jQuery.fn.getPath = function () { if (this.length != 1) throw 'Requires one element.'; var path, node = this; while (node.length) { var realNode = node[0], name = realNode.localName; if (!name) break; name = name.toLowerCase(); var parent = node.parent(); var siblings = parent.children(name); if (siblings.length > 1) { name += ':eq(' + siblings.index(realNode) + ')'; } path = name + (path ? '>' + path : ''); node = parent; } return path; }; var FamiliarityAdmin = function () { this.familiarityEditorialSet = {}; this.familiaritySaveUrl = '<%=Familiarity::Engine.routes.url_helpers.save_familiarities_path(format: :json)%>'; this.familiaritiesUrl = '<%= Familiarity::Engine.routes.url_helpers.familiarities_path(format: :json) %>'; } FamiliarityAdmin.familiaritySwitchBoard = function () { var familiarity_admin = new FamiliarityAdmin(); var switch_state = 'On'; $('div.familiaritySwitch').remove(); var _div = $('
Switch ' + switch_state + ' familiarity!
').click(function () { familiarity_admin.familiaritySwitch(switch_state); switch_state = (switch_state == "On") ? "Off" : "On"; $(this).html('
Switch ' + switch_state + ' familiarity!
'); }).appendTo($('body')); } FamiliarityAdmin.prototype = { findOrBuildPopup: function (selection_path, inner_text) { if (typeof(inner_text) == 'undefined') { inner_text = ""; } var _div = this.familiarityEditorialSet[selection_path]; if (_div == null) { var _div = $(''); //Adding 'Close' handler _div.children('a').click(function () { $(this).parents('div.familiarityPopUpEdit').hide(); }); //Populating textarea _div.children('textarea').val(inner_text); this.familiarityEditorialSet[selection_path] = _div; _div.appendTo($('body')); } $.each(this.familiarityEditorialSet, function (k, v) { v.hide(); }); return _div; }, startFamiliarizing: function () { var _current_object = this; $('.familiarityTag').bind("mouseenter.myFamiliarity", function (e) { var _this = $(this); var currentSelectionPath = _this.getPath(); // console.log(currentSelectionPath); _this.addClass('familiar-selector'); _this.parents().removeClass('familiar-selector'); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); }).bind("mouseleave.myFamiliarity", function (e) { var _this = $(this); var currentSelectionPath = _this.getPath(); _this.removeClass('familiar-selector'); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); }).bind("click.myFamiliarity", function (e) { var _this = $(this); var currentSelectionPath = _this.getPath(); var _left_position = _this.position().left; var _top_position = _this.position().top + _this.height(); var _div = _current_object.findOrBuildPopup(currentSelectionPath).css({ left: _left_position, top: _top_position }).show().children('textarea').focus(); // console.log(_this); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }); }, saveToBackEnd: function () { var _result_hash = {} $.each(this.familiarityEditorialSet, function (k, v) { if (v.children('textarea').val().trim().length > 0) { _result_hash[k] = v.children('textarea').val(); } }) jQuery.post(this.familiaritySaveUrl, { from_page: $(location).attr('pathname'), 'familiarity_hash': _result_hash }); }, stopFamiliarizing: function () { $('.familiarityTag').unbind('.myFamiliarity'); }, familiaritySwitch: function (i_switch) { if (i_switch == "Off") { this.stopFamiliarizing(); $('.familiarityPopUpEdit').hide(); if (confirm("Do you want to save the collected familiarity data?")) { this.saveToBackEnd(); } } $.each($('body *:not(.familiaritySwitch, .familiarityPopUpEdit)'), function (i, e) { if (i_switch == "On") { if ($(e).parents('.familiarityPopUpEdit').length <= 0) { $(e).addClass('familiarityTag'); } } else { $(e).removeClass('familiarityTag'); } }); if (i_switch == "On") { var _current_object = this; this.startFamiliarizing(); $.get(this.familiaritiesUrl, function (data) { var familiarity_hash = data[$(location).attr('pathname')] if (familiarity_hash == null) { familiarity_hash = {} } $.each(familiarity_hash, function (k, v) { _current_object.findOrBuildPopup(k, v); }); }); } } }