#encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' module Gherkin module Lexer shared_examples_for "a Gherkin lexer" do def scan(gherkin) @lexer.scan(gherkin) end describe "Comments" do it "should parse a one line comment" do scan("# My comment\n") @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:comment, "# My comment", 1], [:eof] ] end it "should parse a multiline comment" do scan("# Hello\n\n# World\n") @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:comment, "# Hello", 1], [:comment, "# World", 3], [:eof] ] end it "should not consume comments as part of a multiline name" do scan("Scenario: test\n#hello\n Scenario: another") @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:scenario, "Scenario", "test", "", 1], [:comment, "#hello", 2], [:scenario, "Scenario", "another", "", 3], [:eof] ] end it "should not consume comments as part of a multiline example name" do scan("Examples: thing\n# ho hum\n| 1 | 2 |\n| 3 | 4 |\n") @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:examples, "Examples", "thing", "", 1], [:comment, "# ho hum", 2], [:row, ["1","2"], 3], [:row, ["3","4"], 4], [:eof] ] end it "should allow empty comment lines" do scan("#\n # A comment\n #\n") @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:comment, "#", 1], [:comment, "# A comment", 2], [:comment, "#", 3], [:eof] ] end it "should not allow comments within the Feature description" do lambda { scan("Feature: something\nAs a something\n# Comment\nI want something") }.should raise_error(/Lexing error on line 4/) end end describe "Tags" do it "should not take the tags as part of a multiline name feature element" do scan("Feature: hi\n Scenario: test\n\n@hello\n Scenario: another") @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:feature, "Feature", "hi", "", 1], [:scenario, "Scenario", "test", "", 2], [:tag, "@hello", 4], [:scenario, "Scenario", "another", "", 5], [:eof] ] end end describe "Background" do it "should allow an empty background name and description" do scan("Background:\nGiven I am a step\n") @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:background, "Background", "", "", 1], [:step, "Given ", "I am a step", 2], [:eof] ] end it "should allow an empty background description" do scan("Background: Yeah\nGiven I am a step\n") @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:background, "Background", "Yeah", "", 1], [:step, "Given ", "I am a step", 2], [:eof] ] end it "should allow multiline descriptions ending at eof" do scan("Background: I have several\n Lines to look at\n None starting with Given") @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:background, "Background", "I have several", " Lines to look at\n None starting with Given", 1], [:eof] ] end it "should allow multiline descriptions, including whitespace" do scan(%{Feature: Hi Background: It is my ambition to say in ten sentences what others say in a whole book. Given I am a step}) @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:feature, "Feature", "Hi", "", 1], [:background, "Background", "It is my ambition to say", "in ten sentences\n what others say \nin a whole book.",2], [:step, "Given ", "I am a step", 6], [:eof] ] end end describe "Scenarios" do it "should be parsed" do scan("Scenario: Hello\n") @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:scenario, "Scenario", "Hello", "", 1], [:eof] ] end it "should allow whitespace lines after the Scenario line" do scan(%{Scenario: bar Given baz }) @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:scenario, "Scenario", "bar", "", 1], [:step, "Given ", "baz", 3], [:eof] ] end it "should allow multiline descriptions, including whitespace" do scan(%{Scenario: It is my ambition to say in ten sentences what others say in a whole book. Given I am a step }) @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:scenario, "Scenario", "It is my ambition to say", "in ten sentences\nwhat others say \n in a whole book.", 1], [:step, "Given ", "I am a step", 5], [:eof] ] end it "should allow multiline names ending at eof" do scan("Scenario: I have several\nLines to look at\n None starting with Given") @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:scenario, "Scenario", "I have several", "Lines