s] if hash.include?(key.to_s) end result end def self.delete_resource_params(options, params ={}) params.merge(only(options, :keep_original, :next_cursor, :invalidate, :transformations)) end def self.transformation_string(transformation) transformation.is_a?(String) ? transformation : Cloudinary::Utils.generate_transformation_string(transformation.clone) end def self.update_resources_access_mode(access_mode, by_key, value, options = {}) resource_type = options[:resource_type] || "image" type = options[:type] || "upload" params = only(options, :next_cursor) params[:access_mode] = access_mode params[by_key] = value call_api("post", "resources/#{resource_type}/#{type}/update_access_mode", params, options) end end