to look at\nNone starting with Given", 1], [:eof] ] end it "should ignore gherkin keywords embedded in other words" do scan(%{Scenario: I have a Button Buttons are great Given I have some But I might not because I am a Charles Dickens character }) @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:scenario, "Scenario", "I have a Button", "Buttons are great", 1], [:step, "Given ", "I have some", 3], [:step, "But ", "I might not because I am a Charles Dickens character", 4], [:eof] ] end it "should allow step keywords in Scenario names" do scan(%{Scenario: When I have when in scenario I should be fine Given I am a step }) @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:scenario, "Scenario", "When I have when in scenario", "I should be fine", 1], [:step, "Given ", "I am a step", 3], [:eof] ] end end describe "Scenario Outlines" do it "should be parsed" do scan(<<-HERE) Scenario Outline: Hello With a description Given a cucumber Examples: With a name and a description |what| |green| HERE @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:scenario_outline, "Scenario Outline", "Hello", "With a description", 1], [:step, "Given ", "a cucumber", 3], [:examples, "Examples", "With a name", "and a description", 4], [:row, ["what"], 6], [:row, ["green"], 7], [:eof] ] end it "should parse with no steps or examples" do scan(%{Scenario Outline: Hello Scenario: My Scenario }) @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:scenario_outline, "Scenario Outline", "Hello", "", 1], [:scenario, "Scenario", "My Scenario", "", 3], [:eof] ] end it "should allow multiline description" do scan(<<-HERE) Scenario Outline: It is my ambition to say in ten sentences what others say in a whole book. Given I am a step HERE @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:scenario_outline, "Scenario Outline", "It is my ambition to say", "in ten sentences\n what others say \nin a whole book.", 1], [:step, "Given ", "I am a step", 5], [:eof] ] end end describe "Examples" do it "should be parsed" do scan(%{Examples: |x|y| |5|6| }) @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:examples, "Examples", "", "", 1], [:row, ["x","y"], 2], [:row, ["5","6"], 3], [:eof] ] end it "should parse multiline example names" do scan(%{Examples: I'm a multiline name and I'm ok f'real |x| |5| }) @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:examples, "Examples", "I'm a multiline name", "and I'm ok\nf'real", 1], [:row, ["x"], 4], [:row, ["5"], 5], [:eof] ] end end describe "Steps" do it "should parse steps with inline table" do scan(%{Given I have a table |a|b| }) @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:step, "Given ", "I have a table", 1], [:row, ['a','b'], 2], [:eof] ] end it "should parse steps with inline doc_string" do scan("Given I have a string\n\"\"\"\nhello\nworld\n\"\"\"") @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:step, "Given ", "I have a string", 1], [:doc_string, "hello\nworld", 2], [:eof] ] end end describe "A single feature, single scenario, single step" do it "should find the feature, scenario, and step" do scan("Feature: Feature Text\n Scenario: Reading a Scenario\n Given there is a step\n") @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:feature, "Feature", "Feature Text", "", 1], [:scenario, "Scenario", "Reading a Scenario", "", 2], [:step, "Given ", "there is a step", 3], [:eof] ] end end describe "A feature ending in whitespace" do it "should not raise an error when whitespace follows the Feature, Scenario, and Steps" do scan("Feature: Feature Text\n Scenario: Reading a Scenario\n Given there is a step\n ") @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:feature, "Feature", "Feature Text", "", 1], [:scenario, "Scenario", "Reading a Scenario", "", 2], [:step, "Given ", "there is a step", 3], [:eof] ] end end describe "A single feature, single scenario, three steps" do it "should find the feature, scenario, and three steps" do scan("Feature: Feature Text\n Scenario: Reading a Scenario\n Given there is a step\n And another step\n And a third step\n") @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:feature, "Feature", "Feature Text", "", 1], [:scenario, "Scenario", "Reading a Scenario", "", 2], [:step, "Given ", "there is a step", 3], [:step, "And ", "another step", 4], [:step, "And ", "a third step", 5], [:eof] ] end end describe "A single feature with no scenario" do it "should find the feature" do scan("Feature: Feature Text\n") @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:feature, "Feature", "Feature Text", "", 1], [:eof] ] end it "should parse a one line feature with no newline" do scan("Feature: hi") @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:feature, "Feature", "hi", "", 1], [:eof] ] end end describe "A multi-line feature with no scenario" do it "should find the feature" do scan("Feature: Feature Text\n And some more text") @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:feature, "Feature", "Feature Text", "And some more text", 1], [:eof] ] end end describe "A feature with a scenario but no steps" do it "should find the feature and scenario" do scan("Feature: Feature Text\nScenario: Reading a Scenario\n") @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:feature, "Feature", "Feature Text", "", 1], [:scenario, "Scenario", "Reading a Scenario", "", 2], [:eof] ] end end describe "A feature with two scenarios" do it "should find the feature and two scenarios" do scan("Feature: Feature Text\nScenario: Reading a Scenario\n Given a step\n\nScenario: A second scenario\n Given another step\n") @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:feature, "Feature", "Feature Text", "", 1], [:scenario, "Scenario", "Reading a Scenario", "", 2], [:step, "Given ", "a step", 3], [:scenario, "Scenario", "A second scenario", "", 5], [:step, "Given ", "another step", 6], [:eof] ] end it "should find the feature and two scenarios without indentation" do scan("Feature: Feature Text\nScenario: Reading a Scenario\nGiven a step\nScenario: A second scenario\nGiven another step\n") @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:feature, "Feature", "Feature Text", "", 1], [:scenario, "Scenario", "Reading a Scenario", "", 2], [:step, "Given ", "a step", 3], [:scenario, "Scenario", "A second scenario", "", 4], [:step, "Given ", "another step", 5], [:eof] ] end end describe "A simple feature with comments" do it "should find the feature, scenarios, steps, and comments in the proper order" do scan_file("simple_with_comments.feature") @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:comment, "# Here is a comment", 1], [:feature, "Feature", "Feature Text", "", 2], [:comment, "# Here is another # comment", 3], [:scenario, "Scenario", "Reading a Scenario", "", 4], [:comment, "# Here is a third comment", 5], [:step, "Given ", "there is a step", 6], [:comment, "# Here is a fourth comment", 7], [:eof] ] end it "should support comments in tables" do scan_file("comments_in_table.feature") @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:feature, "Feature", "x", "", 1], [:scenario_outline, "Scenario Outline", "x", "", 3], [:step, "Then ", "x is ", 4], [:examples, "Examples", "", "", 6], [:row, ["state"], 7], [:comment, "# comment", 8], [:row, ["1"], 9], [:eof] ] end end describe "A feature with tags everywhere" do it "should find the feature, scenario, step, and tags in the proper order" do scan_file("simple_with_tags.feature") @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:comment, "# FC", 1], [:tag, "@ft",2], [:feature, "Feature", "hi", "", 3], [:tag, "@st1", 5], [:tag, "@st2", 5], [:scenario, "Scenario", "First", "", 6], [:step, "Given ", "Pepper", 7], [:tag, "@st3", 9], [:tag, "@st4", 10], [:tag, "@ST5", 10], [:tag, "@#^%&ST6**!", 10], [:scenario, "Scenario", "Second", "", 11], [:eof] ] end end describe "Comment or tag between Feature elements where previous narrative starts with same letter as a keyword" do it "should lex this feature properly" do scan_file("1.feature") @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:feature, "Feature", "Logging in", "So that I can be myself", 1], [:comment, "# Comment", 3], [:scenario, "Scenario", "Anonymous user can get a login form.", "Scenery here", 4], [:tag, "@tag", 7], [:scenario, "Scenario", "Another one", "", 8], [:eof] ] end end describe "A complex feature with tags, comments, multiple scenarios, and multiple steps and tables" do it "should find things in the right order" do scan_file("complex.feature") @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:comment, "#Comment on line 1", 1], [:comment, "#Comment on line 2", 2], [:tag, "@tag1", 3], [:tag, "@tag2", 3], [:feature, "Feature", "Feature Text", "In order to test multiline forms\nAs a ragel writer\nI need to check for complex combinations", 4], [:comment, "#Comment on line 9", 9], [:comment, "#Comment on line 11", 11], [:background, "Background", "", "", 13], [:step, "Given ", "this is a background step", 14], [:step, "And ", "this is another one", 15], [:tag, "@tag3", 17], [:tag, "@tag4", 17], [:scenario, "Scenario", "Reading a Scenario", "", 18], [:step, "Given ", "there is a step", 19], [:step, "But ", "not another step", 20], [:tag, "@tag3", 22], [:scenario, "Scenario", "Reading a second scenario", "With two lines of text", 23], [:comment, "#Comment on line 24", 25], [:step, "Given ", "a third step with a table", 26], [:row, %w{a b}, 27], [:row, %w{c d}, 28], [:row, %w{e f}, 29], [:step, "And ", "I am still testing things", 30], [:row, %w{g h}, 31], [:row, %w{e r}, 32], [:row, %w{k i}, 33], [:row, ['n', ''], 34], [:step, "And ", "I am done testing these tables", 35], [:comment, "#Comment on line 29", 36], [:step, "Then ", "I am happy", 37], [:scenario, "Scenario", "Hammerzeit", "", 39], [:step, "Given ", "All work and no play", 40], [:doc_string, "Makes Homer something something\nAnd something else", 41 ], [:step, "Then ", "crazy", 45], [:eof] ] end end describe "Windows stuff" do it "should find things in the right order for CRLF features" do scan_file("dos_line_endings.feature") @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:comment, "#Comment on line 1", 1], [:comment, "#Comment on line 2", 2], [:tag, "@tag1", 3], [:tag, "@tag2", 3], [:feature, "Feature", "Feature Text", "In order to test multiline forms\r\nAs a ragel writer\r\nI need to check for complex combinations", 4], [:comment, "#Comment on line 9", 9], [:comment, "#Comment on line 11", 11], [:background, "Background", "", "", 13], [:step, "Given ", "this is a background step", 14], [:step, "And ", "this is another one", 15], [:tag, "@tag3", 17], [:tag, "@tag4", 17], [:scenario, "Scenario", "Reading a Scenario", "", 18], [:step, "Given ", "there is a step", 19], [:step, "But ", "not another step", 20], [:tag, "@tag3", 22], [:scenario, "Scenario", "Reading a second scenario", "With two lines of text", 23], [:comment, "#Comment on line 24", 25], [:step, "Given ", "a third step with a table", 26], [:row, %w{a b}, 27], [:row, %w{c d}, 28], [:row, %w{e f}, 29], [:step, "And ", "I am still testing things", 30], [:row, %w{g h}, 31], [:row, %w{e r}, 32], [:row, %w{k i}, 33], [:row, ['n', ''], 34], [:step, "And ", "I am done testing these tables", 35], [:comment, "#Comment on line 29", 36], [:step, "Then ", "I am happy", 37], [:scenario, "Scenario", "Hammerzeit", "", 39], [:step, "Given ", "All work and no play", 40], [:doc_string, "Makes Homer something something\r\nAnd something else", 41], [:step, "Then ", "crazy", 45], [:eof] ] end end describe "errors" do it "should raise a Lexing error if an unparseable token is found" do ["Some text\nFeature: Hi", "Feature: Hi\nBackground:\nGiven something\nScenario A scenario", "Scenario: My scenario\nGiven foo\nAand bar\nScenario: another one\nGiven blah"].each do |text| lambda { scan(text) }.should raise_error(/Lexing error on line/) end end it "should include the line number and context of the error" do lambda { scan("Feature: hello\nScenario: My scenario\nGiven foo\nAand blah\nHmmm wrong\nThen something something") }.should raise_error(/Lexing error on line 4/) end it "Feature keyword should terminate narratives for multiline capable tokens" do scan("Feature:\nBackground:\nFeature:\nScenario Outline:\nFeature:\nScenario:\nFeature:\nExamples:\nFeature:\n") @listener.to_sexp.should == [ [:feature, "Feature", "", "", 1], [:background, "Background", "", "", 2], [:feature, "Feature", "", "", 3], [:scenario_outline, "Scenario Outline", "", "", 4], [:feature, "Feature", "", "", 5], [:scenario, "Scenario", "", "", 6], [:feature, "Feature", "", "", 7], [:examples, "Examples", "","", 8], [:feature, "Feature", "", "", 9], [:eof] ] end end end end end